Dessauer, Adolf

BORN 12 Sep 1849, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen - DIED 2 Jan 1916, Wien
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, Simmering (Gruppe 50, Reihe 58, Nummer 01)

Adolf Dessauer was Jewish descent. He joined the Wiener Allgemeinen Depositenbank in 1872 and was a director from 1882 and vice president from 1909. In 1879 he married the opera singer Antonie Link. The painter Wilhelm Dessauer (1882-1943) was their son.

In 1888 his novel "Leonie" was published under the pseudonym Erwin Balder. In 1899 another novel, "Götzendienst" was subject to criticism by Karl Krauss. Further publications followed. He died in 1916 in Vienna.

• Wife: Link, Antonie (1879-1916)


The grave of Adolf Dessauer at the Zentralfriedhof in Vienna.
Picture by Androom (03 Sep 2022)


Adolf Dessauer - Wikipedia

Dessoulavy, Thomas

Published: 08 Feb 2024
Last update: 08 Feb 2024