La Lyre, Adolphe

BORN 1 Oct 1848, Rouvres-en-Woëvre, Meuse, Lorraine - DIED 23 Jan 1935, Courbevoie, Hauts-de-Seine
BIRTH NAME Lalire, Adolphe
GRAVE LOCATION Paris: Cimetière de Montmartre, 20 Avenue Rachel (division 01)

Adolphe La Lyre was educated at the École des beaux-arts in Paris where Bouguereau was his teacher. He debuted with religious compositions, but he became best known for his female nudes. He became known as 'the painter of sirens.'

He married his pupil Marthe Lévesques and lived with her family at Chennevières-sur-Marne before they moved to Courbevoie in 1897. La Lyre exhibited in Paris from 1876 to 1929. He received medals at the universal exhibitions of 1889 and 1900 in Paris. He died in 1935 in Courbevoie and was buried at Montmarte Cemetery in Paris in the tomb of his wife's family.

Related persons
• was pupil of Bouguereau, William
• was pupil of Henner, Jean-Jacques
• was pupil of Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre


The grave of Adolphe La Lyre at the Cimetière Montmartre, Paris.
Picture by Androom (20 Feb 2016)


• Bénézit, E. [Red.], Dictionaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et, Graveurs, Librairie Gründ, Paris, 1976
Adolphe Lalyre - Wikipédia

La Roche, Karl, Ritter von

Published: 03 Apr 2016
Last update: 12 May 2023