K Index to Biographies |
Kádár, János (1912-1989) - statesman, politician (1) Kadelburg, Gustav (1851-1925) - actor, dramatist (1) Kaehlbrandt, Elisabetta (1880-1970) - painter (1) Kafka, Franz (1883-1924) - writer (1) Kainz, Josef (1858-1910) - actor (1) Kaizl, Therese (1871-1947) - actor (2) (23 Dec 2024) Kalb, Charlotte von (1761-1843) - author (1) Kalkbrenner, Friedrich Wilhelm (1785-1849) - pianist, composer, piano teacher, piano manufacturer (2) Kalkschmidt, Eugen (1874-1962) - author, actor (1) Kallina, Anna (1874-1948) - actor (1) Kallina, Elisabeth (1910-2004) - actor (1) Kalmar, Annie (1877-1901) - actor (1) Kalous, Gret (1892-1975) - fashion designer (1) Kalous, Josef (der Jüngere) (1887-1974) - painter (1) Kalwoda, Karl (1896-1951) - actor (1) Kamann, Karl (1899-1959) - opera singer (2) Kanne, Anna Katharina (1746-1810) - (1) Karády, Katalin (1910-1990) - actor (1) Karajan, Herbert von (1908-1989) - conductor (3) Karas, Anton (1906-1985) - zither player, composer (1) Karczag, Lilly (1901-1981) - costume designer (1) Karczag, Wilhelm (1857-1923) - theatre director, journalist, dramatist (1) Kardec, Allan (1804-1869) - spiritualist, philosopher, educator (1) (30 Nov 2024) Karl, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Teschen (1771-1847) - nobleman, soldier (2) Karlweiss, Oskar (1894-1956) - actor (2) Károlyi, Mihály (1875-1955) - statesman (1) Karsten, Sophie Hedvig (1783-1862) - ballerina, painter (2) Kartousch, Louise (1886-1964) - actor (1) Kästner, Abraham Gotthelf (1719-1800) - mathematician, poet (1) Kästner, Erich (1899-1974) - writer, poet, publisher (1) Kastner, Léonie (1820-1888) - (1) Katt, Geraldine (1920-1995) - actor (2) Kauffmann, Angelica (1741-1807) - painter, etcher (5) Kauffmann, Ernst Friedrich (1803-1856) - mathematician, lyricist (1) Kaufmann, Isidor (1853-1921) - painter (1) Kaufmann, Karl (1900-1969) - politician, gauleiter (1) Kaulbach, Friedrich (1822-1903) - painter (2) Kaulbach, Friedrich August von (1850-1920) - painter (3) Kaulbach, Hermann von (1846-1909) - painter (1) Kaulbach, Wilhelm von (1805-1874) - painter (1) Kaupert, Gustav (1819-1897) - sculptor (1) Käutner, Helmut (1908-1980) - director, actor, cabaret artist (1) Kaye, Danny (1911-1987) - actor, comedian (1) Kayssler, Friedrich (1874-1945) - actor, theatre director, author, composer (3) Keats, John (1795-1821) - poet (5) Keene, Laura (1826-1873) - actor, theatre manager (2) (24 Nov 2024) Kehrer, Karl (1849-1924) - general (2) Keil, Carl (1838-1889) - architect, sculptor (1) Keilberth, Joseph (1908-1968) - conductor (1) Kekulé von Stradonitz, Friedrich August (1829-1896) - chemist (1) Kéler, Béla (1820-1882) - composer, conductor (1) Keller, Gottfried (1819-1890) - writer, poet (1) Keller, Greta (1903-1977) - cabaret singer, actor (1) Kellermann, François Christophe de, 1st Duke of Valmy (1735-1820) - marshal (2) Kellermann, François Christophe Edmond de, 3rd Duke of Valmy (1802-1868) - diplomat, politician, political historian (1) Kellermann, François Étienne de, 2nd Duke of Valmy (1770-1835) - general (1) Kelly, Grace (1929-1982) - actor (1) Kelly-Leibovici, Margaret (Miss Bluebell) (1910-2004) - dancer (1) Kemble, Adelaide (1815-1879) - singer, writer (2) Kemble, Charles (1775-1854) - actor, theatre manager (1) Kemble, Fanny (1809-1893) - actor, poet (1) Kemble, John Mitchell (1807-1857) - scholar, historian (1) Kemp, Paul (1896-1953) - actor, comedian (2) Kemp, Stephen (1849-1918) - pianist, piano teacher, composer, music editor (1) Kempner, Robert W. (1899-1993) - lawyer (1) Kendall, Kay (1927-1959) - actor, comedian (1) Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630) - astronomer, mathematician, astrologer (4) Keppel, Alice (1869-1947) - royal mistress (2) Kerber, Erwin (1891-1943) - theatre manager, director (1) Kerenski, Alexander (1881-1970) - statesman, politician (1) Kerkovius, Ida (1879-1970) - painter (1) Kern, Adele (1901-1980) - operetta singer, actor (1) Kern, Hermann von (1838-1912) - painter (1) Kerpen, Wilhelm, Freiherr von (1741-1823) - general (1) Kerr, Alfred (1867-1948) - drama critic, publicist (2) Kessler, Harry, Graf (1868-1937) - art collector, pacifist, diplomat (2) Kestner, August (1777-1853) - lawyer, diplomat, archaeologist, art collector (1) Kestner, Georg (1774-1867) - civil servant, banker, art collector (1) Kestner, Georg (1805-1892) - archivarian, art collector, private scholar (1) Kestner, Hermann (1810-1890) - lawyer, museum founder, composer (1) Kestner, Theodor (1779-1847) - physician (1) Kestner-Buff, Charlotte (1753-1828) - (1) Kets, Jacques (1785-1865) - zoologist (2) Khnopff, Fernand (1858-1921) - painter, sculptor, graphical artist, theorist (3) Khoklova, Olga (1891-1954) - dancer (2) Kielmansegge, Auguste Charlotte, Gräfin von (1777-1863) - nobleman (1) Kiepenheuer, Gustav (1880-1949) - publisher (1) Kiesow, Doris (1902-1973) - actor (1) Kindt, Mathilde (1833-1886) - man of letters (1) (25 Feb 2025) King, Margaret, Lady Mount Cashell (1773-1835) - author, traveller, medical adviser (2) Kinkel, Johanna (1810-1858) - composer, pianist, poet, author, music teacher (1) Kinnear, Roy (1934-1988) - actor (1) Kirk, Thomas (1781-1845) - sculptor (1) Kirkpatrick, Maria Manuela, countess of Montijo (1794-1879) - nobleman (2) Kiss, August (1802-1865) - sculptor (3) Kissling, Richard (1848-1919) - sculptor, medalist (1) Kittel, Carl (1874-1945) - conductor, composer, caricaturist (1) Kittler, Erasmus (1852-1929) - physician, electrical engineer (1) Klafsky, Katharina (1855-1896) - soprano (1) Klapka, György (1820-1892) - soldier (1) Kleber, Jean Baptiste (1753-1800) - soldier (1) Kleist, Heinrich von (1777-1811) - poet (3) Klenze, Clemens August Carl (1795-1838) - lawyer, politician (1) Klenze, Leo von (1784-1864) - architect, painter, writer (1) Klesheim, Anton, Baron (1812-1884) - poet, actor (1) Klicpera, Váceslav Kliment (1792-1859) - playwright, politician (1) Klika, Frantisek (1896-1956) - actor, screenwriter, director (1) Klimt, Ernst (1864-1892) - painter (1) Klimt, Gustav (1862-1918) - painter (12) Klindworth, Karl (1830-1916) - conductor, composer, violinist, piano teacher (2) Klinger, Max (1857-1920) - painter, graphical artist, sculptor (9) Klinger, Paul (1907-1971) - actor (4) Klinkowström, Friedrich August von (1778-1835) - officer, painter, educator (1) Klitsch, Wilhelm (1882-1941) - actor, director (1) Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb (1724-1803) - writer, poet (3) Klopstock, Margaretha (1728-1758) - author (2) Kloss, Sophie Louise (1852-1912) - painter (1) Klotz, Joseph (1785-1830) - scenery painter, lithographer (1) Klotz, Matthias (1653-1743) - violin maker (1) Kluck, Alexander von (1846-1934) - commander (2) Klumpke, Anna (1856-1942) - painter (1) Knappertsbusch, Hans (1888-1965) - conductor (1) (22 Dec 2024) Knauer, Friedrich Karl (1850-1926) - zoologist (1) Knebel, Karl Ludwig von (1744-1834) - poet (1) Knobelsdorff, Georg Wenzeslaus von (1699-1753) - architect (1) Knote, Heinrich (1870-1953) - opera singer (1) Knoteck, Hansi (1914-2014) - actor, singer, dancer (4) Knox, Robert (1791-1862) - anatomist, ethnologist (1) Knox, William (1789-1825) - poet (1) Kobell, Franz, Ritter von (1803-1882) - mineralogist, poet (1) Kobell, Wilhelm von (1766-1855) - painter, printmaker (1) Koberwein-Anschütz, Auguste (1819-1895) - actor (1) Koch, Joseph Anton (1768-1839) - painter (3) Koenig, Marie Pierre (1898-1970) - general, statesman (1) (13 Jan 2025) Koken, Edmund (1814-1872) - landscape painter (1) Kokoschka, Oskar (1886-1980) - painter, graphical artist, author (7) Kolb, Annette (1870-1967) - author, pacifist (1) Kolbe, Georg (1877-1947) - sculptor (4) Kolemine, Alexandrine de (1854-1941) - mistress (2) Kolisch, Ignaz (1837-1889) - chess player, banker (1) Kolisko, Alexander (1857-1918) - pathologist (2) Kolldehoff, Reinhard (1914-1995) - actor (2) Koller, Rudolf (1828-1905) - painter (1) Kollwitz, Käthe (1867-1945) - sculptor (1) Kolniak, Angela (1894-1964) - opera singer (1) Konen, Heinrich Mathias (1874-1948) - physicist (1) Konetzni, Anny (1902-1968) - opera singer (1) Konetzni, Hilde (1905-1980) - opera singer (1) Konradi, Inge (1924-2002) - actor (1) Konsalik, Heinz G. (1921-1999) - writer (1) Kopácsi-Karczag, Julie (1867-1957) - operetta singer (1) Kopisch, August (1799-1853) - poet, painter (1) Koppenhöfer, Maria (1901-1948) - actor (5) Korb, Irene (1923-1978) - actor (1) Körber, Hilde (1906-1969) - actor, theatre educator (6) Korn, Ilse (1907-1975) - author (1) Korn, Maximilian (1782-1854) - actor (1) Korn, Wilhelmine (1786-1843) - actor (1) Körner, Johann Christian Friedrich (1778-1847) - mechanician, teacher (1) Kortner, Fritz (1892-1970) - actor, director (1) Kosárek, Adolf (1830-1859) - painter (1) Kosáry, Emmi (1889-1964) - operetta singer (2) Köth-Dorn, Erika (1925-1989) - opera singer (2) Kotzebue, Alexander von (1815-1889) - painter (1) Kotzebue, August von (1761-1819) - playwright (1) Kowa, Victor de (1904-1973) - actor, director (3) Kraepelin, Emil (1856-1926) - psychiatrist (1) Krafft-Ebing, Richard, Freiherr von (1840-1902) - psychiatrist (1) Kramm, Charlotte (1900-1971) - actor (1) Kraus, Agnes (1911-1995) - actor (1) Kraus, August (1868-1934) - sculptor (1) Kraus, Karl (1874-1936) - literary man, editor, satirist (1) Krauss, Werner (1884-1959) - actor (1) Krebs-Brenning, Mary (1851-1900) - pianist (1) Krebs-Michalesi, Aloyse (1824-1904) - opera singer (1) Krempelhuber, Joseph von (1771-1827) - merchant (1) Krenn, Fritz (1887-1963) - opera singer (1) Kreutzer, Rodolphe (1766-1831) - composer, violinist (2) Kreysler, Dorit (1909-1999) - actor (2) Krieger, Arnold (1904-1965) - author (1) Kriehuber, Josef (1800-1876) - lithographer, painter (1) Kristel, Sylvia (1952-2012) - actor (1) Krolow, Karl (1915-1999) - poet (2) Krones, Therese (1801-1830) - actor (2) Krottendorf, Ida (1927-1998) - actor (1) Krüger, Doris (1913-1950) - actor (1) Kruijt, Emmy (1878-1963) - singer, pianist (1) Kucharsky, Alexander (1741-1819) - painter (1) Kückelmann, Gertrud (1929-1979) - actor (6) Kuehl, Gotthard (1850-1915) - painter (1) Kügelgen, Gerhard von (1772-1820) - painter (2) Kugler, Bernard (1837-1898) - historian (1) Kuhnert, Wilhelm (1865-1926) - painter (1) Kuliscioff, Anna (1855-1925) - revolutionary, feminist (1) Kümmel, Heinrich (1811-1855) - sculptor (1) Künneke, Eduard (1885-1953) - composer (1) Kunz, Alfred (1894-1961) - scenery designer, costume designer (2) Kunz, Konrad Max (1812-1875) - choir conductor, composer (1) Kupelwieser, Leopold (1796-1862) - painter (1) Kupka, Frantisek (1871-1957) - painter (1) Küppers, Albert (1842-1929) - sculptor (1) Kurz, Isolde (1853-1944) - writer (1) Kurz, Selma (1874-1933) - opera singer (1) Küsthardt, Edwin (1867-1901) - painter (1) Küstner, Karl Theodor von (1784-1864) - theatre manager (2) Kutschera, Rolf (1916-2012) - actor, theatre manager (1) Kutschera, Tilly (1890-1920) - actor (1) Kutschera, Viktor (1863-1933) - actor, director (1) Kynaston, Roger (1805-1874) - cricketer (1) (209 entries) |