Kestner, Georg

BORN 9 Jul 1805, Hannover, Niedersachsen - DIED 9 Feb 1892, Dresden, Sachsen
BIRTH NAME Kestner, Georg Wilhelm Eduard
GRAVE LOCATION Dresden, Sachsen: Alter Annenfriedhof, Chemnitzer Strasse 32

Georg Wilhelm Eduard Kestner was the son of the civil servant Georg Kestner. Charlotte Kestner-Buff was his grandmother. He studied in Göttingen and Heidelberg. After that he joined the civil service of the kingdom of Hanover. In 1839 he married Sophie Heydorn (1816-1892).

Kestner becmae a member of the Artists' Association in Hanover in 1851. After he retired he moved to Dresden in 1860, where he worked as a private scholar. He expanded his father's collection of autographs from the 18th and 19th century to 20,000 copies before he transferred it to the University of Leipzig in 1892. He died in the same year in Dresden and he was buried in the Alte Annenfriedhof in that city.

• Father: Kestner, Georg
• Brother: Kestner, Hermann


The grave of Georg Kestner at the Alter Annenfriedhof, Dresden.
Picture by Androom (06 Aug 2016)


Georg Kestner (Archivar - Wikipedia (DE)

Kestner, Georg

Published: 31 Jul 2023
Last update: 31 Jul 2023