Weis, Thea

BORN 17 Oct 1924, Wien - DIED 16 Mar 1999
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Hietzinger Friedhof, Maxingstraße 15, Hietzing (Gruppe 65, Reihe 2, Nummer 8)

Thea Weis was educated as a ballet dancer by Toni Birkmeyer in Vienna. She performed at the children's ballet of the State Opera in Vienna. After that she took acting lessons at the Max Reinhardt Seminar. She was engaged at the theatre in Metz and worked for the wandering Löwinger-Bühne. In Vienna she held an engagement at the Theater in der Josefstadt.

She also appeared in movies between 1941 and 1952. In 1941 she was in Herbert Marischka's "Wir bitten zum Tanz" when she was seventeen years old and in 1944 she played in in "Musik in Salzburg" that was directed by Herbert Maisch. She also played in Franz Antel's "Der alte Sünder" (1951). Her last movie was Eduard von Borsody's "Verlorene Melodie" (1952).


The grave of Thea Weis at the Hietzing Friedhof, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (26 Aug 2014)


Thea Weis - Wikipedia

Weise, Lisa

Published: 27 Feb 2022
Last update: 03 Apr 2022