Hilpert, Heinz

BORN 1 Mar 1890, Berlin - DIED 25 Nov 1967, Göttingen, Niedersachsen
GRAVE LOCATION Göttingen, Niedersachsen: Stadtfriedhof, Kasseler Landstrasse

Heinz Hilpert was educated as a teacher before he studied philosophy and art history in Berlin. In 1919 he started his acting career at the Volksbühne in Berlin. He met Carl Zuckmayer and frequently staged Zuckmayer's work. In 1926 Max Reinhardt engaged him at the Deutschen Theater. There he staged "Der Hauptmann von Köpenick" on 5 March 1931. In 1934 Max Reinhardt went into exile and Hilpert succeeded him as the director of the Deutschen Theater. He held this position until the closure of the theatres on 1 September 1944. From 1938 to 1945 he was also the direcotr of the Theater in der Josefstadt in Vienna.

After the war he had difficulties in resuming his career and he lived in Zürich for a while. He also worked in Vienna and Salzburg and in 1947 for one season in Frankfurt am Main. In 1950 he became the director of the theatre in Göttingen. Here he worked until 1966. In 1955 he became a member of the Academy of Arts in Berlin. In 1965 he married the actress Ursula Müller. He died in 1967 in Göttingen.

Related persons
• cooperated with Breuer, Siegfried
• worked for Reinhardt, Max

5/3/1931Premiere of Zuckmayer's "Der Hauptmann von Köpenick" in Berlin. The satirical play was written by Carl Zuckmayer's and staged by Heinz Hilpert at the Deutschen Theater. Werner Krauss acted the title part. [Krauss, Werner]
14/12/1946Premiere of Zuckmayer's "Des Teufels General" in Zürich. It was directed by Heinz Hilpert and the main character was based on Ernst Udet. The performance took place at the Schauspielhaus in Zürich. Gustav Knuth played the main part General Harris and Robert Bichler was Lieutenant Hartmann. Zuckmayer had finished the play in July 1945 in Barnard and dedicated it to his friends Theodor Haubach, Wilhelm Leuschner and Helmuth von Moltke who were all executed by the nazis. [Leuschner, Wilhelm][Udet, Ernst]


The grave of Hein Hilpert at the Stadtfriedhof, Göttingen.
Picture by Androom (25 Aug 2017)


• Aubert, Joachim, Handbuch der Grabstätten berühmter Deutscher, Österreicher und Schweizer, Deutscher Kunstverlag, München, 1975
Heinz Hilpert - Wikipedia
Der Hauptmann von Köpenick (Zuckmayer) - Wikipedia
Des Teufels General (Drama) - Wikipedia

Hinz, Werner

Published: 06 Apr 2019
Last update: 06 Apr 2019