Klesheim, Anton, Baron

BORN 9 Feb 1812, Peterwardein (now: Petrovaradin) - DIED 6 Jul 1884, Baden, Niederösterreich (near Wien)
GRAVE LOCATION Baden (near Wien), Niederösterreich: Stadtpfarrfriedhof St.Stephan (Gruppe 13, Reihe 1, Nummer 55)

Anton Klesheim worked as an actor under the name of Platzer in Pressburg. In 1846-1847 in Vienna he gave popular readings of poems in Austrian dialect. He turned to authorship and in the 1850s he published several volumes of poetry in dialect. He also wrote several plays that were performed in Vienna and Bratislava. As an actor he continued to perform occasionaly at the Theater der Josephstadt in Vienna.

He continued to give public readings and on his 70th birthday he held his 1000th reading. In 1882 he published an autobiography, "Siebzig Jahre aus meinem Leben. Autobiographische Skizze anläßlich meines siebzigjährigen Geburtstages". He died in 1884 in Baden near Vienna and was buried there.


The grave of Anton Klesheim at the Stadtfriedhof, Baden.
Picture by Androom (21 Aug 2009)


Anton von Klesheim - Wikipedia

Klicpera, Váceslav Kliment

Published: 06 Jul 2014
Last update: 28 Jan 2023