H Index to Biographies |
Haack, Käthe (1897-1986) - actor (3) Haas, Charles (1832-1902) - dandy (1) (12 Jan 2025) Haas, Joseph (1879-1960) - composer, music teacher (1) Haas, Leo (1901-1983) - painter (1) Haase, Friedrich (1825-1911) - actor, director, theatre manager (1) Haase, Hugo (1863-1919) - social democrat (1) Habe, Hans (1911-1977) - writer, journalist (1) Habicht, Julius (1874-1912) - architect (1) Hachette, Louis (1800-1864) - publisher (1) (31 Jan 2025) Hacker, Arthur (1858-1919) - painter (1) Hacker, Edward (1812-1905) - engraver (1) Haden, Francis Seymour (1818-1910) - surgeon, etcher, collector (1) Haeussermann, Ernst (1916-1984) - theatre manager, director, film producer (1) Hagel, Richard (1872-1941) - conductor, violinist (1) Hagen von Hagenfels, Erhard Christian (1786-1868) - lawyer, mayor (2) Hagen, Hertha von (1876-1962) - actor (2) Hagn, Charlotte von (1809-1891) - actor, royal mistress (1) Hahn-Hahn, Ida (1805-1880) - author (2) Hahn-Paula, Manuela (Rabe Perplexum) (1956-1996) - performance artist, painter (1) Haibel-Weber, Sophie (1763-1846) - singer (2) Haid, Liane (1895-2000) - actor, dancer (4) Haider, Karl (1846-1912) - painter (1) Haizinger, Amalie (1800-1884) - actor (1) Halbig, Johann von (1814-1882) - sculptor (1) Halévy, Daniel (1872-1962) - historian (1) (24 Nov 2024) Halévy, Fromental (1799-1862) - composer (1) Halévy, Léon (1802-1883) - civil servant, historian, dramatist (1) Halévy, Ludovic (1834-1908) - author, playwright (1) Hall, Radclyffe (1880-1943) - novelist, poet (2) Hallé, Charles (1819-1895) - pianist, conductor (1) Hallenstein, Konrad Adolf (1835-1892) - actor (1) Haller, Johann Nepomuk (1792-1826) - sculptor (1) Halligner, Marie-Julie (1786-1850) - opera singer (1) (22 Mar 2025) Halperin-Ginsburg, Helene (1883-1922) - author (2) Halt, Marie Robert (1849-1906) - author (1) Halt, Robert (1828-1896) - novelist, journalist, communard (1) Hamann, Brigitte (1940-2016) - historian, biographer (1) Hamann, Johann Georg (1730-1788) - philosopher, theologian (2) Hamilton Schuyler, Elizabeth (1757-1854) - well-doer (1) Hamilton, Alexander (1757-1804) - politician, lawyer (2) Hamilton, Emma (1765-1815) - model, dancer, actor (2) (07 Mar 2025) Hamilton, William (1730-1803) - diplomat, archeologist Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph, Freiherr von (1774-1856) - orientalist, diplomat (1) Hanak, Anton (1875-1934) - sculptor (1) Hanau, Gertrude Falkenstein, von (1803-1882) - nobleman (2) Hanfstaengl, Edgar (1883-1958) - publisher (1) Hanfstaengl, Franz Seraph von (1804-1877) - lithographer, photographer, art dealer (1) (01 Dec 2024) Hanka, Václav (1791-1861) - literary man (1) Hanke, Helene (1895-1968) - ballet dancer (1) Hansen, Theofil Eduard, Freiherr von (1813-1891) - architect (1) Hanská, Ewelina (1804-1882) - nobleman, patron (1) Hanslick, Eduard (1825-1904) - music critic (1) (01 Jan 2025) Hanussen, Erik Jan (1889-1933) - clairvoyant (1) Happel, Carl (1819-1914) - painter (1) Harbou, Thea von (1888-1954) - writer, actor (2) Hardcastle, Joseph (1752-1819) - merchant (1) Harden, Maximilian (1861-1927) - writer, journalist (1) Harding, Gilbert Charles (1907-1960) - television personality (1) Harding, James Duffield (1798-1863) - painter, art teacher Hardy, Dudley (1867-1922) - painter, cartoonist, illustrator (2) Hare, Augustus William (1792-1834) - clergyman (1) Harell, Marte (1907-1996) - actor (7) Harkort, Gustav (1795-1865) - businessman, banker, railway pioneer (1) Harlan, Veit (1899-1964) - director (2) Harley, Jane, Countess of Oxford and Countess Mortimer (1774-1824) - nobleman Hart, Joseph (1712-1768) - minister, composer (1) Hartl, Karl (1899-1978) - director, actor (2) Hartmann, Ernst (1844-1911) - actor, director (2) Hartmann, Karl Amadeus (1905-1963) - composer (1) Hartmann, Otto (1904-1994) - actor (1) Hartmann-Schneeberger, Helene (1845-1898) - actor (2) Hartung, Gustav (1887-1946) - director, actor, theatre manager (1) Harvey, Lilian (1907-1968) - actor (3) Haryett, Martin Constantin, comte de Béchevêt (1842-1907) - nobleman (1) Hase, Carl von (1800-1890) - theologist, church historian (1) Hasenauer, Carl, Freiherr von (1833-1894) - architect (1) Hasenclever, Walter (1890-1940) - poet, writer Haskil, Clara (1895-1960) - pianist (1) Hasse, Clemens (1908-1959) - actor (1) Hasse, Hannjo (1921-1983) - actor (1) Hassel, Katharina (1837-1905) - actor (1) Hassel, Romanus (1822-1897) - actor (1) Hasslinger-Hassingen, Johann von (1822-1898) - composer, organist, ministerial council (1) Hastir, Marcel (1906-2011) - painter (2) Hauff, Angelika (1922-1983) - actor (2) Hauptmann, Elisabeth (1897-1973) - author (1) Hauptmann, Ivo (1886-1973) - painter (1) Hauser, Otto (1874-1932) - archaeologist (1) (17 Jan 2025) Haussmann, Georges Eugène, Baron (1809-1891) - architect, civic planner (1) Hautpoul, Alphonse Henri, comte d' (1789-1865) - statesman (1) Haüy, Valentin (1745-1822) - scientist (1) Havel, Trude (1898-1985) - actor (1) Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809) - composer (4) Haydn, Michael (1737-1806) - composer, organist (2) Haydon, Benjamin (1786-1846) - painter (1) Hayek, Hans von (1869-1940) - painter (2) Hayes, Helen (1900-1993) - actor (2) Hayes, Patricia (1908-1998) - actor (1) (01 Jan 2025) Hayes-Bushnell, Catherine (1818-1861) - opera singer (1) Hayez, Francesco (1791-1882) - painter (7) Hayman, Georgina (1829-1910) - (1) (21 Dec 2024) Haymerle, Friedrich von (1881-1969) - industrialist, composer (1) Haynau, Julius Jacob, Freiherr von (1786-1853) - soldier (1) Hays, Mary (1759-1843) - novelist, writer of essays, letter writer, feminist (3) Hazon, Rita (1892-1967) - harpist (1) Házy, Erzsébet (1929-1982) - opera singer, actor (1) Heartfield, John (1891-1968) - photographer, scenery builder (1) Heath, Edward (1916-2005) - statesman (2) Hebbel, Friedrich (1813-1863) - playwright (2) (22 Dec 2024) Hébuterne, Jeanne (1898-1920) - painter, painter's model (2) Hecht, Ben (1894-1964) - screenwriter, novelist (2) Hecht, Jenny (1943-1971) - actor (1) Heck, Heinz (1894-1982) - biologist, zoo director (1) Heck, Lutz (1892-1983) - zoologist, author, zoo director (1) Hecker, Max Franz Emil (1870-1948) - philologist, archivarian (1) Heese, Clara (1861-1921) - actor (1) Heesters, Johannes (1903-2011) - actor, singer (3) Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831) - philosopher (1) Hegele, Max (1873-1945) - architect (1) Heidecke, Christian (1837-1925) - architect (1) Heigel, Franz Napoleon (1813-1888) - painter (1) Heilbron, Marie, vicomtesse de la Panouse (1851-1886) - opera singer (2) Heimbs, Carl (1878-1972) - merchant (1) Heine, Anselma (1855-1930) - author (1) Heine, Eduard (1821-1881) - mathematician (1) Heine, Heinrich (1797-1856) - writer, poet (5) Heisenberg, Werner (1901-1976) - physicist (1) Heisler, Elfriede (1885-1919) - actor (1) Heldy, Fanny (1888-1973) - opera singer (1) Hell, Maximilian (1720-1792) - astronomer, priest (1) Hellberg, Ruth (1906-2001) - actor (2) Hellmesberger, Georg (junior) (1830-1852) - composer, violinist (1) Hellmesberger, Josef (senior) (1828-1893) - musical director, violinist, composer, conductor (1) Helm, Brigitte (1906-1996) - actor (2) Helvétius, Anne-Catherine (1722-1800) - salonière, author (2) Hem, Louise de (1866-1922) - painter (4) Hempel, Frieda (1885-1955) - soprano (2) Hempel-Soos, Karin (1939-2009) - author (1) Henckel von Donnersmarck, Eleonore Maximiliane Gräfin von (1756-1843) - steward (1) Henderson, John (1812-1858) - architect, building contractor, philanthropist (1) Henley, William Ernest (1849-1903) - poet (1) Henner, Jean-Jacques (1829-1905) - painter (1) Hennings, Emmy (1885-1948) - author, cabaret artist, poet (1) Henri, Duke of Bordeaux and Count of Chambord (1820-1883) - nobleman (1) Henrietta, princess of Bourbon-Parma (1903-1987) - nobleman (1) Henriot, Jane (1878-1900) - actor (2) Henry the Young King (1155-1183) - monarch (1) Hepworth, Barbara (1905-1975) - sculptor (1) Herapath, William (1796-1868) - chemist, toxicologist, social reformer (1) Herbart, Johann Friedrich (1776-1841) - philosopher, psychologist, pedagogue (1) Herder, Bartholomä (1774-1839) - bookseller (1) Herdman, Robert (1829-1888) - painter (05 Dec 2024) Hergé (1907-1983) - comic artist (1) Hermann, Dagmar (1918-1997) - opera singer (1) Herriot, Édouard (1872-1957) - politician, writer, mayor (1) Herrmann, Josef (1903-1955) - opera singer (1) Hersch, Jeanne (1910-2000) - philosopher, author (1) Herschel, Caroline (1750-1848) - astronomer, singer, mathematician (1) Hersent, Louis (1777-1860) - painter, printmaker (2) Hersent, Louise (1784-1862) - painter (2) Herter, Ernst (1846-1917) - sculptor (1) Hertwig, Richard von (1850-1937) - zoologist (1) Hertz, Gustav (1887-1975) - physicist (1) Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf (1857-1894) - physicist (1) Hertz, Henriette (1846-1913) - art historian (1) Herz, Henriette (1764-1847) - society personality (1) Herzen, Aleksandr Ivanovitsj (1812-1870) - author (2) Herzogenberg, Heinrich von (1843-1900) - composer (1) Hess, Anton (1838-1909) - sculptor, art collector (1) Hess, Heinrich Maria von (1798-1863) - painter (1) Hess, Karl-Heinz (1930-1995) - actor (1) Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962) - writer (2) Hesse, Ninon (1895-1966) - art historian (1) (09 Dec 2024) Hessel, Phoebe (1713-1821) - soldier, local celebrity (1) Hetsey, Alice (1875-1939) - actor (1) Heuser, Loni (1908-1999) - actor (1) Heussner, Amélie (1862-1938) - actor, opera singer, composer (1) Hewitt, Peter Cooper (1861-1921) - electrical engineer, inventor (2) Hey, Peter (1914-1994) - actor, cabaret artist (1) Heyblom, Alex (1832-1893) - composer, pianist, music teacher (1) Hey'l, Ferdinand (1830-1897) - actor, journalist (1) Heyne, Christian Gottlob (1729-1812) - archaeologist, classical scholar (1) Heyse, Paul (1830-1914) - writer (1) Hiebel, Henny (La Jana) (1905-1940) - actor, dancer (3) Hielscher, Margot (1919-2017) - actor, singer, costume designer (5) Highsmith, Patricia (1921-1995) - novelist, short story writer (2) Hilbert, David (1862-1943) - mathematician (1) Hildebrand, Bruno (1812-1878) - economist, statistician (1) Hildebrand, Hilde (1897-1976) - actor (3) Hill, Amelia Robertson (1821-1904) - sculptor (1) Hill, David Octavius (1802-1870) - painter, photographer (1) Hill, Emma (1829-1890) - model (2) Hillebrand, Karl Arnold (1829-1884) - man of letters (1) Hiller, Ferdinand (1811-1885) - pianist, composer, conductor (1) Hills, Stella (1869-1897) - (1) Hilpert, Heinz (1890-1967) - director, actor (1) Hinz, Werner (1903-1985) - actor (2) Hiob, Hanne (1923-2009) - actor (1) Hippler, Fritz (1909-2002) - director (1) Hirsch, Rudolf (1907-1998) - author (2) Hirschvogel, Veit (1461-1525) - glass painter (1) Hirth, Albert (1858-1935) - engineer, inventor, businessman (2) Hirth, Hellmuth (1886-1938) - aircraft engine designer, aviation pioneer (2) Hirth, Wolf (1900-1959) - engineer, aviation pioneer (2) Hitchener, Elizabeth (1782-1822) - teacher, poet Hitler, Alois (1837-1903) - civil servant (1) Hittorff, Jacques Ignace (1792-1867) - architect (1) Hlavacek, Anton (1842-1926) - landscape painter (1) Hobhouse, John Cam, Lord Broughton (1786-1869) - statesman (1) Hocheder, Franz von Paula (1783-1844) - philologist, author (1) Höchl, Anton (1820-1897) - factory owner, architecture painter (1) Höchl, Josef (1777-1838) - builder (1) Hodler, Ferdinand (1853-1918) - painter (3) Hofer, Andreas (1767-1810) - rebel leader (1) Hofer, Johanna (1896-1988) - actor (1) Hoff, Jacobus Henricus van 't (1852-1911) - chemist (1) Hoffman, Henriette (1913-1992) - author (1) Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus (1776-1822) - poet, writer, composer, musician, graphical artist (3) Hoffmann, Heinrich (1885-1957) - photographer (2) Hoffmann, Ingeborg (1921-1985) - actor (1) Hoffmann, Josef (1870-1956) - designer, architect (1) Hoffmann, Philipp (1806-1889) - architect, builder (1) Hoffnaass, Franziska von (1832-1892) - poet, raconteur, translator (1) Hofi, Géza (1936-2002) - actor, comedian (1) (17 Jan 2025) Höflich, Lucie (1883-1956) - actor (1) Hofmann, Albert (1818-1880) - publisher, theatre manager (1) Hofmannsthal, Hugo von (1874-1929) - dramatist, lyrical poet (2) Hofner, Otto (1879-1946) - sculptor (2) Hogarth, Catherine (1815-1879) - none (2) Hogarth, George (1783-1870) - newspaper editor, lawyer, music critic, musicologist (1) Hogarth, Georgina (1827-1917) - housekeeper, organiser (1) Hogarth, Georgina (1793-1863) - (1) Hogarth, Mary Scott (1819-1837) - (1) Hogarth, William (1697-1764) - painter, graphical artist (4) Hogendorp, Carel, Graaf van (1788-1856) - colonial governor (1) Hogendorp, Gijsbert Karel van (1762-1834) - statesman (1) Hogg, Prudentia Sarah (1836-1897) - (1) Hogg, Thomas Jefferson (1792-1862) - lawyer, biographer (1) Hohenberger, Franz (1867-1941) - painter (1) Hohenfels-Berger, Stella, Freifrau von (1857-1920) - actor (1) Hohenlohe-Bartenstein, Sophie, Prinzessin zu (1758-1836) - nobleman (2) Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Feodora Victoria zu (1839-1872) - prince (1) Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Gustav Adolf, Prinz zu (1823-1896) - nobleman, cardinal (1) Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) - graphical artist, architect (2) Höhn, Carola (1910-2005) - actor (9) Holberry, Samuel (1814-1842) - chartist (1) Holden, Isaac (1807-1897) - inventor, manufacturer (1) Hölderlin, Friedrich (1770-1843) - poet, writer (1) Holdsworth, Annie E. (1860-1917) - author (1) Holl, Elias (1573-1646) - architect (1) Holl, Francis (1815-1884) - engraver (1) Holl, Frank (1845-1888) - painter (1) Holl, Gussy (1888-1966) - actor, singer (1) Hollaender, Felix (1867-1931) - writer, critic, director (1) Holland, Saba, Lady (1802-1866) - biographer (1) Holländer, Friedrich (1896-1976) - composer (1) Hollatz, Dorothea (1900-1987) - author (1) Holliday, Judy (1922-1965) - actor (1) Holm, Christian (1804-1846) - painter (1) Holm, Claus (1918-1996) - actor (2) Holm, Dary (1897-1960) - actor (4) Holmès, Augusta (1847-1903) - composer (1) Holst, Maria (1917-1980) - actor (10) Holt, Hans (1909-2001) - actor (3) Hölty, Ludwig Christoph Heinrich (1748-1776) - poet (2) Holyoake, George (1817-1906) - social reformer, educationalist, secularist (1) Holz, Arno (1863-1929) - poet, playwright, critic (1) Hölzel, Adolf (1853-1934) - painter (1) Holzmeister, Judith (1920-2008) - actor (1) Holzschuh, Lizzi (1908-1979) - actor, singer (2) Home, Daniel Dunglas (1833-1886) - spiritualist (2) Honegger, Arthur (1892-1955) - composer (1) Höngen, Elisabeth (1906-1997) - opera singer (1) Hood, Thomas (1799-1845) - poet, humorist, journalist (1) Hopfgarten, Emil Alexander (1821-1856) - sculptor (1) Hoppe, Marianne (1909-2002) - actor (7) Hopper, Edward (1882-1967) - painter (2) Hörbiger, Attila (1896-1987) - actor (2) Horn, Camilla (1903-1996) - actor (24) Horn, Heinrich Wilhelm von (1762-1829) - officer (1) Horney, Brigitte (1911-1988) - actor (10) Horta, Victor (1861-1947) - architect, decorative artist (2) Horváth, Ödön von (1901-1938) - playwright (1) Hosken, James (1798-1885) - naval officer (1) Houdetot, Sophie de la Live de Bellegarde, comtesse de (1730-1813) - nobleman (1) Houdini, Harry (1874-1926) - illusionist (2) Hourlier, Louis (1847-1920) - architect (1) Houston, John Adam (1802-1884) - painter (1) Howard, Harriet, Comtesse de Beauregard (1823-1865) - mistress (2) (01 Mar 2025) Howe, Elias (1819-1867) - inventor (2) Huber, Kurt (1893-1943) - musicologist (1) Hübner, Alexander, Graf von (1811-1892) - diplomat, man of letters (1) Hübnerová, Marie (1866-1931) - actor (1) Hubscher, Catherine (Madama Sans-Gêne) (1753-1835) - ironer (1) Huch, Ricarda (1864-1947) - historian, poet (2) Huet, Paul (1803-1869) - painter (1) Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm (1762-1836) - physician (1) Hughes, Arthur (1832-1915) - painter (4) Hulin, Pierre-Augustin (1758-1841) - general (1) Hulst, W.G. van der (1879-1963) - author (2) Humbert de Superville, David (1770-1849) - painter, lithographer, etcher, author (1) Hume, David (1711-1776) - philosopher (2) (04 Jan 2025) Hummel, Carl (1821-1907) - painter, etcher (1) Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (1778-1837) - composer, pianist (2) Humperdinck, Engelbert (1854-1921) - composer (1) Hunt, Alfred William (1830-1896) - painter (2) Hunt, Leigh (1784-1859) - poet, journalist (3) Hunt, Thornton Leigh (1810-1873) - newspaper editor (1) Hunt, Violet (1862-1942) - novelist (2) Hunt, William Holman (1827-1910) - painter (1) Huschke, Wilhelm Ernst Christian (1760-1828) - physician, councillor (1) Huskisson, William (1770-1830) - statesman (1) Hussa-Greve, Maria (1893-1980) - opera singer (1) Hutschnecker, Arnold (1898-2000) - psychiatrist, psychotherapist (1) Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963) - author, philosopher (2) Huxley, Leonard (1860-1933) - author, editor, schoolteacher (2) Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-1895) - biologist (1) Huysmans, Joris Karl (1848-1907) - author (1) Hyrtl, Auguste (1818-1901) - author (1) Hyrtl, Joseph (1810-1894) - anatomist (1) (320 entries) |