Konradi, Inge

BORN 27 Jul 1924, Wien - DIED 4 Feb 2002, Wien
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, Simmering (Gruppe 33 G, Nummer 31)

Inge Konradi studied in Vienna at the Max Reinhardt Seminar. She debuted in 1942 at the Volkstheater in Vienna as Franziska in Lessing's "Minna von Barnheim". Her next part was in Gerhart Hauptmann's "Die Jungfern vom Bischofsberg" on the occasion of Hauptmann's 80th birthday.

After the war she continued working at the Volkstheater until she switched to the Burgtheater in 1951. She was best known there for her parts in Johann Nestroy's plays. In 1984 she received the Raimund Ring and in 1996 the Nestroy Ring. In 1992 she became a member of honor of the Burgtheater. She also worked as a professor at the Max Reinhardt Seminar.

Her husband was the Austrian sculptor Wander Bertoni (b.1925). She died in 2002 of cancer in Vienna. In 2006 a street the Inge-Konradi-Gasse was named after her in Wien Floridsdorf.


The grave of Inge Konradi at the Zentralfriedhof, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (23 Aug 2009)


Inge Konradi - Wikipedia

Konsalik, Heinz G.

Published: 30 Jul 2017
Last update: 18 Aug 2022