Paryla, Karl |
BORN 12 Aug 1905, Wien - DIED 14 Jul 1996, Wien GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, Simmering (Gruppe 89, Reihe 18, Nummer 51 (Ehrengrab)) |
Karl Paryla grew up in poor circumstances, but he was able to study at the Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst, where Hans Jaray was a fellow student and became a close friend. Je debuted at the Raimundtheater in Vienna and from 1927 to 1933 he worked in several German cities. In 1933 he was engaged at the Theater in der Josefstadt in Vienna. His first wife was Eva Maria Steinmetz and in 1935 they had a son, Michael Paryla (d.1967). In 1936 he appeared in the movie "Burgtheater"). In 1938 he emigrated to Switzerland and in Zürich he was employed at the Schauspielhaus. In 1939 he married the actress Hortense Raky (1918-2006) and they had two sons. In Switzerland he became a marxist and after his return to Austria he joined the KPÖ in 1948. Together with Wolfgang Heinz he directed the Neue Theater in der Scala, but it was closed in 1956. He moved to East Berlin and later he worked for theatres in West Germany. In the 1980s he directed the performances of the Dario-Fo Street Theatre in Vienna. He worked until old age and in 1991 he staged "Die Kantine" by Wolfgang Bauer in Graz. In 1990 he was awarded the Nestroy Ring. He died in 1996 in Vienna. Family Wife: Raky, Hortense (1939-1996) Related persons was a friend of Jaray, Hans |
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Sources Karl Paryla - Wikipedia 87, Paryla Zentralfriedhof |