Samary, Henri |
BORN 5 Apr 1865, Paris - DIED 3 Feb 1902, Berlin GRAVE LOCATION Paris: Passy Cimetière, 2 Rue du Commandant Schloesing (division 01) |
Henri Samary was the grandson of the actress Suzanne Brohan. He was an actor at the Théâtre de la Gaîté and at the Comédie-Française. He also worked as an impresario. In 1886 he married the actor and singer Juliette Méaly. When he was on tour in Berlin in 1902 he died of peritonitis. He is best remembered for his portrait that was painted by Henri Toulouse-Lautrec from 1889. Louis Anquetin painted his portrait as well in 1890. Related persons is brother/sister of Samary, Jeanne is brother/sister of Samary, Marie |
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Sources Henry Samary - Wikipédia (FR) |