Zwerenz, Mizzi

BORN 13 Jul 1876, Piestany, Trnava - DIED 14 Jun 1947, Wien: Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital
BIRTH NAME Zwerenz, Maria Anna
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Hietzinger Friedhof, Maxingstraße 15, Hietzing (Gruppe 29, Nummer 9)

Mizzi Zwerenz was the daughter of the actor and director Karl Ludwig Zwerenz (1850-1925). Her mother Eveline (1842-1921) was an operetta singer. Initially she didn't want to be a singer or an actress, but she changed her mind and took lessons with Rosa Papier-Paumgartner. She debuted in 1897 in Baden near Vienna. After an engagements in Russia she was successful in operettas at the Friedrich-Wilhelmstädtischen Theater in Berlin in 1900-1901. She was subsequently engaged at the Carltheater in Vienna where she successfully appeared in operettas from 1901 until 1923. She also appeared at the Apollo-Theater in Vienna from 1919 to 1921 and after 1923 she worked for the Theater an der Wien.

In 1895 she had a son, Fritz (1895-1970). She married the actor Arthur Guttmann (1877-1952) in 1905. In the early 1920s she had her own venue in Baden. She appeared also appeared in some movies, among them "Die kleine Veronika" (1929) and "Walzer um den Stephansturm" (1935). In 1937 she retired and she died in Vienna in 1947.

26/3/1926First performance of Emmerich Kálmán's operetta "Die Zirkusprinzessin". The performance took place in the Theater an der Wien in Vienna. [Fischer, Betty][Marischka, Hubert][Moser, Hans][Waldemar, Richard]


The grave of Mizzi Zwerenz at the Hietzing Cemetery in Vienna.
Picture by androom (15 Aug 2006)


Mizzi Zwerenz - Wikipedia

Zwintscher, Oskar

Published: 03 Mar 2019
Last update: 25 Jan 2022