Cavaignac, Eugène Louis

BORN 15 Oct 1802, Paris - DIED 28 Oct 1857, Ournes (country seat), Sarthe
GRAVE LOCATION Paris: Cimetière de Montmartre, 20 Avenue Rachel (division 31)

Eugène Louis Cavaignac was the son of the republican Jean Baptiste Cavaignac. He became an officer in the army in 1824 and from 1832 until 1848 he served in Algeria.

After the revolution of 1848 he was elected to the National Assembly and he returned to Paris. Soon the June uprisings started and he was appointed dictator. The government troops fought a bloody battle against the rebels in the streets of Paris. He ordered 60 of them to be executed immediately, claiming that 'at most five or six of them were innocent'.

After order was restored he presided the Executive Committee, preparing presidential elections. He was running for the presidency himself, but for the common people Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was a better alternative to lead the nation to stability. Cavaignac received 1,5 million votes against 5,5 million for Louis Napoleon.

After Louis' coup d'état in 1851 he was arrested and for a while imprisoned at Ham. After his release he left the country for a while and then went to live at Ourne, Sarthe with his new wife. He died in 1857 and he was buried in the grave of his father and his brother Godefroy at Montmartre Cemetery in Paris.

• Father: Cavaignac, Jean Baptiste
• Brother: Cavaignac, Godefroy

Related persons
• was successor of Arago, François
• was opponent of Napoleon III Bonaparte

21/9/1848Louis Napoleon Bonaparte is elected again into the National Assembly. The candicated of the dictator Cavaignac were the favourites for the eleven seats, but in Paris they were swept away by Louis Napoloeon. Louis obtained 111,752 votes, Achille Fould 78,891 votes and Raspail 66,693 votes. After his election became known the National Guard sang the Bonaparte song 'Veillons au salut d'empire' and the people shouted 'Vive Napoléon! Vive L'empereur!'. After the news reached London, Louis Napoleon packed his bags and left for Paris. [Napoleon III Bonaparte]
26/9/1848Louis Napoleon Bonaparte takes his seat in the National Assembly. He was elected by five departments and had received 300,000 votes. He travelled from London to Paris, where he arrived on 24 September. There were rumours that he would be arrested, but dictator Cavaignac declared that Louis was allowed to take his seat. [Napoleon III Bonaparte]
3/11/1848Thouvet tries to stop Louis Napoleon Bonaparte as presidential candidate. He proposed to the National Assembly that members of the Bonaparte family should be excluded from the presidential elections that would take place in December. Cavaignac was of the opinion that this was no longer possible. It was already decided that a candidate should obtain the absolute majority of the voters and at least two million votes. Otherwise the president would be chosen by the National Assembly, where Louis Napoleon was less popular than with the people in France. [Napoleon III Bonaparte]
10/12/1848Louis Napoleon Bonaparte wins the presidential elections in France. He received 5,434,226 votes. The other votes: Cavaignac 1,448,107; Ledru Rollin 370,119; Raspail 36,900; Lamartine 17,190; Changarnier 4,790. [Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre Auguste][Napoleon III Bonaparte]
2/12/1851Coup d'État of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. 76 persons were arrested at night and brought to the prison at the Rue Mazas. Among them were Thiers, Cavaignac, Changarnier, Bedeau and Lamoricière. The army was positioned at strategic locations in Paris. Louis Napoleon was declared president for 10 years and in 1852 he would become emperor of France. [Napoleon III Bonaparte][Thiers, Adolphe]


The grave of Jean Baptiste Cavaignac, Godefroy Cavaignac and Eugène Louis Cavaignac at Montmartre Cimetière, Paris.
Picture by Androom (18 May 2005)


• Beyern, Bertrand, Guide des Cimetières en France, Le Cherche Midi Éditeur, Paris, 1994
• Vincent, Benjamin, Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, and Universal Information, Ward, Lock & Co, London, 1906
• Ridley, Jasper, Napoleon III and Eugénie, Constable, London, 1979
Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909
Louis-Eugène Cavaignac - Wikipedia (EN)

Cavaignac, Godefroy

Published: 03 Dec 2006
Last update: 18 Jan 2025