Prokesch von Osten, Anton, Graf von

BORN 10 Dec 1795, Graz, Steiermark - DIED 26 Oct 1876, Wien
GRAVE LOCATION Graz, Steiermark: St. Leonhard-Friedhof (120-010-021 (Mausoleum))

Anton von Prokesch-Osten served in the Austrian army and participated in the war against France in 1813. After that he taught mathematics at a military school and from 1818 to 1820 he was secretary to Karl Philipp von Schwarzenberg. He entered the dipomatic service and in 1824 he was sent to Greece. He gained extensive knowledge of the Middle East and his publications were much respected.

In 1829 he signed the convention for Christians in the Holy Land with the Pasha of Akka. In 1830 he met the Duke of Reichstadt who read his publication on the Battle of Waterloo. They remained friends until Reichstadt died in 1832. On 25 November 1832 he married Irene Kiesewetter von Wiesenbrunn.

In 1833 he negotiated peace between the Sultan Ottoman Mahmud II and Muhammad Ali, pasha of Egypt. Between 1834 and 1849 he was ambassador to Athens and from 1849 to 1852 to Berlin. In Berlin he quickly realised that it was impossible to restore the former Austrian influence because of the ambitions of Prussia.

In later years he served in Constantinopel. In 1871 the emperor granted him the title of Count after sixty years of service. His large collection of coins was acquired by the museums of Berlin in 1875. He died in 1876 in Graz.

• Son: Prokesch von Osten, Anton, Graf von

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• was a friend of Gobineau, Arthur de
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The grave of Anton Graf Prokesch von Osten at the St. Leonhard-Friedhof, Graz.
Picture by Androom (11 Sep 2004)


• Gross, Eugen, Friedhofführer der Pfarre Graz-St. Leonhard, Wirtschaftsrat der röm.-kath. Pfarre Graz-St. Leonhard, Graz, 2004
Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909
Anton von Prokesch-Osten - Wikipedia (EN)

Prokesch von Osten, Anton, Graf von

Published: 05 May 2016
Last update: 12 Oct 2024