Carl, Rudolf |
BORN 19 Jun 1899, Breclav - DIED 15 Jan 1987, Graz, Steiermark GRAVE LOCATION Graz, Steiermark: Grazer Zentralfriedhof, Triesterstrasse 164 (Feld 04b IVa 4 (Ehrengräber rechts des Haupteinganges)) |
Rudolf Carl grew up in the Imperial Orphanage in Vienna after his father died when he was four years old and his mother couldn't support him. He worked as an apprentice in a hardware store and served in World War I. After the war he tried his luck as an actor and he was engaged at the German Theatre in Brno from 1918 to 1934. In 1922 he had his first small part in a silent movie. In 1928 he married Valeria Hagen. She was the daughter of a merchant. From 1934 he appeared in operettas in Vienna at the Theater an der Wien and the Volksoper. He also started appearing in films frequently. In 1942 he was successful as a singer with "Liebe kleine Schaffnerin". In 1944 he was put on the Gottbegnadeten-Liste, the list of people who wouldn't be sent to war. After the war he continued his movie career and he also appeared in television productions. He appeared in circa 200 movies until he slowed his career down in the late 1960s. In 1974 his wife died and he married her friend Henriette Ahlsen. His son-in-law was the operetta composer Ludwig Schmidseder (1904-1971). He died in 1987 in Graz. |
Sources Carl, Rudolf Rudolf Carl - Wikipedia (DE) Portrait of the actor Rudolf Carl by Thomas Staedeli |