Sutter, Sonja

BORN 17 Jan 1931, Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg - DIED 2 Jun 2017, Baden, Niederösterreich (near Wien)
BIRTH NAME Sutter, Sonja Ingrid Emilie Hanna
GRAVE LOCATION Salzburg: Kommunalfriedhof, Gneiser Strasse 8 (Gruppe 108, Nummer 60 (ashes))

Sonja Sutter studied Greek and Latin, but she decided that she wanted to be an actress. She debuted at the Stadttheater in her navite Freiburg. After that she worked in Stuttgart, Hamburg and Munich. during test shots for a movie by Louis Trenker she was noticed by DEFA director Slatan Dudow and he gave her the main part in "Frauenschciksale" (1952). After that she appeared in movies in both West and East Germany, where her part in "Lissy" (1957) made her famous. After the Berlin Wall was built in 1961 she was no longer able to work in East Germany.

In 1959 she was engaged at the Burgtheater in Vienna and there she worked for over fourty years. She frequently appeared at the Festspiele in Salzburg. Since the early 1960s she appeared in television productions instead of movies, but in 1976 she was in Ingmar Bergman's "Dad Schlangenei". In 2005 she appeared for the camera for the last time. She was married to a doctor and lived with him in Vienna. The actress Carolin Fink (b.1966) is her daughter.


Sonja Sutter in "Johannisnacht".
Picture by Delos/Constantin/Bockelberg


The grave of Sonja Sutter at the Kommunalfriedhof in Salzburg.
Picture by Androom (01 Sep 2022)


Sonja Sutter - Wikipedia

Suttner, Bertha von

Published: 30 Sep 2022
Last update: 30 Sep 2022