Rettich, Karl

BORN 3 Feb 1805, Wien - DIED 17 Nov 1878, Wien
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Evangelischer Friedhof Matzleinsdorf, 10. Triesterstraße 1 (Gruft 191)

Son of Court Secretary and former actor Franz Rettich (d.1818). He was engaged at the Hofburgtheater in 1821 where he debuted as Fridolin. In 1824 he followed Schreyvogel's advice to go to Graz. In 1828 he moved on to Kassel and in 1832 he returned to the Hofburgtheater, where he met his future wife Julie Grey. He married her in 1833.

Intriges forced them to leave Vienna and they found employment in Dresden, where Julie had worked before. In 1835 they returned to the Hofburgtheater where they spent the rest of their careers. From 1865 onwards Karl worked also as a director.

In 1871 he was decorated with the Order of Francis Joseph to celebrate his acting career of 50 years. The next year he left the stage.

• Wife: Rettich, Julie (1833-1866)


The grave of Julie and Carl Rettich at the Evangelischer Friedhof Matzleinsdorf, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (26 Aug 2002)


The grave of Julie and Carl Rettich at the Evangelischer Friedhof Matzleinsdorf, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (20 Sep 2004)


Karl Rettich - Wikipedia

Réty, Charles

Published: 01 Jan 2010
Last update: 02 May 2022