Fronius, Hans

BORN 12 Sep 1903, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina - DIED 21 Mar 1988, Mödling, Niederösterreich
GRAVE LOCATION Perchtoldsdorf (near Wien), Niederösterreich: Friedhof, Friedhofstrasse 3-5 (Gruppe 02 C, Reihe 11, Nummer 20 (Ehrengrab))

Hans Fronius was the son of Fritz Fronius, the city physician of Sarajevo. His mother was a granddaughter of the painter Johann Nepomuk Passini. When he was eleven years old he witnessed the assasination of archduke Franz Ferdinand. From 1922 to 1928 he studied at the Art Academy in Vienna under Karl Sterrer and Karl Delug. He was influenced by Goya, Ensor and Munch. he was much interested in literature and during holidays he visited the large museum of Europe.

In 1930 he qualified as a teacher in art, mathematics and geometrics and he worked as a teacher at a gymnasium in Fürstenfeld and from 1960 to 1965 in Mödling near Vienna. In 1931 he dedicated a work to Alfred Kubin and this resulted in a correspondence until Kubin's death in 1959. In 1923 he joined the Sezession in Graz.

The nazis strongly disliked his expressionist work anf he was forced to a declaration of loyalty. He gave in because otherwise he feared he would be dismissed from his school job and he had a family to care for. He changed his style, but repeatedly he wasn't allowed to exhibit his work. During the war he was employed as a draftsman in Russia and in Italy.

After divorcing his first wife he married the art historian Christine Laubergerr in 1951. In 1964 he settled in Perchtoldsdorf near Vienna. From1964 until his death he worked as a free lance painter. He died in Mödling in 1988.

Related persons
• was pupil of Delug, Alois
• illustrated work of Kafka, Franz


The grave of Hans Fronius at the Friedhof in Pechtoldsdorf.
Picture by Androom (11 Aug 2018)


Hans Fronius - Wikipedia - Seite gelöscht / Page deleted

Früh, Kurt

Published: 08 May 2021
Last update: 07 Aug 2023