Edwards, Alfred Charles

BORN 10 Jul 1856, Constantinopel (now: Istanbul) - DIED 10 Mar 1914, Paris
CAUSE OF DEATH influenza
GRAVE LOCATION Paris: Père Lachaise, Rue du Repos 16 (division 89, ligne 01 (Edwards mausoleum))

Son of a British physician who was working in the Middle East. In 1876 he started working as a journalist for La Figaró. In 1884 he started the newspaper Le Matin. Soon he quarreled with his American financiers and he started his own newspaper Le Matin Français. This paper was far more successful and soon he aquired Le Matin and put the two papers together.

In 1895 he sold Le Matin and used the money for several other publications. He was married six times. Among his wives was Jeanne Charcot, a daughter of the physician J.M. Charcot. In 1905 he married the Russian pianist Misia Godebska (known as Misia Sert in later years). The marriage lasted until 1909 and in 1910 he married his mistress, the actress Geneviève Lantelme. In 1911 she fell from his yacht and drowned. Only a few monts later he married another actress, Gabrielle Colonna-Romano. He died in 1914 and left his fortune to Gabrielle.

• Wife: Lantelme, Geneviève (1909-1911, Rouen)


The grave of Alfred Charles Edwards at Père Lachaise, Paris.
Picture by Androom (24 Oct 2014)


Alfred Edwards (journalist) - Wikipedia

Edwards, Amelia

Published: 15 Nov 2014
Last update: 05 Apr 2022