Lauterböck, Helene

BORN 16 Jan 1895, Wien - DIED 13 Mar 1990, Langenfeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, Simmering (Gruppe 42 C, Reihe 10, Nummer 22)

Helene Lauterböck attended a theatre school in Olmütz (now Olomouc). She debuted in 1913 in Lessing's "Minna von Barnhelm". She held engagements in Baden (near Vienna) and at the Volksbühne in Vienna. From 1917 to 1921 she worked for the Burgtheater and from 1924 to 1934 for the Volkstheater. From 1934 onwards she also appeared in movies.

After Austria became part of nazi Germany in 1938, she wasn't allowed to work anymore. After the war she resumed her career and she was Sophie Esterházy in the second and third Sissi movie. In 1983 she retired form the stage.

Related persons
• cooperated with Jaray, Hans
• cooperated with Moissi, Alexander


The grave of Helene Lauterböck at the Zentralfriedhof, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (28 Aug 2014)


Helene Lauterböck - Wikipedia

Lavalette, Antoine-Marie Chamans, Comte de

Published: 17 Nov 2017
Last update: 18 Aug 2022