Aslan, Raoul Maria

BORN 16 Oct 1886, Saloniki - DIED 18 Jun 1958, Litzlberg, Oberösterreich
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Grinzinger Friedhof, 19., An den langen Lüssen 33 (Gruppe MA, Nummer 24A)

Raoul Aslan came from a Greek family and was raised by a governess from Vienna, Fräulein Birn, who taught him German. Together with his mother he moved to Vienna in 1896 where he went to school.

Im Hamburg he took acting lessons with Franziska Ellmenreich from 1906 onwards. He performed at small theatres until he had his first success in Stuttgart in 1911. In 1914 he had a love affair with a friend from his youth, Zeljko Koconda.

In 1917 he was able to get work Vienna and his part of Gabriel Schilling was a success. In 1918 he made his first movie and in 1920 he was contracted by the Burgtheater. In 1929 he received the title of Kammerschauspieler. Apart from acting he also worked as a director at the Burgtheater.

In 1932 he met the young actor Tonio Riedl in Café Ritter and in 1936 he left Koconda for good. From 1934 until his death he lived with Riedl at the upper floor of Strudlhofgasse 13, Vienna. More movies foloowed during the 1930s.

In 1939 he performed for the German troops at the front. During the War he didn't hide his homosexuality or his dislike of fascism, but it seems that he was left in peace by the authorities.

In 1945 he was appointed director of the Burgtheater. It was damaged during the War and he started out at the Ronacher theatre. His directorship lasted until 1948. He died in 1958 and in 1961 the Aslangasse in Wien Döbling was named after him.


The grave of Raoul Maria Aslan at the Grinzinger Friedhof, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (29 Aug 2002)


Raoul Aslan - Wikipedia
Frantisek Zboray's Home Page

Asperger, Max

Published: 09 May 2010
Last update: 02 May 2022