Matisse, Henri

BORN 31 Dec 1869, Le Cateau-Cambrésis - DIED 3 Nov 1954, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes: Cimiez
GRAVE LOCATION Nice, Alpes-Maritimes: Cimetière de Cimiez, Place du Monastère de Cimiez (Clos Saint-Étienne, numéro 530 )

Son of a seed handler. He studied with Gustave Moreau in Paris ans his early work shows influences by Chardin and Corot. With his model Caroline Joblau he had a daughter in 1894, Marguerite. In 1898 he married Amélie Noellie Parayre and together they raised Marguerite, who often modelled for him. With Amélie he had two sons, Jean (1899) and Pierre (1900).

In 1904 he met Picasso and they were friends as well as rivals for the rest of his life. Together with Roualt, Derain, Dufy and others he founded Fauvism. His work was criticized by academics, but found its way to the public. From 1911 until 1917 he taught young artists at the Académie Matisse in Paris. In 1917 he moved to Cimiez (Nice). At the end of the 1920s interest in his work had declined, but during the 1930s he was back in the picture.

In 1939 he divorced Amélie and in 1941 it became clear that he had cancer. He was operated and bound to a wheelchair afterwards. His former Russian model Lydia Delektorskaya took care of him. He started creating his famous paper collages and in 1947 he published his book "Jazz".

From 1947 until 1951 he decorated the interior of the Chapelle du Rosaire in Vence. In 1954 he died of a heart attack. Not long before his death he had donated 100 works to his birthplace Le Cateau.

• Daughter: Matisse, Marguerite

Related persons
• knew Berggruen, Heinz
• was photographed by Brassaï
• was pupil of Carrière, Eugène
• was influenced by Corot, Camille
• worked for Diaghilev, Sergei
• influenced Dufy, Raoul
• was written about by Duthuit, Georges
• influenced Léger, Fernand
• was a friend of Moll, Margarethe
• was a friend of Moll, Oskar
• was pupil of Moreau, Gustave
• knew Stravinsky, Igor


The grave of Henri Matisse at the Cimetière de Cimiez, Nice.
Picture by Androom (28 Nov 2008)


• Adler, Josef, Handbuch der Grabstätten, 2. Band, Die Grabstätte der Europäer, Deutsches Kunstverlag, München, 1986
• Beyern, Bertrand, Guide des Cimetières en France, Le Cherche Midi Éditeur, Paris, 1994
Schilderkunst van A tot Z, REBO, Lisse, 1990
Henri Matisse - Wikipedia (EN)

Matisse, Marguerite

Published: 13 Dec 2008
Last update: 02 Oct 2022