Piérat, Marie Thérèse |
BORN 12 Jun 1883, Paris, 9e - DIED 29 May 1934, Paris, 9 Place Melesherbes, 17e BIRTH NAME Panot, Marie CAUSE OF DEATH angina GRAVE LOCATION Paris: Cimetière de Montmartre, 20 Avenue Rachel (division 23, Avenue des Carrières, ligne 16, numéro 13) |
Marie Thérèse Piérat was the daughter of Alice Parnot (b.1862), who won second prize af the Conservatory in 1886. In 1900 she entered the Conservatory herself, where she won a First Prize for Comedy in 1901. She obtained an engagement at the Odéon theatre and she moved to the Comédie-Française late in 1902. In 1905 she became its 342th sociétaire. On 29/01/1906 she married the painter Lucien-Victor Guirand de Scevola and with him she lived at 91 avenue de Villiers. From her mother she inherited Montsauve castle in Sauveterre, where she and her husband received many artists and other persons of name. She died in 1934 in Paris. |
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Sources Marie-Thérèse Piérat - Wikipédia (FR) |