Greve, Senia Arnold

BORN 29 Jul 1890, Wien - DIED 3 Apr 1952, Chicago, Illinois
BIRTH NAME Goldschläger, Simon Arnold
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, Simmering (Gruppe 32 B, Nummer 20)

Senia Arnold Greve was born Simon Arnold Goldschläger. He was an opera singer with a bass voice. In 1914 he was engaged at the Stadttheater in Teplitz-Schönau and after that he held engagements in Linz, Graz and Prague. He added the name Greve in 1920 and he dropped the Goldschlager later.

Greve also worked as a singing teacher and he married his student Maria Hussa. He was Jewish and in 1938 he emigrated with his mother Ida Bernstein and his wife to the USA. He worked as a teacher at the Schubert Music School in Chicago and he died in that city in 1952.

• Wife: Hussa-Greve, Maria (-1952)


The grave of Maria Hussa-Greve and Senia Arnold-Greve at the Zentralfriedhof in Vienna.
Picture by Androom (03 Sep 2022)


Griebel, Otto

Published: 13 Aug 2023
Last update: 13 Aug 2023