Lux, Joseph August

BORN 8 Apr 1871, Wien - DIED 23 Mar 1947, Anif, Salzburg
GRAVE LOCATION Salzburg: Kommunalfriedhof, Gneiser Strasse 8 (Gruppe 110, Nummer 25 (Ehrengrab) )

Joseph August Lux grew up in Vienna where he studied art history and philology. He travelled to Germany, France and England and returned to Vienna in 1900. there he worked for art magazines. From 1905 to 1908 he published "Die hohe Warte". He was influenced by John ruskin and William Morris and a strong supporter of jugendstil and of the Wiener Werkstätte.

From 1907 to 1910 he lived in Dresden where he managed a school for arts and crafts. In 1910 he settled in Munich and earned his living as an author. From 1919 to 1921 he published "Die weißen Hefte". In 1921 he converted to Catholicism. From 1926 onwards he lived in Anif near Salzburg.

During the 1930s his biographical novels "Grillparzers Liebesroman" and "Lola Montez" were very successful. After the nazis entered Austria he was arrested and sent to Dachau. His books were burned. After his release he was prohibited to work as an author. He died in 1947 in Anif.


The grave of Joseph August Lux at the Kommunalfriedhof, Salzburg.
Picture by Androom (31 Aug 2014)


Stadt Salzburg - Kultur

Luxemburg, Rosa

Published: 08 Feb 2015
Last update: 03 Apr 2022