Hirschvogel, Veit

BORN 1461, Nürnberg, Bayern - DIED 24 Dec 1525, Nürnberg, Bayern
GRAVE LOCATION Nürnberg, Bayern: Sankt-Johannis Friedhof (I, 0903)

Also known as Veit Hirsvogel. He was the son of the glass painter Heinz Hirschvogel. He had a studio in Nürnberg during the beginning of the sixteenth century and collaborated with Albrecht Dürer, with whom he created windows for the St. Sebald Kirche in Bamberg as well as the Moses windows at the St. Jakob Basilika in Straubing. Around 1510 Hirschvogel executed four windows for the Lorenzkirche in Coburg.

He had five sons and his son Augustin (1503-1553) continued his studio. When the reformation damaged the market for church windows Augustin went to Vienna where he and his son Sebald (1517-1589) continued their business.

In 2001 the Hirsvogelsaal at the museum Tucherschloss in Nürnberg was reopened.

Related persons
• cooperated with Dürer, Albrecht


The grave of Veit Hirschvogel at the Sankt-Johannis Friedhof, Nürnberg.
Picture by Androom (11 Aug 1998)


Veit Hirschvogel - Wikipedia (DE)

Hirth, Albert

Published: 26 Dec 2008
Last update: 05 Mar 2024