Vesque von Püttlingen, Johann

BORN 23 Jul 1803, Oppeln (now: Opole, Poland): Lubomirski Palace - DIED 30 Oct 1883, Wien
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Penzinger Friedhof, Einwanggasse 55

Johann Vesque von Püttlingen worked as a civil servant and also was the concert director of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna. He is best known as a composer of operas. He studied composition with Eduard Lannoy. Among his nine operas were "Turandot" (1838) and "Liebeszauber" (1845). His home was a meeting point for musical Vienna.

He supported Robert Schumann when the latter tried to find a position in Vienna in vain. After he received a letter from Leipzig that was negative about Schumann (probably sent by Friedrich Wieck) there was a short rupture in their friendship, but it was soon restored.

With his book "Das musikalische Autorenrecht" (1864) Vesque von Püttingen laid the foundations of copyright law for music in Austria. In 1866 he was ennobled.

Related persons
• supported Schumann, Robert


The grave of Johann Vesque von Püttlingen at the Penzinger Friedhof, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (25 Aug 2016)


Opera Composers: V
Vesque von Püttlingen, Johann Pseudonym: J. Hoven
Johann Vesque von Püttlingen - Wikipedia (EN)

Vestris, Auguste

Published: 11 Jun 2017
Last update: 10 Aug 2022