Blanchard, Maria

BORN 6 Mar 1881, Santander - DIED 15 Apr 1932, Paris
BIRTH NAME Cueto, María Gutiérrez
CAUSE OF DEATH tuberculosis
GRAVE LOCATION Bagneux, Hauts-de-Seine: Cimetière Parisien de Bagneux, 45 Avenue Marx Dormoy (division 88, ligne 5, tombe 2)

María Gutiérrez Cueto was the daughter of the journalist Enrique Gutiérrez Cueto. Her mother's name was Concepción Blanchard Santisteban. She walked with a limp and at school she was called 'the witch'. She studied painting under Emilio Sala. After her father's death in 1904 the family moved to Madrid, where she studied at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. In 1909 she went to Paris to study at the Académie Vitti. In Paris she was introduced to cubism by Juan Gris and Pablo Picassp. In July 1914 she left for Mallorca with Diego Rivera and Jacques Lipchitz.

After the First World War broke out they moved on to Madrid. There she exhibited cubist works. From 1915 to 1916 she worked as a teacher in Spain before she returned to Paris. In 1919 she had a solo exhibition in Paris and in 1920 her painting "La Comulgante" at the Salon d'Indépendants. From 1922 onwards she had a studio at the Rue Boulard in Paris. She changed her style to realism and painted portraits. After Gris' death in 1927 she fell into a depression. In 1932 she died of tuberculosis.


The grave of Maria Blanchard at the Cimetière Parisien, Bagneux.
Picture by Androom (03 Nov 2017)


María Blanchard - Wikipédia

Blaschke, Hanns

Published: 28 Dec 2019
Last update: 28 Dec 2019