Kainz, Josef

BORN 2 Jan 1858, Wieselburg (now: Mosonmagyaróvár) - DIED 20 Sep 1910, Wien
CAUSE OF DEATH cancer of the intestines
GRAVE LOCATION Wien: Döblinger Friedhof, Hartäckerstraße 65 (Gruppe 18, Nummer 15 (Ehrengrab))

Josef Kainz was the a former a railway man who was a former actor himself and stimulated the talents of his son. He took acting lessons with Caesarine Kupfer-Gomansky and entered the stage at an early age. He held engagements in Leipzig and Meiningen, where in 1878 he refused to play Adela Sandrock's lover. As a result of their quarrel Sandrock left Meiningen without fulfilling her contract.

Ernst von Possart took him to Munich in 1880, where he became a favourite of king Ludwig II in 1881. After Kainz couldn't fulfill the king's high expectations Ludwig broke off the friendship. In 1883 he moved to Berlin where he was engaged by the Deutsches Theater until 1887. He toured the USA successfully in 1891. He was now married to Sarah Hutzler, a German-American poetess, but she died in 1893.

In 1898 he married his second wife, the actress Margarete Nansen. In 1899 he was engaged at the Burgtheater in Vienna, where he played important parts like Hamlet and Mephisto in Faust. Because of his psychological way of portraying his characters he was an important influence to the next generation of actors.

Related persons
• discovered Moissi, Alexander
• worked for Possart, Ernst von
• quarreled with Sandrock, Adele
• cooperated with Sorma, Agnes
• was painted by Trübner, Wilhelm

27/8/1877First appearance of Jozef Kainz with the company of the Court Theatre in Meiningen 


The grave of Josef Kainz at the Döblinger Friedhof, Vienna.
Picture by Androom (19 Aug 2007)


Kainz, Josef

Kaizl, Therese

Published: 21 Mar 2008
Last update: 11 Feb 2022