Hagen von Hagenfels, Erhard Christian

BORN 17 Jul 1786, Bayreuth, Bayern - DIED 28 Oct 1868, Bayreuth, Bayern
BIRTH NAME Hagen, Edhard Christian
GRAVE LOCATION Bayreuth, Bayern: Stadtfriedhof, Erlangler Strasse (Grufthaus 53)

Erhard Christian came from an old family from Bayreuth. He studied law and cameralism in Erlangen and Halle. He became a member of the Corps Baruthia in 1805. In 1810 Ansbach-Bayreuth was sold by Prussia to the Kingdom of Bavaria and in 1811 he was appointed as a lawyer the court of appeal. In 1815 he joined Gottlieb Keim's law firm. After reforms in Bavaria in 1818, Heinrich Seggel was elected by the City Council of Bayreuth as its first mayor. Seggel declined because of the low salary. After that, Hagen accepted the position, but his political talent and his effectiveness was limited. He opposed a trade association until he was overruled and against its wishes Bayreuth was not connected to the Ludwig North-South Railway when it was laid out between 1843 and 1854.

In 1837 Hagen was knighted by Ludwig I and he took the name Hagen von Hagenfels. He became a member of the state parliament of Bavaria. When he remained loyal to the King during the Revolution of 1848 and refused to sign a petition he was forced to resign as mayor of Bayreuth. After this he retired. He died in 1868 in Bayreuth.


The mausoleum of Erhard Hagen von Hagenfels at the Stadtfriedhof, Bayreuth.
Picture by Androom (24 Aug 2014)


The mausoleum of Erhard Hagen von Hagenfels at the Stadtfriedhof, Bayreuth.
Picture by Androom (24 Aug 2014)


Erhard Hagen von Hagenfels - Wikipedia (DE)

Hagen, Hertha von

Published: 04 May 2024
Last update: 04 May 2024