Resatz, Gustav

BORN 28 Jun 1903, Wien - DIED 17 Nov 1962, Piesendorf
GRAVE LOCATION Salzburg: Kommunalfriedhof, Gneiser Strasse 8 (Gruppe 82, Reihe 2, Nummer 29)

Gustav Resatz was a pupil of Anton Hanak. He worked in Upper austria until he returned to Vienna in 1924. He taught himself philosophy and psychology and wrote many theoretical manuscripts. In 1936 he published "Wiedergeburt oder Untergang der bildenden Kunst".

In 1942 Hans Hafner, the mayor of Gloggnitz asked him to open an art school and become its director. His pupils were taught art as wel las craft and the school was also a place of production. On 1 April 1945 it burned down completely and he lost all his propery, including his works and manuscripts.

After the war he had to change places nine times before he settled in Salzburg. He produced many new works before he died in Piesendorf in 1962. His wife was the author Luise Resatz.

Related persons
• was pupil of Hanak, Anton


The grave of Gustav and Luise Resatz at the Kommunalfriedhof, Salzburg.
Picture by Androom (31 Aug 2014)


Gustav Resatz - Wikipedia

Respighi, Elsa

Published: 08 Feb 2015
Last update: 03 Apr 2022