Agujari, Virginia

BORN 27 Feb 1879, Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia - DIED 24 Nov 1961, Semmering, Niederösterreich
BIRTH NAME Agujari-Kárász, Virginia Laura Antonia
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Hietzinger Friedhof, Maxingstraße 15, Hietzing (Gruppe 37, Reihe 1, Nummer 1)

Virginia Agujari was the daughter of the portrait painter Tito Ajujari. She was an accomplished amateur pianist. When she was sixteen years old she married the inventor Hans von Reininghaus and they had six children. In January 1907 she met the widower Conrad von Hötzendorf at the house of Victor von Kalchberg. Von Hötzendorf had noticed her before in 1900 in Trieste. He started visiting her frequently and asked her to marry him in March 1907. She refused because of her children. But she admitted that she no longer loved her husband and in 1908 they started an affair.

In 1915 she was allowed to visit the head quarters of the army for four days so that she could be with him. Shortly afterwards Hans von Reininghaus asked for a divorce. As a catholic she wasn't allowed to re-marry and she converted to protestantism. On 19/10/1915 she married Von Hötzendorf at the Dorotheerkirche in Vienna. After the empire collapsed von Hötzendorf received only a small pension and they lived in a two room apartment in Innsbruck. To make some money she translated papers from the legacy of the Duke of Reichstadt from Italian to German for the author Karl Friedrich Nowak. Von Hötzendorf died in 1925 and in 1935 she published "Mein Leben mit Conrad von Hötzendorf - sein geistiges Vermächtnis".

• Husband: Conrad von Hötzendorff, Franz (1915-1925)
• Husband: Reininghaus, Hans von (1896-1915) (divorce or separation)


The grave of Franz Conrad von Hötzendorff at the Hietzing Cemetery in Vienna.
Picture by androom (15 Aug 2006)


Gina Conrad von Hötzendorf - Wikipedia

Ahlers, Annie

Published: 25 Nov 2021
Last update: 09 Oct 2022