Kellermann, François Étienne de, 2nd Duke of Valmy

BORN 4 Aug 1770, Metz, Moselle - DIED 2 Jun 1835, Paris
GRAVE LOCATION Paris: Père Lachaise, Rue du Repos 16 (division 30, ligne 01, T, 26)

François Étienne Kellermann was the son of marshall François Chrisophe Kellermann (1735-1820. His mother was Marie Anne Barbe (1744-1812). He started his miltary service in 1785. In 1791 he accompanied the French ambassador to the USA. In 1793 he returned to France and was aide-de-camp to his father. In 1796 he was promoted to chef de brgade and transferrred to the army in Italy, where he saw action on mant occasions.

In 1787 he was wounded severely during the corssing of the Talgiamento. He was promoted to géneral de brigade and served in Rome and Naples. On 4 September 1800 he married Thérèse Gaudi (1765-1844). He was promoted to géneral de division after his important contribution to the Battle of Marengo. He was wounded again in the Battle of Austerlitz. In 1807 he served in Portugal and from 1808 to 1810 in Spain. In 1811 he returned to France.

In 1813 he retired for health reasons but he soon returned to the army and fought at Rippach and Lutzen. He was wounded again but continued to fight at Bautzen, Dresden and Leipzig. In 1814 he joined the defense of France. After Napoleon's abdication he was decorated by the Bourbons. during the 100 days he sided with Napolon again and fought at Quatre-Bras and Waterloo, where he wounded once more. After the second restoration he was out of favour with the Bourbons but he succeeded his father in the Chamber of Peers in 1820 where he didn't support the Bourbons. he died in 1835 in Paris.

• Father: Kellermann, François Christophe de, 1st Duke of Valmy
• Son: Kellermann, François Christophe Edmond de, 3rd Duke of Valmy


The grave of François Christophe de Kellermann at Père Lachaise, Paris.
Picture by Androom (02 Nov 2018)


Kelly, Grace

Published: 05 Apr 2021
Last update: 05 Apr 2021