Taux, Alois

BORN 5 Oct 1817, Baumgarten (now: Braszowice) - DIED 17 Apr 1861, Salzburg
GRAVE LOCATION Salzburg: Kommunalfriedhof, Gneiser Strasse 8 (Gruppe 16, Nummer 35-36 (Ehrengrab) )

Alois Taux studied in Praque until he became a violinist and a horn player in Graz. In 1839 he debuted as a conductor in Linz. In 1839 he became the director of the theatre in Salzburg and in 1841 he became the director of the newly founded Mozarteum as well. In 1847 he was the founder of the Salzburger Liedertafel and he was its leader until his death.

He organised the Mozartfeste in Salzburg in 1842, 1852 and 1856. In 1850 he married Anna Freiin Dubsky von Wittenau, a relative from Mozart's widow Constanze Weber. He suddenly died in 1861 in Salzburg during a rehearsal.

Related persons
• has a connection with Lange-Weber, Aloisia


The grave of Alois Taux, Aloisia Lange and Sophie Haibel at the Kommunalfriedhof, Salzburg.
Picture by Androom (29 Aug 2009)


The grave of Alois Taux, Aloisia Lange and Sophie Haibel at the Kommunalfriedhof, Salzburg.
Picture by Androom (29 Aug 2009)


Alois Taux - Wikipedia
Stadt Salzburg - Kultur

Tcherina, Ludmila

Published: 08 Feb 2015
Last update: 21 Aug 2022