Sonnenthal, Adolf von

BORN 21 Dec 1834, Budapest: Pest - DIED 4 Apr 1909, Praha
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Döblinger Friedhof, Hartäckerstraße 65 (Gruppe I1, Nummer 44)

Adolf von Sonnenthal worked as a tailor before he debuted o nthe stage in 1851. In 1854 he appeared in Graz and in 1855 he went to Königsberg. In 1856 he was discovered by Heinrich Laube, who took him to the Burgtheater in Vienna.

There he debuted as Mortimer in "Die Waise von Lowood" by Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer. Three years later he was offered an engagement for life. Under Laube he became one of the leading actors of his time. From 1870 onwards he also worked as a director. He was very popular with the public and he did guest appearances in the USA.

Related persons
• was discovered by Laube, Heinrich


The grave of Adolf von Sonnenthal at the Döblinger Friedhof, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (13 Aug 2010)


• Bauer, Werner T., Wiener Friedhofsführer, Genaue Beschreibung sämtlicher Begräbnisstätten nebst einer Geschichte des Wiener Bestattungswesens, Falter Verlag, Wien, 1991
• Gruber, Clemens M., Berühmte Gräber in Wien, Von der Kapuzinergruft bis zum Zentralfriedhof, Böhlau Verlag, Wien, 2002
Adolf von Sonnenthal - Wikipedia (DE)
Sonnenthal, Adolf von

Sontag, Karl

Published: 05 Jun 2011
Last update: 02 Mar 2022