Nélaton, Auguste

BORN 18 Jun 1807, Paris - DIED 21 Sep 1873, Paris
GRAVE LOCATION Paris: Père Lachaise, Rue du Repos 16 (division 06, ligne 01, W, 31)

Auguste Nélaton was the son of an officer of Napoleon's Grande Armeée. His father disappeared during the retreat from Russia in 1812. In 1828 he started medical studieds and he received his doctorate in 1836. In 1839 he became a professor at the Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris. He published his influential work ""Éléments de pathologie chirurgicale" in 1844. From 1851 to 1857 he was professor of surgery. He was a member of the surgical staff of the St. Louis Hospital and developed several new surgical procedures and operations.

In 1857 he left his position to become personal surgeon to Napoleon III. In 1862 Garibaldi was shot in the foot and his surgeons were uncertain how to proceed. Nélaton visited him and pointed out how the exact location of the bullet could be detected and how it could be removed. The operation was performed accordingly by Ferdinando Zannetti (1801-1881) in Florence. In 1867 Nélaton was elected into the Académie des sciences and in 1868 he became a senator of the Second Empire.

Related persons
• was physician to Napoleon III Bonaparte
• was teacher of Nussbaum, Johann Nepomuk von
• was teacher of Péan, Jules


The grave of Auguste Nélaton at Père Lachaise, Paris.
Picture by Androom (02 Nov 2018)


Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909
Auguste Nélaton - Wikipédia

Nelken, Dinah

Published: 10 Apr 2023
Last update: 10 Apr 2023