Kallina, Elisabeth

BORN 15 Aug 1910, Payerbach, Niederösterreich - DIED 2 Sep 2004, Wien
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, Simmering (Gruppe 16 E, Reihe 10, Nummer 01)

Elisabeth Kallina was the daughter of the actress Anna Kallina and her lover J. von Petersdorf. Her mother married the lawyer Egon Witrofsky. From the age of eighteen she was engaged at the Burgtheater in Vienna. She performed over hundred different parts there over the years.

From 1930 to 1938 she was married to the author Heinz Ortner. Between 1938 and 1945 she helped Jews to escape from Vienna. In 1944 the young Oskar Werner asked for her hand. This surprised many because she was twelve years his senior and half Jewish. In 1944 they had a daughter, Eleonore. After Werner left her for Anne Power they remained on friendly terms.

• Mother: Kallina, Anna

Related persons
• was a friend of Weisgerber, Antje


The grave of Anna Kallina at the Zentralfriedhof, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (28 Aug 2014)


Elisabeth Kallina - Wikipedia

Kalmar, Annie

Published: 29 Apr 2018
Last update: 18 Aug 2022