Hauser, Otto

BORN 12 Apr 1874, Wädenswil, Zürich - DIED 19 Jun 1932, Berlin
GRAVE LOCATION Berlin: Städtischer Friedhof Wilmersdorf, Berliner Straße 81-103 (C2-UW-20 (Ehrengrab))

Otto Hauser was interested in archaeology from an early age. In 1897 he started working in Vindonissa but in 1898 he was forced to end his activities there. After several smaller projects in France he relocated to the Dordogne in 1906. There he found an early male skeleton in 1909 near Combe Capelle. To finance his work he sold most of the objects he found to German universities, causing the French to regard him as a traitor.

At the outbreak of the First World War he fled from France, leaving all his scientifical material behind. All his posesseions were confiscated by the French state and this was affirmed in 1921. The loss of his material forced him to earn a living by writing popular scientifical books. They became very popular in Germany and sold well.

Work: "Der Mensch vor 100,000 Jahren" (1917); "Ins Paradies des Urmenschen" (1922).


The grave of Otto Hauser at the Städtischer Friedhof Wilmersdorf, Berlin.
Picture by Androom (26 Jan 2008)


• Mende, Hans-Jürgen, Lexicon Berliner Grabstätten, Haude & Spener, 2006

Haussmann, Georges Eugène, Baron

Published: 11 Jan 2013
Last update: 16 Jan 2025