Latour, Théodore-François Baillet, Graf

BORN 15 Jun 1780, Linz, Oberösterreich - DIED 6 Oct 1848, Wien
CAUSE OF DEATH murdered by hanging
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, Simmering (Gruppe 0, Reihe 01, Nummer 112)

Son of Maximilian Graf Baillet de Latour. He studied at the military academy in Wiener-Neustadt and held several positions in the army. He fought at Dresden and Leipzig during the Napoleontic Wars.

He was Vice-Director General of Engineers between 1832 and 1848. On 30 Apr 1848 he became Minister of War of Austria. In October of that year he was lynched by a crowd that stormed the building where the Ministry was housed. His body was hung to a street lantarn outside.

He was buried at the Währinger Ortsfriedhof in Vienna. When that cemetery was cleared his remains were transferred to the Zentralfriedhof.

6/10/1848Minister of War Count Latour is murdered during riots in Vienna 
7/10/1848Emperor Ferdinand I flees from Vienna. Riots had boken out and Latour, his Minister of War, had been murdered the day before. 


The grave of Théodore Baillet Latour at the Zentralfriedhof, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (25 Jan 1999)


• Bauer, Werner T., Wiener Friedhofsführer, Genaue Beschreibung sämtlicher Begräbnisstätten nebst einer Geschichte des Wiener Bestattungswesens, Falter Verlag, Wien, 1991
Vienna, Michelin Tyre PLC, Watford, Hertfordshire, 1998
• Rechnitz, Stefan, Grabstätten Berühmter Männer und Frauen, Eind Rundgang durch die Wiener Vorstadtfriedhöfe, Gerlach & Wiedling, Wien, 1948
Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909

Lattanzi, Tina

Published: 25 Jan 2009
Last update: 04 Dec 2022