Weyr, Rudolf |
BORN 22 Mar 1847, Wien - DIED 30 Oct 1914, Wien BIRTH NAME Weyr, Rudolf Ritter von GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Döblinger Friedhof, Hartäckerstraße 65 (Gruppe 09, Nummer 5) |
Rudolf Weyer studied at the Art Academy in Vienna and at the studio of Josef Cesar. Initially he worked for Cesar but from the 1880s he worked alone. In 1882 he married the author and journalist Marie Weyr. Weyr was a sculptor of the neo-baroque style and he represents the Ringstrasse epoch. He created sculptures for the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the Naturhistorisches Museum in Venna. His work can also be found at the Hofburg, the Hermesvilla and the Burgtheater. He created monuments for Hans Canon (1905, Wiener Stadtpark) and Johannes Brahms (1908, Resselpark, Vienna). Family Wife: Weyr, Marie (1882-) Related persons made a sculpture of Brahms, Johannes made a sculpture of Canon, Hans von executed grave monument for Matz, Friedrich |
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Sources Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909 Weyr, Rudolf Rudolf Weyr - Wikipedia (DE) |