Hanak, Anton

BORN 22 Mar 1875, Brünn (now: Brno) - DIED 7 Jan 1934, Wien
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Hietzinger Friedhof, Maxingstraße 15, Hietzing (Gruppe 05, Nummer 120)

Anton Hanak was a friend of Joseph Hoffmann and Gustav Klimt. He studied with Edmund Hellmer at the Academy in Vienna. He was a member of the Secession in Vienna and a member of the Wiener Werkstätte. He worked as a teacher at the Kunstgewerbeschule and in 1932 he became a professor at the Academy. Among his pupils were Wotruba and Reinhart.

Hanak made sculptures for several buildings by Joseph Hoffmann, like the Villa Skywa and the Landhaus Primavesi. In the 1920s he worked for the city of Vienna. For the Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetery) in Vienna he made a war memorial.

In Lanzengersdorf is a Hanak Museum close to the place where he lived and worked for many years.

Related persons
• was a friend of Hoffmann, Josef
• was teacher of Resatz, Gustav
• was teacher of Thorak, Josef
• was teacher of Wotruba, Fritz


The grave of Anton Hanak at the Hietzing Cemetery in Vienna.
Picture by androom (15 Aug 2006)


• Bauer, Werner T., Wiener Friedhofsführer, Genaue Beschreibung sämtlicher Begräbnisstätten nebst einer Geschichte des Wiener Bestattungswesens, Falter Verlag, Wien, 1991
Österreich-Lexikon, 1998
Anton Hanak - Wikipedia

Hanau, Gertrude Falkenstein, von

Published: 01 Oct 2006
Last update: 25 Jan 2022