Mohl, Julius

BORN 25 Oct 1800, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg - DIED 4 Jan 1876, Paris
GRAVE LOCATION Paris: Père Lachaise, Rue du Repos 16 (division 56)

Julius Mohl cam from a family of civil servants. His father was the lawyer and politician Benjamin Ferdinand von Mohl (1766-1845) and his mother Louisa Friederica Autenrieth (1776-1843) was the sister of Johann Heinrich Ferdinand Autenrieth (1772-1835), the Chancellor of the University of Tübingen. His brother Robert (1799-1875) was a political scientist, his brother Moritz (1802-1888) an economist and his brother Hugo (1805-1872) a botanist and physician.

Julius Mohl studied theology in Tübingen and oriental languages in Engeland and in Paris, where Silvestre de Sacy and Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat were his teachers. He obtained an extraordinary professorship in Tübingen in 1826. He spent most his time doing research in Paris, London and Oxford. After the French government asked him to translate Firdusi 's "Shâhnâme" he gave up his positon in Tübingen and moved to Paris in 1834. In 1844 he became a member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres and in 1847 professor of Persian at the Collège de France. In the same year he married Mary Elizabeth Clarke (1793-1883). It was a good marriage and she continued her literary salon after they married.

In 1852 Mohl was appointed inspector of oriental printing in the imperial printing works. He was also secretary and later president of the Société Asiatique for which he wrote numerous reports between 1841 to 1866. His translation of "Shâhnâme" was published in six folio volumes between 1838 and 1866. Mohl died in 1876 in Paris.

• Wife: Clarke, Mary Elizabeth (1847-1876)


The grave of Julius Mohl and Mary Elizabeth Mohl-Clarke at Père Lachaise, Paris.
Picture by Androom (01 Nov 2022)


Julius Mohl - Wikipedia
ADB:Mohl – Wikisource

Mohr, Arno

Published: 23 Jul 2023
Last update: 23 Jul 2023