Kutschera, Tilly

BORN 29 Nov 1890, Wien - DIED 27 Jun 1920, Wien: Neustiftgasse 17
BIRTH NAME Kutschera, Mathilde
CAUSE OF DEATH suicide by jumping from window
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Evangelischer Pfarrfriedhof Simmering, 11., Simmeringer Hauptstraße 242 (Gruppe 04, Nummer 13/14)

Tilly Kutschera was the daughter of actor and director Viktor Kutschera and his wife Elsa. She debuted on 15 July 1907 at the Deutschen Volkstheater as Fanchom. On 6 January 1908 she first performed at the Burgtheater as Vittorino in "Renaissance". She worked for the Burgtheater until her death.

In 1916 she appeared in the movie "Bogdan Stimoff" and in 1918 she was in "Der letzte Erbe von Lassa". In 1920 she committed suicide in Vienna.

• Father: Kutschera, Viktor
• Mother: Sedlmeyer, Else


The grave of Tilly Kutschera at the Evangelischer Friedhof Simmering, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (23 Aug 2009)

