Index to Grave Locations


Amiens, Somme: Cimetière La Madeleine (1 person) (Details)
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Verne, Jules (1828-1905) - writer

Antibes, Alpes-Maritimes: Cimetière de Rabiac (2 persons) (Details)
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Harvey, Lilian (1907-1968) - actor
Wirth, Else 'Pitty' (1907-2007) - secretary, companion

Avon, Seine-et-Marne: Cimetière (6 persons) (Details)
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Durand, Auguste (1830-1909) - organist, composer, music publisher
Durand, Jacques (1865-1928) - music publisher, composer
Dussaut, Caroline (1833-1887) - schoolmaster
Gurdjieff, George (1866-1949) - philosopher, mystic, choreographer, composer
Mansfield, Katherine (1888-1923) - short story writer, poet
Schwabe, Carlos (1866-1926) - painter

Bagneux, Hauts-de-Seine: Cimetière Parisien de Bagneux (7 persons) (Details)
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Astor, Junie (1912-1967) - actor, singer
Barbara (1930-1997) - singer
Blanchard, Maria (1881-1932) - painter
Boccara, Frida (1940-1996) - singer
Boyer, Lucienne (1903-1983) - singer
Darvi, Bella (1928-1971) - actor
Rachilde (1860-1953) - novelist, playwright, poet

Bergerac, Dordogne: Cimetière Beauferrier (3 persons) (Details)
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Beaussoleil, Jean (1803-1837) - poet
Picault, Henriette, vicomtesse de Belloy (1769-1838) - mistress
Pozzi, Catherine (1882-1934) - poet, man of letters

Bergerac, Dordogne: Cimetière Protestant du Pont Saint-Jean (2 persons) (Details)
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Pozzi, Samuel Jean de (1846-1918) - surgeon, gynaecologist
Valrose, Eglantine de (1869-1955) - poet

Boissy-Sans-Avoir, Yvelines: Cimetière (1 person) (Details)
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Schneider, Romy (1938-1982) - actor

Bordeaux, Gironde: Cimetière de la Chartreuse (13 persons) (Details)
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Chambrelent, Jules (1817-1893) - agronomist
Deschamps, Joseph (1765-1833) - colonel
Ducrest, Georgette (1789-1882) - author
Fonfrède, Henri (1788-1841) - economist, essayist
Lacour, Pierre (1745-1814) - painter
Lynch, Jean-Baptiste (1749-1835) - mayor
Maggessi, Domenico Fortuné (1801-1892) - sculptor
Marmiche, Guillaume (1795-1840) - merchant
Pelleport, Pierre de (1773-1855) - general
Poitevin, Alexandre (1782-1859) - architect, painter
Ravez, Auguste (1770-1849) - lawyer, politician
Rode, Pierre (1774-1830) - violinist
Tristan, Flora (1803-1844) - socialist, author

Bordeaux, Gironde: Cimetière Protestant de la rue Judaïque (6 persons) (Details)
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Cormier, Manon (1896-1945) - lawyer, feminist, author
Jullian, Camille (1859-1933) - historian, philologist, archaeologist
La Ville de Mirmont, Jean de (1886-1914) - poet, man of letters
Mialhe, Victor Pierre (1802-1871) - architect
Schneider, Hortense (1833-1920) - operetta singer
Trarieux, Ludovic (1840-1904) - statesman

Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes: Cimetière du Grand-Jas (9 persons) (Details)
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Baron, Charles (1836-1915) - architect
Brieux, Eugène (1858-1932) - playwright, journalist
Carol, Martine (1922-1967) - actor
Duchesne, Ernest (1874-1912) - physician
Khoklova, Olga (1891-1954) - dancer
Mann, Klaus (1906-1949) - writer
Ney de la Moskowa, Eglé (1832-1890) - nobleman
Picasso, Pablito (1949-1973)
Tuby, Victor (1888-1945) - sculptor, painter, poet, biologist, humanist

Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes: Cimetière Protestant du Grand-Jas (6 persons) (Details)
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Brougham, Henry, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868) - statesman, writer
Hourlier, Louis (1847-1920) - architect
Lavanchy-Clarke, François-Henri (1848-1922) - businessman
Mérimée, Prosper (1803-1870) - author, civil servant, senator
Négrin, Émile (1833-1878) - poet
Pons, Lily (1898-1976) - singer

Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne: Cimetière (1 person) (Details)
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Decamps, Alexandre Gabriel (1803-1860) - painter, engraver

Le Chesnay, Yvelines: Cimetière (2 persons) (Details)
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Haryett, Martin Constantin, comte de Béchevêt (1842-1907) - nobleman
Howard, Harriet, Comtesse de Beauregard (1823-1865) - mistress

Le Pecq, Yvelines: Cimetière (3 persons) (Details)
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Bonvin, François (1817-1887) - painter
David, Félicien (1810-1876) - composer
Jacomin, Marie Ferdinand (1844-1902) - painter

Levallois-Perret, Hauts-de-Seine: Cimetière (1 person) (Details)
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Eiffel, Gustave (1832-1923) - civil engineer, architect

Lyon: Cimetière de la Croix-Rousse (3 persons) (Details)
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Carrand, Louis-Hilaire (1821-1899) - painter
Dupont, Pierre (1821-1870) - singer, songwriter, poet
Tunc, Irène (1934-1972) - actor

Lyon: Cimetière de la Guillotière Nouveau (5 persons) (Details)
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Grignard, Victor (1871-1935) - chemist
Lumière, Auguste (1862-1954) - chemist, physiologist
Lumière, Louis (1864-1948) - chemist
Rancy, Jean Baptiste Théodore (1818-1892) - circus owner
Verschneider, Jean (1872-1943) - sculptor

Lyon: Cimetière de Loyasse (32 persons) (Details)
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Appian, Adolphe (1818-1898) - painter
Berjon, Antoine (1754-1843) - silk designer, pastellist, watercolourist, portrait painter
Bonnefond, Claude (1796-1860) - painter
Bonnet, Amédée (1809-1858) - surgeon
Bonnet, Guillaume (1820-1873) - sculptor
Bossan, Pierre (1814-1888) - architect
Bourdon, Julien (1880-1946) - painter
Cavaroc, Honoré (1846-1931) - painter
Chenu, Fleury (1833-1875) - painter
Chinard, Joseph (1756-1813) - sculptor
D'Albert de Luynes, Françoise, duchesse (1785-1813) - nobleman
Duclaux, Antoine (1783-1868) - painter
Fabisch, Joseph-Hughues (1812-1886) - sculptor
Gailleton, Antoine (1829-1904) - surgeon, mayor
Genod, Michel-Philibert (1795-1862) - painter
Grancher, Marcel E. (1897-1976) - author, journalist
Guidi, Sébastien Gaeten-Salvador Des (1769-1863) - physician
Guignard de Saint-Priest, François-Emanuel de (1735-1821) - statesman
Guimet, Émile Étienne (1836-1918) - industrialist, collector
Herriot, Édouard (1872-1957) - politician, writer, mayor
Janmot, Louis (1814-1892) - painter, poet
Laurencin de Chanzé, Jean Baptiste Espérance Blandine de (1733-1812) - novelist, army officer
Lavirotte, Jules (1864-1928) - architect
Mouton-Duvernet, Régis Barthélemy (1770-1816) - general
Petit, Marc-Antoine (1766-1811) - surgeon
Philippe, Nizier Anthelme (1849-1905) - mystic
Rodet, Alphonse (1890-1975) - painter
Seignemartin, Jean (1848-1875) - painter
Seringe, Nicolas-Charles (1776-1858) - botanist
Sicard, Nicolas (1846-1920) - painter
Thévenin, Pierre (1905-1950) - painter
Willermoz, Jean-Baptiste (1730-1824) - freemason

Lyon: Nouveau Cimetière de Loyasse (1 person) (Details)
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Chenavard, Paul (1807-1895) - painter

Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône: Cimetière St.-Pierre (5 persons) (Details)
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Abdelal, Louis Alexandre Désiré (1815-1882) - general
Abdelal, Michel (1763-1828) - general
Aiguier, Auguste (1814-1865) - marine painter
Loubon, Émile (1809-1863) - painter
Muratore, Lucien (1878-1954) - opera singer, actor

Menton, Alpes-Maritimes: Cimetière du Trabuquet (1 person) (Details)
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Beardsley, Aubrey (1872-1898) - graphical artist

Menton, Alpes-Maritimes: Cimetiere du Vieux-Château (2 persons) (Details)
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Green, John Richard (1837-1883) - journalist, historian
Tersling, Hans Georg (1857-1920) - architect

Metz, Moselle: Cimetière de l'Est (9 persons) (Details)
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Bezanson, Paul (1804-1882) - merchant, mayor
Desvignes, Victor François (1805-1853) - composer, musician
Fournel, Dominique Henry Louis (1813-1846) - natural researcher
Lasaulce, Jean Adolphe (1799-1865) - educationalist
Maréchal, Félix (1798-1871) - mayor, politician, physician
Mongin, François Bernard (1757-1837) - priest, philosopher
Pioche, Charles Augustin (1762-1839) - sculptor
Prétet, Charles Marie Étienne (1782-1842) - general
Simon, François Gabriel (1768-1834) - banker, politician

Montpellier, Hérault: Cimetière protestant (1 person) (Details)
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Bazille, Frédéric (1841-1870) - painter

Montpellier, Hérault: Cimetière St.-Lazare (2 persons) (Details)
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Cabanel, Alexandre (1823-1889) - painter
Curie, Jacques (1855-1941) - physicist, mineralogist

Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine: Cimetière Ancien (6 persons) (Details)
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Caillavet, Simone de (1894-1968) - author, model
France, Anatole (1844-1924) - writer
Maurois, André (1885-1967) - writer, biographer
Merce, Antonia (La Argentina) (1890-1936) - dancer
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (1824-1898) - painter
Tacchinardi, Fanny (1812-1867) - opera singer

Nice, Alpes-Maritimes: Cimetière Anglais (1 person) (Details)
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Brooks, Romaine (1874-1970) - painter

Nice, Alpes-Maritimes: Cimetière de Cimiez (3 persons) (Details)
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Dufy, Raoul (1877-1953) - painter
Martin du Gard, Roger (1881-1958) - writer
Matisse, Henri (1869-1954) - painter

Nice, Alpes-Maritimes: Cimetière du Château (14 persons) (Details)
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Charbonnier, Gaston (1878-1966) - poet
Desor, Pierre Jean Édouard (1811-1882) - geologist
Duthuit, Georges (1891-1973) - art critic, philosopher
Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm (1812-1865) - violinist, composer
Gal, Auguste (1806-1883) - industrialist
Gambetta, Léon (1838-1882) - statesman
Herzen, Aleksandr Ivanovitsj (1812-1870) - author
Jellinek, Emil (1853-1918) - industrialist
Leroux, Gaston (1868-1927) - author, journalist
Matisse, Marguerite (1894-1982) - model
Sabatier, Victor (1823-1891) - painter
Saint-Cyr, Renée (1904-2004) - actor
Sauvan, Honoré (1860-1922) - mayor, politician
Schlesinger, Sebastian (1837-1917) - composer

Paris: Auteuil Cimetière (14 persons) (Details)
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Aguado, Arthur (1845-1894) - chamberlain
Cerny, Berthe (1868-1940) - actor
Dalloz, Paul (1829-1887) - publisher
Demazis, Orane (1894-1991) - actor
Gavarni, Paul (1804-1866) - graphical artist, etcher, lithographer, watercolourist, writer
Gounod, Charles (1818-1893) - composer
Granier-Deferre, Pierre (1927-2007) - movie director
Helvétius, Anne-Catherine (1722-1800) - salonière, author
Legendre, Adrien Marie (1752-1833) - mathematician
Plunkett, Adeline (1824-1910) - dancer
Robert, Hubert (1733-1808) - painter
Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count (1753-1814) - spy, soldier, physicist
Tenré, Henry (1854-1926) - painter
Zimmermann, Pierre (1785-1853) - pianist, composer

Paris: Cimetière de Montmartre (266 persons) (Details)
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Adam, Adolphe-Charles (1803-1856) - composer
Adhémar, Joseph-Alphonse (1797-1862) - mathematician
Alaux, Jean (1786-1864) - painter
Aldrophe, Alfred-Philibert (1834-1895) - architect
Allaseur, Jean-Jules (1818-1903) - sculptor
Amaury-Duval, Eugène-Emmanuel (1808-1885) - painter
Ampère, André Marie (1775-1836) - mathematician, physicist
Ampère, Jean Jacques (1800-1864) - historian, writer, traveller
Andrée, Ellen (1856-1933) - actor, model
Artôt, Alexandre-Joseph (1815-1845) - violinist, composer
Aubry, Thérèse (1772-1829) - dancer
Aurel (1869-1948) - society hostess, writer
Ball, Benjamin (1833-1893) - neurologist
Ballanche, Pierre Simon (1776-1847) - philosopher, poet
Barthélémy, Mimi (1939-2013) - author
Batton, Desiré-Alexandre (1798-1855) - composer
Bauchet, Jean (1906-1995) - cabaret singer, dancer, producer, club owner
Beaulieu, Claude (1919-2012) - singer, teacher
Benjamin-Constant, François Jean Baptiste (1845-1902) - painter
Béraud, Jean (1849-1935) - painter
Berger, Michel (1947-1992) - singer, songwriter
Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869) - composer, conductor
Bernard, Simon (1779-1839) - engineer, general
Berriau, Simone (1896-1984) - actor, comedian, theatre director
Berton, Francisque (1820-1874) - actor
Berton, Pierre (1842-1912) - comedian, actor, playwright
Berton-Samson, Caroline (1821-1908) - novelist
Bessy, Francine (1917-2004) - actor
Bianca (1841-1912) - actor
Bischoffsheim, Louis-Raphaël (1800-1873) - banker
Bischoffsheim, Raphaël (1823-1906) - banker
Boieldieu, Louise (1840-1924) - pianist
Boinville, Cornelia (1795-1874) - heir
Bonis, Mélanie (1858-1937) - composer
Bossis, Héléna (1919-2008) - actor
Boucher, Alexandre (1778-1861) - violonist
Bouchot, François (1800-1842) - painter, engraver
Boulanger, Ernest (1815-1900) - composer, vocal teacher
Boulanger, Lili (1893-1918) - composer
Boulanger, Nadia (1887-1979) - conductor, music teacher
Bourbon, Pascal de, comte de Bari (1852-1904) - prince
Boussac, Marcel (1889-1980) - industrialist, horse breeder
Brauner, Victor (1903-1966) - painter, sculptor
Brisson, Adolphe (1860-1925) - journalist, drama critic
Bron de Bailly, André François (1757-1847) - general
Burger, Yvan (1957-1990) - actor, comedian, singer
Cadinot, Jean Daniel (1944-2008) - director, photographer, producer
Carolus-Duran, Marie Anne (1869-1936)
Carrère-Xanrof, Marguerite (1867-1952) - opera singer
Casadesus, Luis (1850-1919) - conductor
Casadesus, Rose (1873-1944) - pianist, pedagogue
Castagnary, Jules (1831-1888) - art critic, politician
Cauvin, Patrick (1932-2010) - novelist
Cavaignac, Eugène Louis (1802-1857) - general
Cavaignac, Godefroy (1800-1845) - journalist, politician
Cavaignac, Jean Baptiste (1762-1829) - politician, general
Cerrito, Fanny (1817-1909) - dancer, choreographer
Chambellan, Victor Armand (1810-1845) - painter
Chassériau, Théodore (1819-1856) - painter, engraver
Chéri, Anna (1826-1912) - actor
Chéri, Rose (1824-1861) - actor
Chéri, Victor (1830-1882) - conductor, violinist, composer
Chichin, Fred (1954-2007) - guitarist, songwriter, vocalist
Cinti-Damoreau, Laure (1801-1863) - opera singer
Clapisson, Louis (1808-1866) - composer, collector of musical instruments
Clauss-Szarvady, Wilhelmine (1832-1907) - pianist
Colet, Hippolyte (1808-1851) - composer, teacher
Colon, Jenny (1808-1842) - actor, singer
Csernus, Tibor (1927-2007) - painter, illustrator
d'Agoult, Claire Christine, marquise de Charnacé (1830-1912) - man of letters, journalist
Dalida (1933-1987) - singer
Danjoy, Jean-Charles (1806-1862) - architect
Darc, Daniel (1959-2013) - author, singer
Daru, Pierre (1767-1829) - statesman, historian, poet, soldier
Dash, Gabrielle, Comtesse (1804-1872) - woman of letters
Dauvin, Bertrand (1933-1954) - pilot
Davies, Scrope Berdmore (1782-1852) - scholar, gambler, dandy
Debenedetti, Jean-Marc (1952-2009) - author, poet, sculptor
Degas, Edgar (1834-1917) - painter, graphical artist, etcher, lithographer, sculptor
Dehodencq, Alfred (1822-1882) - painter
Delaroche, Paul (1797-1856) - painter
Delcassé, Théophile (1852-1923) - statesman
Delibes, Léo (1836-1891) - composer
Demenÿ, Georges (1850-1917) - inventor, photographer, filmmaker, physiologist
Deraismes, Maria (1828-1894) - author
Desbordes-Valmore, Marceline (1786-1859) - poet, novelist, actor
Deslandes, Raymond (1825-1890) - playwright, journalist, theatre manager
Deslandres, Adolphe (1840-1911) - composer, organist
Detourbay, Marie-Anne, Comtesse de Loynes (1837-1908) - salonière
Deutsch de la Meurthe, Émile (1847-1924) - industrialist, philanthropist
Díaz de la Peña, Narcisse (1807-1876) - painter
Dieulafoy, Paul Georges (1839-1911) - physician, surgeon
Doumerc, Jean-Pierre (1767-1847) - general
Duc, Joseph-Louis (1802-1879) - architect
Dumas, Alexandre (fils) (1824-1895) - writer
Dumont, Henri Julien (1856-1936) - painter
Dumoulin, Louis-Jules (1860-1924) - painter
Duplessis, Marie (1824-1847) - courtesan
Duprato, Jules (1827-1892) - composer
Durand, Émile (1830-1903) - composer, musical theorist
Duvernoy, Alphonse (1842-1907) - composer, pianist
Duvernoy, Suzanne (1882-1970) - musician
Dux, Émilienne (1874-1960) - actor
Dux, Pierre (1908-1990) - actor
Favart, Maria (1833-1908) - actor
Fersen, Christine (1944-2008) - actor, comedian
Feydeau, Ernest-Aimé (1821-1873) - author
Feydeau, Georges (1862-1921) - playwright
Feyen, Eugène (1815-1908) - painter, photographer
Feyen-Perrin, Augustin (1826-1888) - painter
Fix, Delphine (1831-1864) - actor
Flahault de la Billarderie, Charles de (1785-1870) - general, diplomat
Foucault, Léon (1819-1868) - physicist
Fragonard, Alexandre-Évariste (1780-1850) - painter, sculptor
Fratellini, Annie (1932-1997) - actor, circus clown, singer
Fredericks, Carole (1952-2001) - singer
Galabru, Michel (1922-2016) - actor, director
Gall, France (1947-2018) - singer
Garcin, Jules (1830-1896) - violinist, conductor, composer
Gautier, Théophile (1811-1872) - poet, playwright, novelist, theatre critic, art expert
Gay, Delphine (1804-1855) - writer
Geiger, Constanze (1835-1890) - actor, composer, singer , pianist
Gérôme, Jean Léon (1824-1904) - painter, sculptor
Gigout, Eugène (1844-1925) - composer, organist
Girard, Narcisse (1797-1860) - violinist, conductor, composer, orchestra leader
Girardin, Émile de (1806-1881) - writer, journalist, politician
Goldin, Mitty (1895-1956) - theatre manager, impresario
Goncourt, Edmond de (1822-1896) - author, literary critic, publisher
Goncourt, Jules Alfred de (1830-1870) - author
Gordini, Amédée (1899-1979) - car designer
Gougibus, Élisa (1806-1886) - actor
Goulue, La (1866-1929) - dancer, acrobat, animal trainer
Gozlan, Léon (1803-1866) - novelist, playwright
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste (1725-1805) - painter
Guérin, Jules (1860-1910) - journalist, anti-semitic activist
Guillaumet, Gustave (1840-1887) - painter
Guitry, Lucien (1860-1925) - actor
Guitry, Sacha (1885-1957) - actor, director, screenwriter
Halévy, Daniel (1872-1962) - historian
Halévy, Fromental (1799-1862) - composer
Halévy, Léon (1802-1883) - civil servant, historian, dramatist
Halévy, Ludovic (1834-1908) - author, playwright
Halligner, Marie-Julie (1786-1850) - opera singer
Heine, Heinrich (1797-1856) - writer, poet
Heldy, Fanny (1888-1973) - opera singer
Henner, Jean-Jacques (1829-1905) - painter
Hittorff, Jacques Ignace (1792-1867) - architect
Houdetot, Sophie de la Live de Bellegarde, comtesse de (1730-1813) - nobleman
Jomini, Antoine Henri, baron (1779-1869) - officer, military theorist
Jouvet, Louis (1887-1951) - actor
Judic, Anna (1849-1911) - singer
Judith (1827-1912) - actor
Junot, Laure, Duchesse d'Abrantès (1784-1838) - nobleman, diarist
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich Wilhelm (1785-1849) - pianist, composer, piano teacher, piano manufacturer
Karsten, Sophie Hedvig (1783-1862) - ballerina, painter
Kelly-Leibovici, Margaret (Miss Bluebell) (1910-2004) - dancer
Koenig, Marie Pierre (1898-1970) - general, statesman
La Lyre, Adolphe (1848-1935) - painter
Labiche, Eugène (1815-1888) - playwright
Laffin, Dominique (1952-1985) - actor
Laffon, Yolande (1895-1992) - actor
Lafont, Pierre-Chéri (1797-1873) - actor
Lamoureux, Charles (1834-1899) - violinist, conductor
Lefebvre, Jules (1836-1912) - painter
Lemarois, Jean Léonor François, Comte (1776-1836) - general
Leménil, Louis (1804-1872) - actor
Lepère, Jean-Baptiste (1761-1844) - architect
Leplus, Gabriel (1806-1874) - flutist
Leroux, Pauline (1809-1891) - dancer, ballerina, choreographer
Lesueur, François-Louis (1819-1876) - actor
Levasseur, Nicolas-Prosper (1791-1871) - opera singer
Livry, Emma (1842-1863) - dancer
Lopez, Francis (1916-1995) - composer
Marchesi, Blanche (1863-1940) - opera singer
Marchesi, Mathilde (1821-1913) - opera singer, vocal teacher
Marconi, Lana (1917-1990) - actor, comedian
Marnay, Eddie (1920-2003) - songwriter
Marquet, Mary (1895-1979) - actor
Martel, Édouard-Alfred (1859-1938) - speleologist
Massart, Lambert (1811-1892) - violinist
Massart, Louise-Aglaé (1827-1887) - pianist
Massol, Eugène (1802-1887) - opera singer
Mathias, Georges (1826-1910) - composer, pianist, teacher
Meilhac, Henri (1832-1897) - opera librettist, dramatist
Mérante, Louis (1828-1887) - dancer, choreographer
Mérante-Richard, Zina (1832-1890) - dancer, dance teacher
Méry, Joseph (1797-1866) - poet, playwright, novelist, journalist
Mollot, Alain (1947-2013) - theatre manager
Montaland, Céline (1843-1891) - actor, dancer, singer
Montavan. Max (1929-1983) - actor, comedian
Montigny, Adolphe (1805-1880) - theatre manager, actor, playwright
Moreau, Gustave (1826-1898) - painter
Moreau, Jeanne (1928-2017) - actor
Mortelèque, Ferdinand-Henry (1774-1842) - painter, chemist
Mortier, Alfred (1865-1937) - playwright
Munck, Ernest de (1840-1915) - cellist, composer
Murger, Henri (1822-1861) - novelist, poet
Nadaud, Édouard (1862-1928) - violinist
Nijinski, Vaslav (1888-1950) - ballet dancer
Noriac, Jules (1827-1882) - journalist, dramatist, librettist, author
Nourrit, Adolphe (1802-1839) - opera singer, composer, librettist, music teacher
Offenbach, Jacques (1819-1880) - composer
Ohnet, Georges (1848-1918) - novelist
Osiris, Daniel Illfa (1825-1907) - banker, philanthropist
Patti, Carlotta (1835-1889) - singer
Péan, Jules (1830-1898) - surgeon
Picabia, Francis (1879-1953) - painter
Piérat, Marie Thérèse (1883-1934) - actor
Ponson du Terrail, Pierre Alexis, Vicomte de (1829-1871) - writer
Poulbot, Francisque (1879-1946) - illustrator
Prudent, Émile (1817-1863) - pianist, composer
Pulszky, Romola (1892-1978) - nobleman, ballet dancer
Récamier, Juliette (1777-1849) - society personality
Recio, Maria (1814-1862) - opera singer
Renan, Ernest (1823-1892) - philologist, philosopher
Rivette, Jacques (1928-2016) - director
Robecchi, Giulio (1806-1846) - physician, patriot
Roger-Miles, Léon (1859-1928) - poet, lawyer, historian, editor, art critic, journalist
Roqueplan, Camille (1803-1855) - painter
Roqueplan, Nestor (1805-1870) - journalist, author, theatre manager
Rouché, Jacques (1862-1957) - patron of the arts
Rouvière, Philibert (1809-1865) - actor, painter
Samson, Joseph (1793-1871) - actor, playwright
Sanson, Charles Henri (1739-1806) - executioner
Sanson, Henri (1767-1840) - executioner
Sarcey, Francisque (1828-1899) - drama critic, journalist
Sarcey, Yvonne (1869-1950) - man of letters, philanthropist
Sax, Adolphe (1814-1894) - instrument maker, musician
Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858) - painter
Scheffer, Cornelia (1830-1899) - sculptor, draughtsman
Sedelmeyer, Charles (1837-1925) - art collector, art dealer
Sée, Camille (1847-1919) - politician, lawyer
Simon, Jules (1814-1896) - statesman, philosopher
Siné (1928-2016) - cartoonist
Slowacki, Juliusz (1809-1849) - poet
Smithson, Harriet (1800-1854) - actor
Soupault, Philippe (1897-1990) - poet, novelist, critic
Stamaty, Camille-Marie (1811-1870) - piano teacher, composer
Stendhal (1783-1842) - writer
Tcherina, Ludmila (1924-2004) - dancer, painter, actor
Tholer, Gabrielle (1850-1894) - actor
Travot, Jean Pierre (1767-1836) - general
Tresca, Henri (1814-1885) - engineer
Truffaut, François (1932-1984) - director, screenwriter, actor, producer, film critic
Ugalde, Delphine (1829-1910) - opera singer, composer, pianist
Ugalde, Jeanne (1888-1956) - operetta singer, actor
Ugalde, Marguerite (1861-1940) - opera singer
Vergeot, Eléonore (1820-1886) - chamberlain
Vernet, Anne Louise (1814-1845) - model
Vernet, Horace (1789-1863) - painter
Vestris, Auguste (1760-1842) - dancer
Vestris, Gaetano Appolino Baltazar (1729-1808) - dancer
Vestris, Theresa (1726-1808) - dancer
Viardot, Louis (1800-1883) - author, art critic, translator
Viardot, Marianne (1854-1919) - singer, painter
Viardot-Garcia, Pauline (1821-1910) - singer, composer, pianist
Vigny, Alfred Victor, Comte de (1797-1863) - poet, novelist, playwright, translator
Vitta, Émile (1866-1954) - poet, explorer, art collector, philanthropist
Waldberg, Isabelle (1911-1990) - sculptor
Waldberg, Michel (1940-2012) - author
Waldeck-Rousseau, Pierre Marie (1846-1904) - statesman
Wappers, Gustave (1803-1874) - painter
Widal, Georges-Fernand (1862-1929) - physician, bacteriologist
Woestine, Anatole Charles Alexis de la (1786-1870) - general
Wolff, Auguste (1821-1887) - pianist, composer, industrialist
Xanrof, Léon (1867-1953) - singer, songwriter, playwright

Paris: Cimetière des Batignolles (31 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Bakst, Léon (1866-1924) - painter, stage designer
Barsacq, André (1909-1973) - theatre director, producer, playwright, scenery designer
Benois, Aleksander (1870-1960) - painter, historian
Berg, Claire (1879-1945) - opera singer
Boncza, Wanda de (1872-1902) - actor
Breton, André (1896-1966) - poet, writer
Bréval, Lucienne (1869-1935) - opera singer
Brieux-Ustaritz, Yves (1905-1991) - dancer, dance teacher
Calmette, Gaston (1858-1914) - publisher
Cendrars, Blaise (1887-1961) - poet, writer
Clément-Benois, Léla (1898-1972) - painter
d'Alençon, Émilienne (1870-1945) - courtesan, dancer, actor
Dereims, Étienne (1845-1904) - opera singer
Dereims-Devriès, Jeanne (1845-1924) - opera singer
Deval, Marguerite (1866-1955) - operatta singer, comedian
Dierx, Léon (1838-1912) - poet
Dufrêne, Blanche (1874-1919) - actor, comedian
Dulac, Odette (1865-1939) - singer, actor, author, sculptor, painter
Dutrieux, Hélène (1877-1961) - actor, comedian, pilot
Gauthier, Jacqueline (1921-1982) - actor
Halt, Marie Robert (1849-1906) - author
Halt, Robert (1828-1896) - novelist, journalist, communard
Margyl, Jane (1874-1907) - opera singer
Motte, Claire (1937-1986) - dancer, dance teacher
Munte, Lina (1854-1909) - actor, comedian, dancer
Munte, Suzanne (1867-1938) - actor
Péladan, Joséphin (1858-1918) - writer, mystic
Sandry, Georgette (1881-1912) - actor, singer
Tessandier, Aimee (1851-1923) - actor
Verlaine, Paul (1844-1896) - poet
Wiener, Charles (1851-1913) - explorer, diplomat

Paris: Cimetière du Montparnasse (77 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Agar (1832-1891) - actor
Alekhine, Alexander Alexandrovitch (1892-1946) - chess player
Amsel, Lena (1898-1929) - dancer, actor
Ancelot, Jean-François (1794-1854) - playwright, author
Ancelot, Virginie (1792-1875) - playwright, painter, salonière
Aumont, Tina (1946-2006) - actor
Aupick, Jacques (1789-1857) - general, politician
Aurenche, Marie-Berthe (1906-1960) - painter
Auric, Georges (1899-1983) - composer
Baltard, Pierre (1764-1846) - architect, painter, engraver
Barry, Kate (1967-2013) - fashion photographer
Bartholdi, Auguste (1834-1904) - sculptor, painter
Bastié, Maryse (1898-1952) - aviator
Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867) - poet, art critic, translator
Beauvoir, Simone de (1908-1986) - author, feminist, political activist, philosopher
Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989) - playwright, poet
Bellanger, Marguerite (1838-1886) - actor, courtesan
Bertrand, James (1825-1887) - painter
Bischoffsheim, Marie-Laure, Vicomtesse de Noailles (1902-1970) - author, painter, patron of the arts
Bouguereau, William (1825-1905) - painter
Bourdelle, Antoine (1861-1929) - sculptor
Brancusi, Constantin (1876-1957) - sculptor
Brassaï (1899-1984) - photographer, journalist
Browner, Juliet (1911-1991) - dancer, model
Busken Huet, Conrad (1826-1886) - theologian, literary critic, writer
Carrière, Eugène (1849-1906) - painter, engraver, lithographer
César (1921-1998) - sculptor
Chamerot, Georges (1845-1922) - publisher, printer
Chauveau-Lagarde, Claude François de (1756-1841) - lawyer
Dorval, Marie (1798-1849) - actor
Dreyfus, Alfred (1859-1935) - soldier
Dumont D'Urville, Jules (1790-1842) - explorer
Duras, Marguerite (1914-1996) - novelist, playwright, film maker
Fantin-Latour, Henri (1836-1904) - painter, engraver, lithographer
Franck, César (1822-1890) - composer
Gainsbourg, Serge (1928-1991) - singer
Gardner-Bouguereau, Elizabeth (1837-1922) - painter
Gauthier-Villars, Henri (1859-1931) - novelist, music critic
Gérard, François (1770-1837) - painter
Hachette, Louis (1800-1864) - publisher
Haskil, Clara (1895-1960) - pianist
Heilbron, Marie, vicomtesse de la Panouse (1851-1886) - opera singer
Huet, Paul (1803-1869) - painter
Hulin, Pierre-Augustin (1758-1841) - general
Huysmans, Joris Karl (1848-1907) - author
Ionesco, Eugène (1909-1994) - playwright
Ivens, Joris (1898-1989) - film maker
Jundt, Gustave (1830-1884) - painter, illustrator
Larousse, Pierre (1817-1875) - author, lexicographer, teacher
Laurens, Henri (1885-1954) - sculptor, engraver
Leblanc, Maurice (1864-1941) - novelist, short story writer
Man Ray (1890-1976) - visual artist
Maupassant, Guy de (1850-1893) - writer
Mendès, Catulle (1841-1909) - novelist, playwright, poet
Merle, Jean-Toussaint (1785-1852) - playwright, journalist
Meusnier, Mathieu Roland (1824-1896) - sculptor, art collector
Montez, Maria (1917-1951) - actor
Morgan, Michèle (1920-2016) - actor
Pascin, Jules (1885-1930) - painter, illustrator
Picasso, Paulo (1921-1975) - chauffeur
Poincaré, Henri (1854-1912) - mathematician, astronomer
Polugaevsky, Lev Abramovich (1934-1995) - chess player
Regnault, Henri (1843-1871) - painter
Regnault, Victor (1810-1878) - chemist, physicist, photographer
Rude, François (1784-1855) - sculptor
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (1804-1869) - writer, poet
Saint-Saëns, Camille (1835-1921) - composer
Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905-1980) - writer, philosopher, literary critic
Seberg, Jean (1938-1979) - actor
Seyrig, Delphine (1932-1990) - actor, film director, feminist
Sontag, Susan (1933-2004) - novelist, essayist, art critic, theatre director
Sorel, Cécile (1873-1966) - actor
Soutine, Chaim (1893-1943) - painter
Vallotton, Félix (1865-1925) - painter, writer
Viardot, Claudie (1852-1914) - painter
Zadkine, Ossip (1890-1967) - sculptor

Paris: Cimetière parisien de Pantin (9 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Aubert, Jeanne (1906-1998) - opera singer, actor
Audiberti, Amélie (1899-1988) - translator
Audiberti, Jacques (1899-1965) - poet, playwright, novelist
Baptiste, Muriel (1943-1995) - actor
Fontan, Gabrielle (1873-1959) - actor, comedian
Grossman, Harry (1881-1927) - director, film producer
Guitty, Madeleine (1870-1936) - actor, comedian
Leclerc, Ginette (1912-1992) - actor
Wulschleger, Henry (1894-1943) - film director, screenwriter

Paris: Dôme des Invalides (6 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Bonaparte, Jérôme (1784-1860) - monarch
Bonaparte, Joseph (1768-1844) - nobleman
Foch, Ferdinand (1851-1929) - marshal
Lyautey, Louis Hubert Gonzalve (1854-1934) - marshal, colonial administrator
Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821) - monarch, statesman, general
Napoleon II, Duke of Reichstadt (1811-1832) - nobleman

Paris: Panthéon (9 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Baudin, Alphonse (1811-1851) - physician, politician
Caulaincourt, Gabriel Louis, 4e Marquis de (1740-1808) - general, politician
Curie, Marie (1867-1934) - chemist
Curie, Pierre (1859-1906) - physicist
Dumas, Alexandre (père) (1802-1870) - writer
Lannes, Jean, Duc de Montebello (1769-1809) - marshal
Papin, Jean-Baptiste (1756-1809) - politician, lawyer
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778) - writer, philosopher, pedagogue, composer
Voltaire (1694-1778) - writer

Paris: Passy Cimetière (46 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Alphand, Hervé (1907-1994) - diplomat
Badin, Jules (1843-1919) - painter
Bardac, Emma (1862-1934) - singer, conversationalist
Barney, Natalie Clifford (1876-1972) - writer, poet
Bartet, Julia (1854-1941) - actor
Bashkirtseff, Maria (1858-1884) - painter, diarist
Bernstein, Henry (1876-1953) - playwright, theatre manager
Boyer, Isabelle Eugénie (1841-1904) - model
Bretty, Béatrice (1897-1982) - actor
Chevigné, Laure de (1859-1936) - salonière
Croizette, Sophie (1847-1901) - actor
Debussy, Claude (1862-1918) - composer
Delance, Paul Louis (1848-1924) - painter
Dreyfus-Barney, Laura (1879-1974) - teacher, philanthropist
Fauré, Gabriel (1845-1924) - composer, organist, pianist
Félix, Dinah (1836-1909) - actor
Francell, Fernand (1879-1966) - opera singer, actor, vocal teacher
Francell, Jacqueline (1908-1962) - actor, singer
Gamelin, Maurice (1872-1958) - general
Gérard, Rosemonde (1871-1953) - poet
Giraudoux, Jean (1882-1944) - playwright, novelist, diplomat
Henriot, Jane (1878-1900) - actor
Jaëll, Alfred (1832-1882) - pianist
Jaëll, Marie (1846-1925) - pianist, composer, music teacher
Kindt, Mathilde (1833-1886) - man of letters
Laborde, Rosine (1824-1907) - singer, vocal teacher
Las Cases, Emanuel Augustin Dieudonné, marquis de (1766-1842) - historian
Leconte, Marie (1869-1947) - actor
Leenhoff, Suzanne (1829-1906) - pianist
Lefuel, Hector (1810-1880) - architect
Manet, Édouard (1832-1883) - painter
Manet, Julie (1878-1966) - art collector, model, diarist
Mars, Colette (1916-1995) - actor, singer
Messager, André (1853-1929) - composer, conductor
Morisot, Berthe (1841-1895) - painter
Pierson, Blanche (1842-1919) - actor
Porel, Jacqueline (1918-2012) - actor
Porel, Marc (1949-1983) - actor
Réjane (1856-1920) - actor
Rouart, Ernest (1874-1942) - painter, engraver, art collector
Samary, Henri (1865-1902) - actor, impresario
Samary, Jeanne (1857-1890) - actor, model
Samary, Marie (1848-1941) - actor
Ventura, Marie (1886-1954) - actor
Vivien, Reneé (1877-1909) - poet, novelist, playwright
White, Pearl (1889-1938) - actor

Paris: Père Lachaise (311 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
About, Edmond (1828-1885) - novelist, journalist
Aguado, Alexandre (1813-1861) - nobleman
Aguado, Alexandre Jean, Marquis de Las Marismas (1784-1842) - soldier, banker, art collector
Alboni, Marietta (1823-1894) - opera singer
Alecian, Aïda (1919-1990) - pianist
Allent, Pierre Alexandre Joseph (1772-1837) - general, politician
Amillet, Pierre Hyppolyte (1785-1830) - military officer, army engineer
Apollinaire, Guillaume (1880-1918) - writer, poet, art critic
Arago, Emmanuel (1812-1896) - politician, lawyer
Arago, François (1786-1853) - astronomer, physicist
Arman (1928-2005) - sculptor
Auber, Daniel (1782-1871) - composer
Auclert, Hubertine (1848-1914) - feminist, journalist
Avril, Jane (1868-1943) - dancer, singer
Bache, Rose Céleste (1774-1843) - author, feminist
Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850) - writer
Barbanègre, Joseph (1772-1830) - general
Barbusse, Henri (1873-1935) - writer
Barras, Paul, vicomte de (1755-1829) - politician
Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire, Jules (1805-1895) - philosopher, journalist, statesman
Barye, Antoine Louis (1795-1875) - sculptor
Bathori, Jane (1877-1970) - opera singer
Baudry, Paul (1828-1886) - painter
Beaucé, Jean-Adolphe (1818-1875) - painter
Beauharnais, Émilie Louise de (1781-1855) - nobleman
Beaujour, Louis Auguste Feris, Baron Félix de (1765-1836) - nobleman
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de (1732-1799) - playwright
Beauvoir, Roger de (1809-1866) - novelist
Bécaud, Gilbert (1927-2001) - singer
Bellmer, Hans (1902-1975) - sculptor, photographer, painter, poet
Benner, Emmanuel (1836-1896) - painter
Benner, Jean (1836-1906) - painter
Benner, Many (1873-1965) - painter
Bernardi, Antonio (1831-1886) - pianist, organist, composer
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Henri (1737-1814) - writer, botanist
Bernhardt, Maurice (1864-1928) - playwright, theatre director
Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923) - actor
Berthémy, Pierre Augustin (1778-1855) - military officer
Bertrand-Dillon, Fanny (1785-1836) - nobleman
Beulé, Charles Ernest (1826-1874) - archaeologist, statesman
Bianchetti, Suzanne (1889-1936) - actor
Bibesco, Anna, Comtesse de Noailles (1876-1933) - poet, novelist
Bigottini, Émilie (1784-1858) - dancer
Bizet, Adolphe (1844-1873) - architect
Bizet, Georges (1838-1875) - composer
Blémont, Émile (1839-1927) - poet, playwright
Blosse-Lynch, Alice Harriet (1844-1919) - society beauty, amateur actor
Boieldieu, François-Adrien (1775-1834) - composer
Boilly, Louis-Léopold (1761-1845) - painter, engraver
Bonheur, Rosa (1822-1899) - painter
Börne, Ludwig (1786-1837) - writer
Boudet, Jean Pierre (1748-1828) - chemist, pharmacist
Bourdeney, Clarisse (1848-1898) - composer, collector
Boyer, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Henri (1775-1813) - general
Boyer, Pierre François Xavier (1772-1851) - military officer
Branchu, Caroline (1780-1850) - opera singer
Branly, Édouard (1844-1940) - physicist, inventor
Branly, Élisabeth (1899-1972) - painter
Brillat-Savarin, Jean-Anthèlme (1755-1826) - lawyer, judge, gastronome
Brongniart, Alexandre (fils) (1770-1847) - chemist, mineralogist, geologist, zoologist
Brongniart, Alexandre-Théodore (père) (1739-1813) - architect
Bruno, Adrien François de (1771-1861) - general
Caillaux, Henriette (1874-1943) - socialite, murderer
Callas, Maria (1923-1977) - singer, actor
Cambacérès, Jean Jacques Régis de, duc de Parma (1753-1824) - statesman
Caron, Pierre Louis Auguste, baron (1774-1832) - general
Carriès, Jean-Joseph (1855-1894) - sculptor, miniaturist
Cartellier, Pierre (1757-1831) - sculptor
Carvalho, Léon (1825-1897) - impresario, stage director, singer
Carvalho-Miolan, Caroline (1827-1895) - opera singer
Casadesus, Marius (1892-1981) - composer, violinist
Casadesus, Régina (1886-1961) - composer, harpsichordist, pianist
Castiglione, Virginia Oldoini, countess Verasis de (1835-1899) - royal mistress, nobleman
Caulaincourt, Armand Augustin Louis de, Duc de Vicenza (1773-1827) - marshal, diplomat
Cernuschi, Enrico (1821-1896) - industrialist, collector
Chabrol, Claude (1930-2010) - director
Champollion, Jean François (1790-1832) - egyptologist
Chapelle, Madeleine (1782-1849) - hatmaker
Charpentier, Gustave (1860-1956) - composer
Chauviré, Yvette (1917-2016) - prima ballerina, actor
Chenavard, Claude-Aimé (1798-1838) - painter, decorator, designer
Chéreau, Patrice (1944-2013) - opera director, theatre director, actor, producer
Cherubini, Luigi (1760-1842) - composer
Chopin, Frédéric (1810-1849) - composer, pianist
Christian (1821-1889) - actor, operetta singer
Clairon (1723-1803) - actor
Clarke, Mary Elizabeth (1793-1883) - author, salonière, feminist
Clary, Marcelle (1792-1866) - nobleman
Clary-Soumis, Françoise Rose (1739-1815)
Clément-Thomas, Jacques-Léonard (1809-1871) - general
Clésinger, Auguste (1814-1883) - sculptor
Cochrane, Archibald, 9th Earl of Dundonald (1748-1831) - nobleman, inventor, chemical manufacturer
Cogniet, Léon (1794-1880) - painter
Colette (1873-1954) - novelist
Colonne, Édouard (1838-1910) - conductor, violinist
Condorcet, Sophie de (1764-1822) - salonière, author, translator
Constant de Rebecque, Benjamin (1767-1830) - politician, writer
Corot, Camille (1796-1875) - painter, engraver
Cot, Pierre-Auguste (1837-1883) - painter
Courrière, Berthe de (1852-1916) - occultist
Couture, Thomas (1815-1879) - painter
Crosnier, Irma (1820-1907) - actor
Dabadie de Bernet, Jean Melchior (1748-1820) - military engineer, politician
d'Agoult, Marie (1805-1876) - author, historian, nobleman
Dantan, Antoine Laurent (1798-1878) - sculptor
Dantan, Jean Pierre (1800-1869) - sculptor
D'Antigny, Blanche (1840-1874) - courtesan, actor, singer
Darracq, Alexandre (1855-1931) - industrialist, investor, engineer
Daubigny, Charles-François (1817-1878) - painter
Daudet, Alphonse (1840-1897) - writer
Daudet, Lucien (1878-1946) - author, painter
Daudet-Allard, Julia (1844-1940) - salonière, author, poet, journalist, literary critic
David, Charlotte (1764-1826)
Davout, Louis-Nicholas, Duke of Auerstädt (1770-1823) - general
Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863) - painter, lithographer, etcher
Delille, Jacques (1738-1813) - poet
Delna, Marie (1875-1932) - opera singer
Denon, Vivant (1747-1825) - art historian, artist, diplomat, archaeologist
Denuelle, Eléonore (1787-1868) - reader, mistress
Doré, Gustave (1832-1883) - graphical artist, lithographer
Dorian, Pierre Frédéric (1814-1873) - statesman, ironmaster
Doris, Pierre (1919-2009) - actor, comedian
Doyle, Charles William (1770-1842) - army officer
Dubois, Paul (1829-1905) - sculptor
Dubufe, Guillaume (1853-1909) - painter, decorator, illustrator
Duchesnois, Joséphine (1777-1835) - actor
Dugazon (1746-1809) - actor
Dugazon, Rose (1755-1821) - opera singer, actor, dancer
Duhamel, Biana (1870-1910) - opertta singer
Duhamel, Sarah (1873-1926) - actor
Dumoulin le Keuche, Edmond Luc, chevalier (1906-1970) - poet, scientist
Duncan, Isadora (1877-1927) - dancer
Durant, Susan (1827-1873) - painter, sculptor
Duret, Francisque Joseph (1804-1865) - sculptor
Edwards, Alfred Charles (1856-1914) - journalist, publisher
Éluard, Paul (1895-1952) - poet
Enesco, Georges (1881-1955) - composer, pianist, violinist
Ernst, Max (1891-1976) - painter, sculptor, graphical artist
Fabréga, Christine (1931-1988) - actor
Faivre, Amélie (1837-1897) - opera singer
Falcon, Cornélie (1814-1897) - opera singer
Faure, Félix (1841-1899) - statesman
Félix, Rachel (1820-1858) - actor, mistress
Fornia, Rita (1878-1922) - opera singer
Fould, Achille (1800-1867) - statesman, banker
Fourès, Pauline (1778-1869) - royal mistress, painter, novelist
Foy, Maximilien Sebastien (1775-1825) - soldier, politician
Fraser, Caroline Georgina (1810-1879) - nobleman
Garcia, Manuel (1775-1832) - singer, composer, impresario, singing teacher
Garcia, Maria (1842-1867) - opera singer
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis (1778-1850) - physicist, chemist
Genlis, Félicité, comtesse de (1746-1830) - writer
George, Marguerite Joséphine (1787-1867) - actor
Géricault, Théodore (1791-1824) - painter
Germain, Sophie (1776-1831) - mathematician, physicist, philosopher
Gill, André (1840-1885) - caricaturist
Girardin de Montgérald, Laure, Comtesse de la Touche (1749-1817) - nobleman
Girodet de Roussy-Trioson, Anne Louis (1767-1824) - painter
Goll, Ivan (1891-1950) - writer
Goll-Aischmann, Clara (1890-1977) - novelist, poet
Gramme, Zénobe Théophile (1826-1901) - engineer
Grétry, André (1741-1813) - composer
Gris, Jean Antoine Arthur (1829-1872) - botanist
Grisi, Giulia (1811-1869) - opera singer
Gros, Antoine-Jean (1771-1835) - painter
Guilbert, Yvette (1865-1944) - singer, writer
Haas, Charles (1832-1902) - dandy
Hanská, Ewelina (1804-1882) - nobleman, patron
Haussmann, Georges Eugène, Baron (1809-1891) - architect, civic planner
Hautpoul, Alphonse Henri, comte d' (1789-1865) - statesman
Haüy, Valentin (1745-1822) - scientist
Hébuterne, Jeanne (1898-1920) - painter, painter's model
Hersent, Louis (1777-1860) - painter, printmaker
Hersent, Louise (1784-1862) - painter
Hubscher, Catherine (Madama Sans-Gêne) (1753-1835) - ironer
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867) - painter
Isabey, Jean Baptiste (1767-1855) - painter
Jouvenel, Colette de (1913-1981) - film producer
Kardec, Allan (1804-1869) - spiritualist, philosopher, educator
Kellermann, François Christophe de, 1st Duke of Valmy (1735-1820) - marshal
Kellermann, François Christophe Edmond de, 3rd Duke of Valmy (1802-1868) - diplomat, politician, political historian
Kellermann, François Étienne de, 2nd Duke of Valmy (1770-1835) - general
Kessler, Harry, Graf (1868-1937) - art collector, pacifist, diplomat
Klumpke, Anna (1856-1942) - painter
Kucharsky, Alexander (1741-1819) - painter
Kupka, Frantisek (1871-1957) - painter
La Bédoyère, Charles, Comte de (1786-1815) - general
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621-1695) - writer
Lafont, Charles (1781-1839) - violinist, composer, singer
Lantelme, Geneviève (1883-1911) - actor, courtesan, socialite
Laprade, Albert (1883-1978) - architect
Laurencin, Marie (1883-1956) - painter, textile designer
Lavalette, Antoine-Marie Chamans, Comte de (1769-1830) - general, politician
Lavalette, Joséphine (1802-1886) - nobleman
Le Bon, Gustave (1841-1931) - anthropologist, psychologist, sociologist
Lebrun, Charles François, 1st Duc de Piacenza (1739-1824) - statesman
Lebrun, Louis Sébastien (1764-1829) - opera singer, composer
Lebrun, Louise Marie Caroline (1807-1865) - opera singer
Leclerc des Essarts, Louis Nicolas Marin (1770-1820) - general
Lecomte, Claude (1817-1871) - general
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre Auguste (1807-1874) - lawyer
Lefebvre, François Joseph, Duc de Dantzig (1755-1820) - marshal
Lefel, Edith (1963-2003) - singer
Lefèvre, Robert (1755-1830) - painter
Leloir, Louis (1860-1909) - actor
Lenormand, Marie (1772-1843) - fortune teller
Lesseps, Ferdinand, vicomte de (1805-1894) - diplomat, business man
Litvinne, Félia (1860-1936) - opera singer
Llamas, Armando (1950-2003) - dramatist, journalist, translator
Luchet, Auguste (1806-1872) - playwright, journalist, novelist
Lucipia, Louis (1843-1904) - journalist, politician
MacDonell, Marie Claire Emilie, vicomtesse Aguado (1817-1905) - lady in waiting
Maquet, Auguste (1813-1888) - novelist, playwight
Mars, Anne Françoise Hippolyte Boutet Monvel (1779-1847) - actor
Masséna, André, duc de Rivoli, prince d'Essling (1758-1817) - marshal
Maurin, Antoine (1771-1830) - military officer
Mayer, Eugénie (1814-1880) - opera singer, singing teacher
Mayer-Lamartinière, Constance (1775-1821) - painter
Mérode, Cléo de (1875-1966) - dancer
Mialaret, Adèle-Athénais (1826-1899) - natural historian, memoirist
Micas, Nathalie (1824-1889) - painter, inventor
Michelet, Jules (1798-1874) - historian
Modigliani, Amédéo (1884-1920) - painter
Mohl, Julius (1800-1876) - orientalist
Molière, Jean-Baptiste (1622-1673) - playwright, actor, poet
Montand, Yves (1921-1991) - actor, singer
Moreau-Vauthier, Augustin Jean (1831-1893) - sculptor
Moreau-Vauthier, Charles (1857-1924) - painter, historian, author
Moreau-Vauthier, Paul (1871-1936) - sculptor
Morny, Charles Auguste Louis Joseph, Duc de (1811-1865) - statesman, royal bastard
Murat, Joachim, king of Naples (1767-1815) - monarch, marshal
Murat, Lucien, 3e Prince Murat (1803-1878) - lawyer
Musset, Alfred de (1810-1857) - writer
Musurus, Raluka, princess Bibesco (1847-1923) - pianist
Nadar (1820-1910) - photographer, graphical artist, writer
Nélaton, Auguste (1807-1873) - physician, surgeon
Nerval, Gérard de (1808-1855) - poet, playwright
Neveu, Ginette (1919-1949) - violinist
Ney, Michel, Duc d’Elchingen, Prince de la Moskowa (1769-1815) - marshal
Nittis, Giuseppe de (1846-1884) - painter
Nittis, Léontine de (1843-1913) - artist's model, novelist, story writer
Noël, Léon (1844-1913) - actor, comedian
Noir, Victor (1848-1870) - journalist
Oudinot, Charles, 2nd Duc de Reggio (1791-1863) - general, politician, author
Ozy, Alice (1820-1893) - courtesan, actor, singer
Papus (1865-1916) - occultist, physician, writer
Patorni, Aurèle (1880-1955) - author, journalist, anarchist, lyricist
Patti, Adelina, Baroness Cederström (1843-1919) - singer
Patti, Amelia (1831-1915) - opera singer
Patti, Salvatore (1800-1869) - opera singer
Paulze, Marie-Anne Pierrette (1758-1836) - chemist, translator
Pélissier, Olympe (1799-1878) - courtesan, model
Piaf, Édith (1915-1963) - singer
Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) - painter
Pleyel, Camille (1788-1855) - piano manufacturer, pianist, composer, music publisher
Pleyel, Ignace (1757-1831) - musician, composer
Poinsot, Louis (1777-1859) - mathematician
Ponchard, Antoine (1787-1866) - opera singer, singing teacher
Ponchard, Marie Sophie (1792-1873) - opera singer
Poulenc, Francis (1899-1963) - composer
Proust, Marcel (1871-1922) - writer
Provost, Jean-Baptiste (1798-1865) - actor, comedian
Prud'hon, Pierre-Paul (1758-1823) - painter
Ramel, Delphine (1808-1887)
Regnault, Jean Baptiste, Baron (1754-1829) - painter
Regnault, Sophie (1763-1825) - painter
Reicha, Anton (1770-1836) - composer
Reille, André Charles (1815-1887) - general
Reille, Honoré Charles (1775-1860) - marshal
Rémusat, Claire-Élisabeth Gravier de Vergennes, comtesse de (1780-1821) - nobleman, author
Renié, Henriette (1875-1956) - harpist, composer
Réty, Charles (1824-1895) - theatre manager, music critic
Robertson, Gaspard Étienne (1763-1837) - stage magician, physicist, balloonist
Rodenbach, Georges (1855-1898) - poet
Romains, Jules (1885-1972) - author, poet
Roussel, Raymond (1877-1933) - writer, poet, musician, chess enthousiast
Royer, Marie (1841-1873) - actor
Rôze, Marie (1846-1926) - opera singer
Saint-Hilaire, Étienne Geoffrey (1772-1844) - zoologist, naturalist
Salle, Mathilde (1867-1934) - dancer
Say, Jean-Baptiste (1767-1832) - economist, businessman
Schumann, Julie (1845-1872) - nobleman
Scribe, Eugène (1791-1861) - playwright, librettist, novelist
Segond-Weber, Eugénie (1867-1945) - actor
Seurat, Georges-Pierre (1859-1891) - painter
Sèze, Raymond de (1748-1828) - lawyer
Signoret, Simone (1921-1985) - actor
Singer, Flore (1824-1915) - salonière, man of letters
Smith, Sidney (1764-1840) - admiral
Stein, Gertrude (1874-1946) - novelist, critic
Stevens, Alfred (1823-1906) - painter
Strakosch, Maurice (1825-1887) - composer, impresario
Suchet, Louis Gabriel, Duke of Albufera (1770-1826) - marshal
Tadolini, Eugénia (1809-1872) - opera singer
Taglioni, Marie (1804-1884) - dancer
Talma, François Joseph (1763-1826) - actor
Tascher de la Pagerie, Jean-Henri-Robert (1785-1816) - general
Thiers, Adolphe (1797-1877) - statesman, historian, journalist
Thullier-Leloir, Louise (1859-1936) - singer, actor, comedian
Tournon-Branly, Marion (1924-2016) - architect
Trintignant, Marie (1962-2003) - actor
Ver Huell, Carel Hendrik (1764-1845) - statesman, admiral
Vignon, Claude (1828-1888) - sculptor, feminist, author
Visconti, Ludovico Tullio Gioacchino (1791-1853) - architect
Walewska, Maria (1786-1817) - nobleman, royal mistress
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900) - playwright, novelist, essayist, poet
Williams, Helen Maria (1761-1827) - poet, writer
Yon, Edmond (1841-1897) - engraver, painter, etcher
Zandt, Marie van (1858-1919) - singer
Ziem, Félix François (1821-1911) - painter
Zürn, Unica (1916-1970) - painter, author

Paris: St. Vincent Cimetière (5 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Aubart, Ninette (1887-1964) - singer
Honegger, Arthur (1892-1955) - composer
Utrillo, Maurice (1883-1955) - artist, painter
Valore, Lucie (1878-1965) - painter
Vaurabourg, Andrée (1894-1980) - pianist

Rouen, Seine-Maritime: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen (1 person) (Details)
(Location on map)
Henry the Young King (1155-1183) - monarch

Rouen, Seine-Maritime: Cimetière Monumentale (2 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Duchamp, Alexina (1906-1995) - art dealer
Duchamp, Marcel (1887-1968) - painter, visual artist

Rueil-Malmaison, Hauts-de-Seine: Église Saint-Pierre Saint-Paul (2 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Beauharnais, Hortense de (1783-1837) - nobleman
Beauharnais, Joséphine de (1763-1814) - royal consort

Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis: Basilique Cathédrale de Saint-Denis (2 persons) (Details)
Louis XVI Auguste, King of France (1754-1793) - monarch
Marie Antoinette, queen of France (1755-1793) - royal consort

Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois, Essonne: Cimetière russe de Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois (9 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Bounine, Ivan Aleksejevitsj (1870-1953) - novelist, poet
Glebova-Sudeyikina, Olga (1885-1945) - actor
Lifar, Serge (1904-1986) - ballet dancer, choreographer
Mozzhukhin, Ivan (1889-1939) - actor, director
Nureyev, Rudolf (1938-1993) - dancer, choreographer
Poliakoff, Serge (1900-1969) - painter
Preobrazhenskaya, Olga (1871-1962) - ballet dancer, ballet teacher
Tarkovsky, Andrei (1932-1986) - director, film writer, actor
Yusupov, Felix, prince (1887-1967) - nobleman

Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines: Église St.-Louis (1 person) (Details)
(Location on map)
James II, king of England (1633-1701) - monarch

Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines: Vieux Cimetière (7 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Carrier-Belleuse, Albert-Ernest (1824-1887) - sculptor
Denis, Maurice (1870-1943) - painter, engraver, decorative painter, art scholar
Desprès, Suzanne (1875-1951) - actor
Home, Daniel Dunglas (1833-1886) - spiritualist
Lugné-Poe (1869-1940) - actor, producer, theatre manager
Magnan, Bernard Pierre (1791-1865) - marshal
Tati, Jacques (1908-1982) - actor, director

Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis: Cimetière Parisien: Ancien Cimetière (1 person) (Details)
(Location on map)
Lenglen, Suzanne (1899-1938) - tennis player

Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis: Cimietière Parisien: Nouveau Cimetière (2 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Lemoine, Gustave (1902-1934) - aviation pioneer
Valadon, Suzanne (1865-1938) - painter, graphical artist

St. Leu-la-Forêt, Val-d'Oise: Église Saint-Gilles (1 person) (Details)
(Location on map)
Bonaparte, Napoléon Louis (1804-1831) - nobleman

Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin: Église Saint-Thomas (1 person) (Details)
(Location on map)
Moritz, Graf von Sachsen (1696-1750) - marshal, royal bastard

Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin: Kleber monument (1 person) (Details)
(Location on map)
Kleber, Jean Baptiste (1753-1800) - soldier

Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin: Saint-Gall cimetière (1 person) (Details)
(Location on map)
Kastner, Léonie (1820-1888)

Toulon, Var: Cimetière central (4 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Aicard, Jean (1848-1921) - poet, novelist, playwright
Allar, André Joseph (1845-1926) - sculptor
Beurmann, Jean Ernest, Baron de (1775-1850) - general, mayor
Fabié, François (1846-1928) - poet, novelist, playwright

Versailles, Yvelines: Cimetière des Gonards (4 persons) (Details)
(Location on map)
Blériot, Louis (1872-1936) - aviation pioneer
Bonaparte, Pierre Napoleon (1815-1881) - nobleman
Montesquiou-Fezensac, Robert, Comte de (1855-1921) - poet, art collector, dandy
Wharton, Edith (1862-1937) - novelist

Versailles, Yvelines: Cimetière Notre-Dame (1 person) (Details)
(Location on map)
Favre, Jules (1809-1880) - statesman, lawyer

Versailles, Yvelines: Cimetière St.-Louis (1 person) (Details)
(Location on map)
Holmès, Augusta (1847-1903) - composer

(962 Grave Locations listed)