Modigliani, Amédéo

BORN 12 Jul 1884, Livorno, Toscana - DIED 24 Jan 1920, Paris
CAUSE OF DEATH tuberculosis
GRAVE LOCATION Paris: Père Lachaise, Rue du Repos 16 (division 96)

Impressionist painter. Amédéo Modigliani was born in Leghorn of a Italian-Jewish family and studied in Leghorn, Florence and Venice. He came to Paris in 1906. The English poetess Beatrice Hastings was his girlfriend and he befriended Rivera, Kisling, Soutine, Gris, Lipschitz, Jacob, Cocteau and the art dealers Gauillaume and Zborowski. In 1910 he attracted attention with his "Cellist", which showed African as well as Italian influences. In 1910 he met the poet Anna Akhmatova. They had studios in the same building. She had recently married but still they started an affair. Modigliani painted her many times. After a year she returned to her husband.

From 1914 onwards he was increasingly dependant on drinks and drugs. Earlier symptoms of tuberculosis increased at this time. In 1917 or 1918 he married Jeanne Hébuterne and they had a daughter in 1918. He said that he was going to drink himself to death and at the end of his life he was only able to paint after drinking heavily. The day after his death of tuberculosis in 1920 Jeanne jumped out of the window at her parents' place. They buried her at the Bagneux Cemetery and it was not until 1930 that they allowed her to rest beside Modigliani at the Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris.

Related persons
• painted Cendrars, Blaise
• lived with Hébuterne, Jeanne
• knew Lehmbruck, Wilhelm
• painted Nijinski, Vaslav
• was a friend of Soutine, Chaim
• painted Soutine, Chaim


Modigliani's grave at Père Lachaise, Paris.
Picture by Androom (06 Mar 1995)


The grave of Amédéo Modigliani at Père Lachaise, Paris.
Picture by Androom (24 Oct 2014)


'Portrait de Paul Alexandre devant un vitrage'.
   (1913, Rouen: Musée des Beaux-Arts)

"La ragazza rossa (Testa di donna dai capello rossi)".
   (1915, Torino: Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea)

"Portrait of an unknown Model".
   (c1918, Manchester: Manchester Art Gallery)

• Murray, Peter & Linda Murray, The Penguin Dictionary of Arts & Artists, Fourth Edition, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1981
Amedeo Modigliani - Wikipedia

Mödl, Martha

Published: 01 Jan 2006
Last update: 03 Jan 2024