Anif, Salzburg: Friedhof (2 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Franziska zu Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst (1897-1989) - nobleman |
Karajan, Herbert von (1908-1989) - conductor |
Bad Ischl, Oberösterreich: Friedhof (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Lehár, Franz (1870-1948) - composer |
Spiel, Hilde (1911-1990) - writer, journalist |
Straus, Oscar (1870-1954) - composer |
Baden (near Wien), Niederösterreich: Helenenfriedhof (5 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Baltazzi, Heinrich (1858-1929) - officer, horseman |
Elisabeth, Erzherzogin von Österreich (1831-1903) - prince |
Holzschuh, Lizzi (1908-1979) - actor, singer |
Raul, Fred (1910-1985) - actor, director |
Rökk, Marika (1913-2004) - actor, dancer, vocalist |
Baden (near Wien), Niederösterreich: Stadtpfarrfriedhof St.Stephan (4 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Hassel, Katharina (1837-1905) - actor |
Klesheim, Anton, Baron (1812-1884) - poet, actor |
Lucca, Pauline (1841-1908) - opera singer |
Wagener, Hilde (1904-1992) - actor |
Eisenstadt, Burgenland: Bergkirche (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809) - composer |
Gmunden, Oberösterreich: Stadtfriedhof (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Gossmann, Friederike (1837-1906) - actor |
Pepöck, August (1887-1967) - composer, conductor, musical director |
Prokesch von Osten, Anton, Graf von (1837-1919) - military officer, entrepeneur, writer |
Graz, Steiermark: Evangelischer Friedhof St. Peter (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Fenyves, Alexander (1904-1975) - opera singer |
Lacher, Karl (1850-1908) - sculptor, museum director, art collector |
Reininghaus, Hans von (1867-1959) - inventor |
Graz, Steiermark: Grazer Zentralfriedhof (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Beer, Rudolf (1885-1938) - theatre manager, theatre director, actor |
Carl, Rudolf (1899-1987) - actor |
Rindt, Jochen Karl (1942-1970) - race car driver |
Graz, Steiermark: Katholischer Friedhof St. Peter (6 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Brandstetter, Hans (1854-1925) - sculptor |
Fryland, Alfons (1888-1953) - actor |
Jugo, Jenny (1904-2001) - actor |
Kreysler, Dorit (1909-1999) - actor |
Rintelen, Anton (1876-1946) - statesman, lawyer |
Soldat-Röger, Marie (1863-1955) - violinist |
Graz, Steiermark: Ortsfriedhof St. Peter (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Salloker, Angela (1913-2006) - actor |
Graz, Steiermark: St. Leonhard-Friedhof (12 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Ambrosi, Gustinus (1893-1975) - sculptor, poet |
Brunnlechner, Adolf (1863-1960) - painter |
Djavidan Hanum (1877-1968) - nobleman, painter, pianist |
Eichholzer, Herbert (1903-1943) - architect |
Ertler, Bruno (1889-1927) - poet, playwright, novelist |
Haynau, Julius Jacob, Freiherr von (1786-1853) - soldier |
Krafft-Ebing, Richard, Freiherr von (1840-1902) - psychiatrist |
Loisinger-Hartenau, Johanna, Gräfin (1865-1951) - opera singer, pianist |
Lorber, Jakob (1800-1864) - mystic, musician |
Pauluzzi, Daniel (1866-1956) - painter |
Prokesch von Osten, Anton, Graf von (1795-1876) - diplomat, general, statesman, author |
Turnograjska, Josipina (1833-1854) - author, poet, composer |
Graz, Steiermark: Steinfeldfriedhof (5 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Böhm, Karl (1894-1981) - conductor |
Linhard, Thea (1903-1981) - opera singer |
Muck, Karl (1859-1940) - conductor |
Stolz, Ida (1841-1903) - pianist, music teacher |
Stolz, Jakob (1832-1919) - composer, musician, music teacher |
Heiligenkreuz, Niederösterreich: cemetery of the monastery (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Vetsera, Mary (1871-1889) - royal mistress |
Innsbruck, Tirol: Friedhof Wilten (2 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Exl, Anna (1882-1969) - actor |
Exl, Ferdinand (1875-1942) - theatre manager, actor |
Innsbruck, Tirol: Hofkirche (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Hofer, Andreas (1767-1810) - rebel leader |
Innsbruck, Tirol: Westfriedhof (2 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Juch, Hermann (1908-1995) - theater manager, vocalist |
Katt, Geraldine (1920-1995) - actor |
Klagenfurt, Kärnten: Friedhof St. Martin (2 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Fauland, Herta (1929-2020) - actor |
Frank, Ellen (1904-1999) - actor, dancer |
Klosterneuburg, Niederösterreich: Friedhof Weidling (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph, Freiherr von (1774-1856) - orientalist, diplomat |
Leonding, Oberösterreich: Stadtfriedhof (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Hitler, Alois (1837-1903) - civil servant |
Linz, Oberösterreich: St. Barbara Friedhof (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Stifter, Adalbert (1805-1868) - writer, painter |
Maria Enzersdorf, Niederösterreich: Romantikerfriedhof (6 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Hasslinger-Hassingen, Johann von (1822-1898) - composer, organist, ministerial council |
Hell, Maximilian (1720-1792) - astronomer, priest |
Hübner, Alexander, Graf von (1811-1892) - diplomat, man of letters |
Kern, Hermann von (1838-1912) - painter |
Klinkowström, Friedrich August von (1778-1835) - officer, painter, educator |
Werner, Zacharias (1768-1823) - poet, dramatist, preacher |
Payerbach, Niederösterreich: Ortfriedhof (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Baltazzi, Alexander (1850-1914) - sportsman, running rider |
Baltazzi, Helena, Baroness Vetsera (1847-1925) - nobleman |
Vetsera, Franz Albin, Freiherr von (1872-1915) - soldier |
Perchtoldsdorf (near Wien), Niederösterreich: Friedhof (7 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Fronius, Hans (1903-1988) - painter, graphical artist |
Grengg, Maria (1888-1963) - writer, painter, illustrator |
Hyrtl, Auguste (1818-1901) - author |
Hyrtl, Joseph (1810-1894) - anatomist |
Kalous, Gret (1892-1975) - fashion designer |
Kalous, Josef (der Jüngere) (1887-1974) - painter |
Streich, Rita (1920-1987) - opera singer |
Pressbaum, Niederösterreich: Ortsfriedhof (2 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Corti, Egon Caesar, Conte (1886-1953) - biographer, historian |
Salzburg: Aigen Friedhof (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Derra de Moroda, Friderica (1897-1978) - dancer, choreographer, dance teacher |
Salzburg: Friedhof Morzg (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Blaschke, Hanns (1896-1971) - patent attorney, mayor |
Schmedes, Maria von (1917-2003) - singer, actor |
Sedlmayr, Hans (1896-1984) - art historian |
Salzburg: Kommunalfriedhof (18 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Bahr, Hermann (1863-1934) - author, critic |
Bahr-Mildenburg, Anna von (1872-1947) - soprano |
Haibel-Weber, Sophie (1763-1846) - singer |
Jung, Georg (1899-1957) - painter, author |
Kerber, Erwin (1891-1943) - theatre manager, director |
Lange-Weber, Aloisia (1761-1839) - singer |
Ledwinka, Franz (1883-1972) - composer, pianist, cellist |
Lux, Joseph August (1871-1947) - author, painter, dramatist |
Mattoni, André (1900-1985) - actor, producer |
Reich, Adolf (1887-1963) - painter |
Reitsch, Hanna (1912-1979) - pilot |
Resatz, Gustav (1903-1962) - sculptor |
Schiller, Elsa (1897-1974) - pianist, record producer |
Stern, Julia-Lotte (1897-1967) - vocalist |
Sutter, Sonja (1931-2017) - actor |
Taux, Alois (1817-1861) - composer, conductor |
Welz, Friedrich Maximilian (1903-1980) - art dealer |
Werner, Margot (1937-2012) - ballet dancer, chanson singer |
Salzburg: St. Petersfriedhof (7 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Denk, Berthe Marie (1881-1974) - socialite |
Haydn, Michael (1737-1806) - composer, organist |
Mayr, Richard (1877-1935) - opera singer |
Mozart, Maria Anna (1751-1829) - pianist, piano teacher |
Paumgartner, Bernhard (1887-1971) - conductor, composer, pedagogue |
Thorak, Josef (1889-1952) - sculptor, medalist |
Tomaselli, Giuseppe (1758-1836) - opera singer |
Salzburg: St. Sebastiansfriedhof (4 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Nissen, Georg Nikolaus (1761-1826) - diplomat, biographer, music historian |
Paracelsus, Theofrastus (1493-1541) - alchemist, physician, philosopher |
Weber, Constanze (1762-1842) - singer |
Weber, Genovefa (1764-1798) - singer, actor |
St. Wolfgang im Salzkammergut, Oberösterreich: Friedhof (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Benatzky, Ralph (1884-1957) - operetta composer |
Holl, Gussy (1888-1966) - actor, singer |
Jannings, Emil (1884-1950) - actor |
Velden am Wörthersee, Kärnten: Friedhof Selpritsch (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Hauff, Angelika (1922-1983) - actor |
Wals-Siezenheim, Salzburg: Friedhof Siezenheim (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Ludwig Viktor, Erzherzog von Österreich (1842-1919) - prince |
Wien: Alter Hietzinger Friedhof (removed) (1 person) (Details)
Korn, Wilhelmine (1786-1843) - actor |
Wien: Baumgartner Friedhof (8 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Binder, Franz "Bimbo" (1911-1989) - football player |
Gebauer, Olly (1908-1937) - actor |
Glossy, Blanka (1893-1952) - actor, singer, graphical artist |
Glossy, Karl (1848-1937) - theatre historian |
Gotzmann, Leo (1893-1945) - lawyer, police president, nazi |
Klimt, Ernst (1864-1892) - painter |
Mars, Mella (1880-1919) - vocalist, cabaret artist |
Moser, Anton (1872-1909) - opera singer |
Wien: Döblinger Friedhof (25 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Bettelheim, Anton (1851-1930) - man of letters |
Bettelheim-Gabillon, Helene (1857-1946) - author, salonière |
Cebotari, Maria (1910-1949) - opera vocalist, actor |
Devrient-Reinhold, Babette (1863-1940) - actor |
Diessl, Gustav (1899-1948) - actor |
Frey, Erik (1908-1988) - actor |
Gomperz-Bettelheim, Caroline von (1845-1925) - pianist, singer |
Haeussermann, Ernst (1916-1984) - theatre manager, director, film producer |
Hartmann, Ernst (1844-1911) - actor, director |
Hartmann-Schneeberger, Helene (1845-1898) - actor |
Hlavacek, Anton (1842-1926) - landscape painter |
Jodl, Friedrich (1849-1914) - philosopher, psychologist |
Kainz, Josef (1858-1910) - actor |
Loewe, Konrad (1856-1912) - actor, playwright |
Nicoletti, Susi (1918-2005) - actor |
Pauli-Basch, Hertha (1906-1973) - journalist, author, actress |
Saar, Ferdinand von (1833-1906) - poet, playwright |
Schmutzer, Ferdinand (1870-1928) - painter, engraver, photographer |
Skoda, Carl (1884-1918) - actor |
Sonnenthal, Adolf von (1834-1909) - actor, director |
Stöhr, Adolf (1855-1921) - philosopher, psychologist |
Veith, Eduard (1856-1925) - painter |
Weyr, Marie (1864-1903) - author, theatre critic, playwright |
Weyr, Rudolf (1847-1914) - sculptor |
Witt, Susi (1910-1989) - actor |
Wien: Dornbacher Friedhof (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Haid, Liane (1895-2000) - actor, dancer |
Reining, Maria (1903-1991) - singer |
Seidler von Feuchtenegg, Ernst (1862-1931) - statesman |
Wien: Evangelischer Friedhof Matzleinsdorf (24 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Anschütz, Heinrich (1785-1865) - actor, director, translator |
Anschütz-Butenop, Emilie (1795-1866) - actor |
Beckmann, Friedrich (1803-1866) - actor, director |
Beust, Friedrich Ferdinand, Graf von (1809-1886) - statesman |
Bruck, Karl Ludwig, Freiherr von (1796-1860) - statesman |
Canon, Hans von (1829-1885) - painter |
Christen, Ada (1839-1901) - poet, dramatist, actor |
Clairmont, Charles Gaulis (1795-1850) - teacher |
Enghaus, Christine (1817-1910) - actor |
Gabillon, Ludwig (1828-1896) - actor, director |
Gabillon-Würzburg, Zerline (1835-1892) - actor |
Haizinger, Amalie (1800-1884) - actor |
Hallenstein, Konrad Adolf (1835-1892) - actor |
Hebbel, Friedrich (1813-1863) - playwright |
Karlweiss, Oskar (1894-1956) - actor |
La Roche, Karl, Ritter von (1794-1884) - actor, vocalist, director |
Laube, Heinrich (1806-1884) - dramatist, novelist, theatre manager |
Müller, Robert (1887-1924) - essayist, novelist, journalist, publisher |
Rettich, Julie (1809-1866) - actor |
Rettich, Karl (1805-1878) - actor, director |
Sandrock, Adele (1864-1937) - actor |
Sandrock, Wilhelmine (1861-1948) - actor, singer |
Saphir, Moritz Gottlieb (1795-1858) - journalist, satirist |
Weininger, Otto (1880-1903) - psychologist |
Wien: Evangelischer Pfarrfriedhof Simmering (13 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Achsel, Wanda (1886-1977) - opera singer |
Blau, Tina (1845-1916) - painter |
Dillinger, Paula (1886-1905) - harpist |
Eibenschütz, Siegmund (1856-1922) - conductor, theatre manager |
Flöge, Emily (1874-1952) - fashion merchant |
Flöge, Helene (1871-1936) - milliner, fashion merchant |
Friedl, Fritz von (1901-1971) - camera man |
Haymerle, Friedrich von (1881-1969) - industrialist, composer |
Konetzni, Anny (1902-1968) - opera singer |
Kutschera, Tilly (1890-1920) - actor |
Noël, A. (1860-1916) - author |
Roller, Alfred (1864-1935) - scenographer, costume designer, painter, graphic artist |
Satter, Karl (1880-1949) - lawyer |
Wien: Feuerhalle Simmering (23 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Artmann, Hans Carl (1921-2000) - author, poet, translator |
Askonas, Paul (1872-1935) - actor |
Austerlitz, Friedrich (1862-1931) - journalist, politician |
Balajthy, Robert (1856-1924) - actor |
Bettauer, Hugo (1872-1925) - author, journalist |
Bloch-Bauer, Adele (1881-1925) - salonière |
Bloch-Bauer, Ferdinand (1864-1945) - sugar manufacturer |
Breitner, Hugo (1873-1946) - politician |
Danneberg, Robert (1885-1942) - politician |
Dirkens, Annie (1869-1942) - singer |
Eirich, Otto (1875-1934) - theatre publisher |
Ekstein, Rudolf (1912-2005) - psychoanalyst |
Ellenbogen, Wilhelm (1863-1951) - politician, physician |
Gielen, Josef (1890-1968) - actor, director, theatre manager |
Ilitsch, Daniza (1914-1965) - opera singer |
Knauer, Friedrich Karl (1850-1926) - zoologist |
Marr, Hans (1878-1949) - actor |
Pallenberg, Max (1877-1934) - actor |
Reich-Dörich, Fine (1894-1978) - opera singer |
Roda Roda, Alexander (1872-1945) - dramatist, novelist |
Selim, Josma (1884-1929) - singer, cabaret artist |
Steuermann, Rose (1891-1973) - actor |
Willner, Alfred Maria (1859-1929) - composer, librettist, journalist |
Wien: Friedhof Kagran (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Hohenberger, Franz (1867-1941) - painter |
Wien: Friedhof Kalksburg (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von (1874-1929) - dramatist, lyrical poet |
Wien: Friedhof Ober-St. Veit (2 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Schiele, Egon (1890-1918) - painter |
Stoessl, Otto (1875-1936) - writer |
Wien: Friedhof Ottakring (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Borsos, Franz (1907-1976) - operetta singer |
Wien: Friedhof Pötzleinsdorf (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Bleibtreu, Hedwig (1868-1958) - actor |
Krenn, Fritz (1887-1963) - opera singer |
Paulsen, Max (1876-1956) - actor, director |
Wien: Friedhof Rodaun (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Ortner, Norbert (1865-1935) - physician, clinic director, privy councillor |
Wien: Friedhof Sievering (8 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Degischer, Vilma (1911-1992) - actor |
Gerstl, Richard (1883-1908) - painter |
Gold, Käthe (1907-1997) - actor |
Karas, Anton (1906-1985) - zither player, composer |
Loos, Lina (1882-1950) - actor, writer |
Rüther, Leopoldine (1898-1981) - illustrator |
Thimig, Hermann (1890-1982) - actor |
Thimig, Hugo (1854-1944) - actor, theatre manager |
Wien: Gersthofer Friedhof (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Bartsch-Jonas, Marie (1884-1958) - opera singer |
Wien: Grinzinger Friedhof (24 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Aslan, Raoul Maria (1886-1958) - actor, theater manager |
Bergen, Anna Sofie (1857-1938) - singer, actor |
Besalla, Eugenie (1899-1993) - opera singer |
Delug, Alois (1859-1930) - painter |
Eberstaller, Richard (1887-1945) - judge, nazi |
Ferstel, Heinrich von (1828-1883) - architect |
Hamann, Brigitte (1940-2016) - historian, biographer |
Hörbiger, Attila (1896-1987) - actor |
Krottendorf, Ida (1927-1998) - actor |
Kupelwieser, Leopold (1796-1862) - painter |
Lauterbach, Frauke (1913-2004) - actor |
Mahler, Alma (1879-1964) - composer |
Mahler, Gustav (1860-1911) - composer, conductor |
Mahler, Justine (1868-1938) |
Marberg, Lili (1876-1962) - actor |
Mayerhofer, Elfie (1917-1992) - singer, actor |
Mitterwurzer, Friedrich (1844-1897) - actor, director |
Mitterwurzer, Wilhelmine (1848-1909) - actor |
Moll, Carl (1861-1945) - painter |
Rosé, Arnold (1863-1946) - violinist |
Servaes, Dagny (1894-1961) - actor |
Servaes, Evi (1922-2007) - actor |
Sicard von Sicardsburg, August (1813-1868) - architect |
Wessely, Paula (1907-2000) - actor |
Wien: Hadersdorf-Weidlingau Friedhof (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Brandt, Marianne (1842-1921) - opera singer, vocal teacher |
Hegele, Max (1873-1945) - architect |
Waldmüller, Lizzi (1904-1945) - actor, singer |
Wien: Heiligenstädter Friedhof (2 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Horváth, Ödön von (1901-1938) - playwright |
Schmid, Heinrich (1885-1949) - architect |
Wien: Hernalser Friedhof (8 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Ertl, Dominik (1857-1911) - composer |
Fischer, Betty (1887-1969) - operetta singer |
Hartmann, Otto (1904-1994) - actor |
Manas, Sylvia (1948-1977) - actor |
Poell, Alfred (1900-1968) - opera singer |
Rokitansky, Carl, Freiherr von (1804-1878) - pathologist |
Schönauer, Marianne (1920-1997) - actor |
Schörg, Gretl (1914-2006) - opera singer, actor |
Wien: Hietzinger Friedhof (99 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Agujari, Virginia (1879-1961) - author |
Anschütz, Rosa (1830-1909) - actor |
Auffenberg-Komarow, Moritz Freiherr von (1852-1928) - general, author |
Baltazzi, Eveline (1854-1901) - nobleman |
Benesch, Otto (1896-1964) - art historian |
Berg, Alban (1885-1935) - composer |
Beyer, Eugen (1882-1940) - general |
Bezecny, Josef, Freiherr von (1829-1904) - civil servant, banker, theatre manager |
Bogner-Fröhlich, Barbara (1797-1878) - singer, pianist, painter |
Böhm, Carlo (1917-1997) - actor |
Borsody, Eduard von (1898-1970) - film director, screenwriter |
Borsody, Julius von (1892-1960) - scenery designer |
Cléry, Jean-Baptiste (1759-1809) - valet |
Conrad von Hötzendorff, Franz (1852-1925) - field marshal |
Conrads, Heinz (1913-1986) - actor, cabaret artist, singer |
Dermota, Anton (1910-1989) - singer |
Dietrichstein, Moriz Joseph von (1775-1864) - officer |
Dollfuss, Engelbert (1892-1934) - statesman |
Dorris, Anita (1903-1993) - actor |
Dovsky, Beatrice (1866-1923) - novelist, poet, actor |
Duhan, Hans (1890-1971) - opera singer |
Eisenbach, Heinrich (1870-1923) - actor |
Elssler, Fanny (1810-1884) - ballet dancer |
Emo, E.W. (1898-1975) - film director |
Engerth, Eduard von (1818-1897) - painter |
Franul von Weißenthurn, Johanna (1772-1847) - actor, author |
Fröhlich, Anna (1793-1880) - singer, pianist, music teacher |
Fröhlich, Josefine (1803-1878) - singer |
Fröhlich, Katharina (1800-1879) - pianist |
Geyling, Remigius (1878-1974) - scenery designer, painter, illustrator |
Geyling, Rudolf (1839-1904) - painter |
Giampietro, Josef (1866-1913) - actor |
Glawatsch, Franz (1871-1928) - actor, operetta singer |
Granichstaedten, Bruno (1879-1944) - composer, author |
Grillparzer, Franz (1791-1872) - playwright, poet |
Hanak, Anton (1875-1934) - sculptor |
Harell, Marte (1907-1996) - actor |
Hartl, Karl (1899-1978) - director, actor |
Havel, Trude (1898-1985) - actor |
Hellmesberger, Georg (junior) (1830-1852) - composer, violinist |
Hellmesberger, Josef (senior) (1828-1893) - musical director, violinist, composer, conductor |
Hermann, Dagmar (1918-1997) - opera singer |
Hey, Peter (1914-1994) - actor, cabaret artist |
Hofner, Otto (1879-1946) - sculptor |
Jaray, Hans (1906-1990) - actor, director, playwright |
Josephi, Joseph (1852-1920) - operetta singer, actor |
Kalwoda, Karl (1896-1951) - actor |
Kamann, Karl (1899-1959) - opera singer |
Karczag, Lilly (1901-1981) - costume designer |
Karczag, Wilhelm (1857-1923) - theatre director, journalist, dramatist |
Kartousch, Louise (1886-1964) - actor |
Kerpen, Wilhelm, Freiherr von (1741-1823) - general |
Klimt, Gustav (1862-1918) - painter |
Klitsch, Wilhelm (1882-1941) - actor, director |
Koberwein-Anschütz, Auguste (1819-1895) - actor |
Kolisko, Alexander (1857-1918) - pathologist |
Kopácsi-Karczag, Julie (1867-1957) - operetta singer |
Kunz, Alfred (1894-1961) - scenery designer, costume designer |
Léon, Lizzy (1887-1918) |
Léon, Victor (1858-1940) - librettist, director |
Linda, Bertha (1850-1928) - dancer |
Loose-Kriso, Emmy (1914-1987) - singer |
Maran, Gustav (1854-1917) - actor, comedian |
Marischka, Ernst (1893-1963) - director |
Marischka, Franz (1918-2009) - director, actor, screenwriter |
Marischka, Hubert (1882-1959) - actor, director, theatre manager |
Medelsky, Lotte (1880-1960) - actor |
Menschik, Josef (1902-1980) - actor |
Metternich-Zichy, Melanie von (1832-1919) - nobleman |
Moser, Kolo (1868-1918) - designer, painter |
Nahowski, Anna (1860-1931) - royal mistress |
Nahowski, Helene (1885-1976) - opera singer |
Neugebauer, Alfred (1888-1957) - actor |
Neumayer, Rudolf (1887-1977) - financial expert, politician |
Obonya, Hanns (1922-1978) - actor |
Prack, Rudolf (1905-1981) - actor |
Prinster, Kathi (1811-1888) - companion |
Richter, Franz (1905-1973) - politician, nazi |
Schmidt-Gentner, Willy (1894-1964) - composer |
Schönaich, Franz von (1844-1916) - general, statesman |
Schratt, Katharina (1855-1940) - actor |
Stein, Carl Andreas (1797-1863) - piano maker, pianist, composer |
Stein, Matthäus Andreas (1776-1842) - piano maker |
Steinböck, Felix (1897-1974) - actor |
Stockau, Georg, Graf (1837-1922) - nobleman |
Tautenhayn, Carl (1871-1949) - composer |
Treffz, Jetty (1818-1878) - opera singer |
Ucicky, Gustav (1899-1961) - director, cameraman |
Varndal, Walter (1901-1993) - actor |
Vaugoin, Karl (1873-1949) - statesman |
Wagner, Otto (1841-1918) - architect |
Waldemar, Richard (1869-1946) - actor, operetta singer |
Waniek, Herbert (1897-1949) - actor, theatrical producer, opera director |
Weingartner-Marcell, Lucille (1877-1921) - opera singer |
Weis, Thea (1924-1999) - actor |
Wildauer, Mathilde (1820-1878) - actor, opera singer |
Wohlgemuth, Else, Gräfin Thun-Hohenstein (1881-1972) - actor |
Zsolnay, Paul (1895-1961) - publisher |
Zwerenz, Mizzi (1876-1947) - opera soubrette |
Wien: Hütteldorfer Friedhof (3 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Elisabeth, Erzherzogin von Österreich (1883-1963) - prince |
Kaizl, Therese (1871-1947) - actor |
Wessely, Josephine (1860-1887) - actor |
Wien: Kahlenbergerdorf Friedhof (1 person) (Details) (Location on map)
Mell, Marisa (1939-1992) - actor |
Wien: Kapuzinergruft (8 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Elisabeth von Bayern, Kaiserin von Österreich (1837-1898) - monarch |
Franz Joseph von Habsburg, Emperor of Austria (1830-1916) - monarch |
Karl, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Teschen (1771-1847) - nobleman, soldier |
Maria Theresia, Erzherzogin von Österreich (1717-1780) - monarch |
Marie Louise, Empress of France, Duchess of Parma (1791-1847) - royal consort |
Maximilian of Austria, emperor of Mexico (1832-1867) - monarch |
Rudolf von Habsburg, Crown Prince of Austria and Hungary (1858-1889) - prince |
Sophie von Bayern (1805-1872) - prince |
Wien: Marxer Friedhof (7 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg (1736-1809) - composer |
Korn, Maximilian (1782-1854) - actor |
Löwe, Julie (1786-1852) - actor |
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791) - composer |
Saar, Karl von (1797-1853) - miniature painter |
Scutta, Josefine (1795-1863) - actor |
Waldmüller, Katharina (1794-1850) - singer |
Wien: Neustift am Walde Friedhof (10 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Balser, Ewald (1898-1978) - actor, director |
Forst, Willi (1903-1980) - actor, director |
Holt, Hans (1909-2001) - actor |
Höngen, Elisabeth (1906-1997) - opera singer |
Mareich, Helmi (1924-2009) - actor |
Réthy, Esther (1912-2004) - opera singer |
Schneiderhan, Wolfgang (1915-2002) - violinist, concertmaster |
Seefried, Irmgard (1919-1988) - opera singer |
Thimig, Helene (1889-1974) - actor |
Zimmer, Grete (1922-2003) - actor |
Wien: Penzinger Friedhof (2 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Vesque von Püttlingen, Johann (1803-1883) - composer, singer, lawyer, diplomat |
Vogelsang, Karl, Freiherr von (1818-1890) - journalist, politician, social theorist |
Wien: Zentralfriedhof (151 persons) (Details) (Location on map)
Adamberger, Antonie (1790-1867) - actor |
Adams, John Quincy (1874-1933) - painter |
Albach-Retty, Rosa (1874-1980) - actor |
Albach-Retty, Wolf (1906-1967) - actor |
Almassy, Susanne von (1916-2009) - actor |
Alt, Franz (1821-1914) - painter, watercolourist |
Alt, Jakob (1789-1872) - painter, lithographer |
Alt, Rudolf, Ritter von (1812-1905) - painter, lithographer |
Andergast, Maria (1912-1995) - actor |
Angeli, Heinrich, Ritter von (1840-1925) - portraitist, graphical artist |
Anzengruber, Ludwig (1839-1889) - playwright |
Aubry, Blanche (1921-1986) - actor |
Baltazzi, Hector (1851-1916) - landowner, equestrian |
Baltazzi, Marie-Virginie (1848-1927) - nobleman |
Bauer, Alexander (1836-1921) - chemist |
Bauer-Lechner, Natalie (1858-1921) - violinist, feminist |
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827) - composer |
Berg, Smaragda (1886-1954) - pianist, répétiteur, piano teacher |
Bettac, Ulrich (1897-1959) - actor, theatre director |
Biedermann, Therese (1864-1942) - operetta singer, actor |
Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897) - composer, conductor |
Cartellieri, Carmen (1891-1953) - actor |
Charlemont, Eduard (1842-1906) - painter |
Chladek, Rosalia (1905-1995) - dancer, choreographer |
Csokor, Franz Theodor (1885-1969) - dramatist |
Czerny, Carl (1791-1857) - pianist, composer, piano teacher |
Delia, Regina (1840-1894) - actor |
Dessauer, Adolf (1849-1916) - banker, novelist |
Devrient, Max (1857-1929) - actor |
Dingelstedt, Franz (1814-1881) - dramatist, poet, theatre director, journalist |
Eis, Maria (1896-1954) - actor |
Eisenmenger, August (1830-1907) - painter |
Elssler, Hermine (1811-1895) - dancer, philanthropist |
Falco (1957-1998) - singer |
Farkas, Karl (1893-1971) - actor, humorist, director |
Fernkorn, Anton Dominik, Ritter von (1813-1878) - sculptor |
Friedrich-Materna, Amalie (1847-1918) - singer |
Gallmeyer, Josephine (1838-1884) - opera singer |
Geistinger, Marie (1833-1903) - operetta singer |
Gessner, Adrienne (1896-1987) - actor |
Girardi, Alexander (1850-1918) - actor |
Gluck, Christoph Willibald von (1714-1787) - composer |
Goldmark, Karl (1830-1915) - composer, violinist |
Greve, Senia Arnold (1890-1952) - opera singer |
Griepenkerl, Christian (1839-1916) - painter |
Gross, Jenny (1863-1904) - actor |
Grünfeld, Alfred (1852-1924) - pianist, composer |
Günther, Mizzi (1879-1961) - operetta singer, actor |
Gütersloh, Albert Paris (1887-1973) - painter, writer, actor, director, scenery builder |
Hansen, Theofil Eduard, Freiherr von (1813-1891) - architect |
Hanslick, Eduard (1825-1904) - music critic |
Hasenauer, Carl, Freiherr von (1833-1894) - architect |
Hetsey, Alice (1875-1939) - actor |
Hoffmann, Josef (1870-1956) - designer, architect |
Hohenfels-Berger, Stella, Freifrau von (1857-1920) - actor |
Holzmeister, Judith (1920-2008) - actor |
Hussa-Greve, Maria (1893-1980) - opera singer |
Jacobsson, Ulla (1929-1982) - actor |
Jarno, Josef (1866-1932) - actor, theatre manager |
Jellinek, Mercédès (1889-1929) - diplomat's daughter |
Jürgens, Curd (1912-1982) - actor |
Kallina, Anna (1874-1948) - actor |
Kallina, Elisabeth (1910-2004) - actor |
Kaufmann, Isidor (1853-1921) - painter |
Keller, Greta (1903-1977) - cabaret singer, actor |
Kolisch, Ignaz (1837-1889) - chess player, banker |
Konetzni, Hilde (1905-1980) - opera singer |
Konradi, Inge (1924-2002) - actor |
Kraus, Karl (1874-1936) - literary man, editor, satirist |
Krauss, Werner (1884-1959) - actor |
Kriehuber, Josef (1800-1876) - lithographer, painter |
Krones, Therese (1801-1830) - actor |
Kurz, Selma (1874-1933) - opera singer |
Kutschera, Rolf (1916-2012) - actor, theatre manager |
Kutschera, Viktor (1863-1933) - actor, director |
Lang, Lotte (1900-1985) - actor |
Langheim, Götz von (1928-2013) - actor |
Lanner, Joseph (1801-1843) - choir conductor, composer, violinist |
Latour, Théodore-François Baillet, Graf (1780-1848) - statesman |
Lauterböck, Helene (1895-1990) - actor |
Lehmann, Lotte (1888-1976) - opera singer, director, writer |
Lingen, Theo (1903-1978) - actor |
Link, Antonie (1853-1931) - operetta singer, actor |
Loos, Adolf (1870-1933) - architect, designer |
Lorenz, Max (1901-1975) - opera singer |
Lothar, Ernst (1890-1974) - director, theatre manager novelist |
Lutzer, Jenny (1816-1877) - opera singer, soubrette |
Makart, Hans (1840-1884) - painter |
Mardayn, Christl (1901-1971) - operetta singer |
Marlen, Trude (1912-2005) - actor |
Martinelli, Ludwig (1832-1913) - actor, director |
Martinelli-Seeberger, Louise (1847-1913) - actor |
Mataja, Emilie (1865-1938) - author |
Matejka-Felden, Gerda (1901-1984) - painter, teacher |
Mayen, Herta (1922-2015) - actor, dancer |
Merode, Karl, Freiherr von (1853-1909) - painter |
Minzenti, Maria (1898-1973) - actor |
Moser, Hans (1880-1964) - actor |
Nestroy, Johan Nepomuk (1801-1862) - writer, actor, vocalist |
Neumann-Viertel, Elisabeth (1900-1994) - actor |
Niese, Hansi (1875-1934) - actor |
Nowotny, Walter (1920-1944) - pilot |
Nüll, Eduard van der (1812-1868) - architect |
Oberländer, Helene (1877-1942) - opera singer |
Odilon, Helene (1865-1939) - actor |
Pabst, George Wilhelm (1885-1967) - director |
Paoli, Betty (1814-1894) - novelist, poet |
Paryla, Karl (1905-1996) - actor, director |
Pfeiffer, Ida (1797-1858) - world traveller, author |
Pichler, Karoline (1769-1843) - author, salonière |
Primavesi, Mäda (1874-1962) - actor |
Prutscher, Otto (1880-1949) - architect |
Rahl, Carl (1812-1865) - painter |
Raky, Hortense (1916-2006) - actor |
Romako, Anton (1832-1889) - painter |
Rysanek, Leonie (1926-1998) - singer |
Salieri, Antonio (1750-1825) - conductor, composer, musical director |
Schindler, Emil Jakob (1842-1892) - painter |
Schmidt, Franz (1874-1939) - composer, cellist |
Schnitzler, Arthur (1862-1931) - playwright, novelist |
Schönberg, Arnold (1874-1951) - composer |
Schreyvogel, Joseph (1768-1832) - writer |
Schubert, Franz (1797-1828) - composer |
Sedlmeyer, Else (1867-1946) - actor |
Seidler, Alma (1899-1977) - actor |
Skoda, Albin (1909-1961) - actor |
Stolz, Robert (1880-1975) - composer, conductor |
Strauss, Johann (The Elder) (1804-1849) - composer, conductor, violinist |
Strauss, Johann (The Younger) (1825-1899) - composer, conductor |
Streicher, Andreas (1761-1833) - piano manufacturer, pianist, composer |
Streicher, Johann Baptist (1796-1871) - piano manufacturer |
Streicher-Stein, Nanette (1769-1833) - pianist, composer, music teacher, writer, piano manufacturer |
Suppé, Franz von (1819-1895) - composer |
Szokoll, Carl (1915-2004) - army officer |
Viertel, Berthold (1885-1953) - author, dramatist, essayist, translator, film director |
Wagner, Antonie (1799-1879) - companion |
Wagner-Jauregg, Julius (1857-1940) - psychiatrist |
Welitsch, Ljuba (1913-1996) - soprano |
Werfel, Franz (1890-1945) - playwright, novelist |
Wiesenthal, Grete (1885-1970) - ballet dancer, choreographer |
Wilbrandt, Auguste (1843-1937) - actor, author |
Wildgans, Anton (1881-1932) - writer |
Wilt, Marie (1834-1891) - opera singer |
Wisinger-Florian, Olga (1844-1926) - painter, pianist |
Wolter, Charlotte (1834-1897) - actor |
Wotruba, Fritz (1907-1975) - sculptor |
Zemlinsky, Alexander von (1871-1942) - composer, conductor |
Ziffer-Teschenbruck, Mano (1888-1968) - director, painter, inventor |
Zoff, Marianne (1893-1984) - opera singer, actor |
Zumbusch, Kaspar, Ritter von (1830-1915) - sculptor, medallist |