Dierx, Léon

BORN 31 Mar 1838, St.-Denis, Ile de Réunion: villa Déramond-Barre - DIED 10 Jun 1912, Paris, 17e
BIRTH NAME Dierx, Marais Victor Léon
GRAVE LOCATION Paris: Cimetière des Batignolles, 8 rue Saint-Just (Division 16)

Léon Dierx was born at the Ile de Réunion, an island east of Madagascar. He went to Paris to study when he was fifteen years old and found work at the Education Office.

He was a follower of Leconte de Lisle and he became one of the Parnassian poets, publishing his work in "Le Parnasse Contemporain". His volume "Poésies Complètes" received an award from the Académie Française. After Mallarmé died in 1898 the young French poets called him 'Prince des poètes'. In 1912 a new museum of art at Saint-Denis, Le Réunion was named after him.

Related persons
• was a friend of Baudelaire, Charles
• was a friend of Verlaine, Paul


The grave of Leon Dierx at the Batignolles cemetery, Paris.
Picture by Androom (23 Aug 2001)


• Beyern, Bertrand, Guide des Cimetières en France, Le Cherche Midi Éditeur, Paris, 1994
Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909
Léon Dierx - Wikipédia (FR)

Diessl, Gustav

Published: 24 May 2009
Last update: 02 Apr 2023