Andergast, Maria

BORN 4 Jun 1912, Brunnthal an der Alz (now: Garching), Bayern - DIED 14 Feb 1995, Wien
BIRTH NAME Pitzer, Maria
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, Simmering (Gruppe 04, Reihe 35, Nummer 02 (Ehrengrab))

Maria Andergast was born Maria Pitzer. She lost her parents when she was two years old. She was raised by members of her family and took their last name. From an early age she liked dancing and Grete Wiesenthal was her teacher. After a severe traffic accident a dancing career became impossible and she entered the Academy for Music and Fine Arts. But before she finished her studies she was engaged at the theatre in Aussig where she debuted in 1929.

Luis Trenker offered her a part in the movie "Der Rebell", but she had to decline because of other obligations. When he asked her again for "Der verlorene Sohn" (1934) she took the part. Many movies followed during the following years. In 1936 married director Heinz Helbig and they moved to Berlin. In 1939 she went to Vienna and from then on she worked almost exclusively in that city. In 1941 the actor Siegfried Breuer became her second husband.

During the war she appeared in several more movies and from 1945 onwards she was under contract at the Theater in der Josefstadt in Vienna. In 1947 she made herself a name as a singer in the movie "Der Hofrat Geiger". For several years she was engaged with director Franz Antal. She continued her career in the 1950s and she appeared frequently with Paul Hörbiger in Austrian movies. In 1958 she married actor and director Richard Häußler, who died in 1964. During the 1960s she occasionaly worked for television.

She ended her career in 1971 and in 1972 she moved from Munich to Vienna. There she died in 1995 from cancer. In 2002 the Maria-Andergast-Weg was named after her in Donaustadt, Vienna.

• Husband: Breuer, Siegfried (1941-) (divorce or separation)

Related persons
• was pupil of Wiesenthal, Grete


Maria Andergast.

Maria Andergast.
Picture by Foto Binz


The grave of Maria Andergast at the Zentralfriedhof, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (23 Aug 2009)


Maria Andergast.
Picture by Wien Film


Maria Andergast - Wikipedia

Andersen, Hendrik Christian

Published: 05 Mar 2010
Last update: 18 Aug 2022