Weber, Constanze

BORN 5 Jan 1762, Zell im Wisentaal, Baden-Württemberg - DIED 6 Mar 1842, Salzburg
GRAVE LOCATION Salzburg: St. Sebastiansfriedhof

Constanze Weber was the daughter of the musician Franz Fridolin Weber (1733-1779), whose half-brother Franz Anton von Weber (1734-1812) was the father of the composer Carl Maria von Weber. Her mother Maria Cäcilia Cordula Stamm (1727-1793) came from Mannheim. At first the family lived in Zell im Wiesental, the birthplace of her father. In 1764 they moved to Mannheim and there Constanze and her sisters Josepha, Aloisia and Sophie grew up. The girls were all good singers.

In 1777 the family was visited by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his mother, who spent the winter in Mannheim on their way to Paris. Mozart tried to obtain the position of court composer in Mannheim without success. Mozart gave singing lessons to Aloisia and fell in love with her. When his father found out he urged him to move away from the Weber family as soon as possible. Mozart and his mother left for Paris in March 1778. In Paris his mother died and on his way back to Salzburg he stopped in Mannheim to ask for Aloisia's hand. But her sentiments for him had changed and she rejected him.

In 1779 the Weber family moved to Vienna, but her father died there on 23 October. In Vienna Mozart stayed with the Webers until her mother found out that he courted Constanze, who was nineteen at the time. They married on 4 Aug 1782. They had six children, but only two survived. On 26 Aug 1783 she sang a soprano solo at the premiere of Mozarts "Mass in C Minor" that he had written for her.

When Mozart died in 1791 he left her nothing. But Constanze obtained a small pension from emperor Leopold II, organised concerts in memory of Mozart and managed to have his works published. In the mid 1790s she sang at concerts together with Aloisia and by this time Mozart's reputation was growing as fast as her financial security.

In 1797 the Danish diplomat Georg Nikolaus lived in the same house and from 1798 onwards they lived together. They married in 1809. From 1810 to 1820 they lived in Copenhagen. After travelling in Germany and Italy they settled in Salzburg in 1824. Nissen died in 1826. Both she and her husband had worked on a Mozart biography and Constanze published hers in 1828. During her last years her widowed sisters lived with her in Salzburg.

• Son: Mozart, Carl Thomas
• Husband: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1782-1791, Wien: Stephansdom)
• Husband: Nissen, Georg Nikolaus (1809-, Pressburg)

Related persons
• is brother/sister of Haibel-Weber, Sophie
• visited Haydn, Joseph
• is brother/sister of Lange-Weber, Aloisia
• is nephew/niece of Weber, Genovefa

26/8/1783Constanze Mozart sings a soprano part during the first performance of Mozart's "Mass in C Minor" . He had written it for her. It wasn't performed again until 3 Apr 1901. [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus]


The grave of the Mozart family at the St. Sebastiansfriedhof, Salzburg.
Picture by Androom (26 Aug 2000)


The Mozart grave at the St. Sebastiansfriedhof, Salzburg.
Picture by Androom (30 Aug 2014)


Constanze Mozart - Wikipedia (EN)
Dear Constanze | Classical music | The Guardian

Weber, Genovefa

Published: 01 Jan 2010
Last update: 26 Dec 2024