Mattoni, André

BORN 24 Feb 1900, Karlsbad (now: Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) - DIED 11 Jan 1985, Wien
BIRTH NAME Mattoni, Andreas Leo Heinrich Edler von
GRAVE LOCATION Salzburg: Kommunalfriedhof, Gneiser Strasse 8 (Gruppe 72, Nummer 47-48)

André Mattoni was educated by the actor Franz Herterich. He debuted at the Burgtheater in Vienna in 1922. In 1924 he moved to Berlin where he continued his work for the theatre. In 1925 he became well known because of his part in F.W. Murnau's "Tartüff". He was had the main part in Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" but Lang was unsatisfied with his acting and replaced him by Gustav Fröhlich after a few weeks.

In 1933 he returned to Vienna where he was engaged at the Theater in der Josefstadt. From 1938 onwards he lived in Rome and appeared in Italian movies. He returned to Vienna in 1942, where he lived afterwards.

Between 1957 and 1964 he was an important assistant to Herbert von Karajan at the State Opera in Vienna. In 1978 he played the old Lord in the opera "Der Junge Lord" ("The Young Lord").

Related persons
• cooperated with Karajan, Herbert von


The grave of André Mattoni at the Kommunalfriedhof, Salzburg.
Picture by Androom (31 Aug 2014)


André Mattoni - Wikipedia (DE)

Matz, Friedrich

Published: 08 Feb 2015
Last update: 03 Apr 2022